Tree of Savior Forum

Low Rank Clasess fall off

And do you think people werent picking those for testing? Have you asked how these people feel for their choice? I did archer c3 scout c3 and i was seriously dissapointed, except for the Split Shot being nice. But now it seems Split Shot will be underpowered comparing to other class choices in archer tree so there is no reason to pick scout higher then c1 anymore.

Who knows? I thought Swordsman c3 is crap but turns out Restraint + Doppelā€™s whirlwind = spin2win in PvP (if you get stunned once youā€™re like to get hit by another stun before you recover) so thereā€™s probably reasons theyā€™re making such builds.

And some people do pick classes for role-play purpose.
This game doesnā€™t strictly requires the holy trinity (tank DPS healer) so if youā€™re too focused on ā€œMOAR DEEPSā€ mindset then youā€™ll misjudge things.

Even with scout it depends on what you were doing with it:, PVE,PVP, GVG, Towers?. Iā€™m surprised you took scout for the damage honestly.

Talking about low rank damage i think i just make a example on my pasta C3 build.

Orange Tama have like 2494 hp with plate armor.

1st str and dex stat not gonna work on High Guard.
But with High Guard + Umbo Blow combo and if i remember correct i level up Umbo blow Enhance to lv50~60.
( this weak attack spell just have 516 damage.)

The trick to active 255% overkill is use High Guard + Umbo Blow combo at the right moment .Use it went mob start to hit you with guard defend and most of the time you can hit 2~3 mob in group with overkill.

Sound like tricky is it ?
You just need know what is right to build at the right moment.

And can some body do some mathematics why it do over 6000 damage or it just a bug .__.? and this is ICBT2 testingā€¦
I can KO Orange Tama with just 1 or 2 hit only and gonna feel weird if it a bugā€¦

also count Critical Rate because i make some random stat with reset scroll

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Letā€™s say you have 150 attack after High Guardā€™s reduction and the monsterā€™s defense.

At 2494 HP youā€™ll need to do about 8800 damage to get 255% overkill (and around 7500 if from half HP)

So 516 + 150 = 666 base damage.

+100% from Umbo Blow stagger bonus on Plate.
+330% from High Guard attribute

50% more for Strike->Plate

50% more from Enhance

666 * 5.3 * 1.5 * 1.5 = 7942.05 before crit.

Just 666 attack O__o?

Thank for the info.

Split shot have base 600 on first hit but bounce from it hit 200% higher, making it awsome vs summoners or in group pvp, as well as good spell for grind. At least thats how it used to be in icbt, before they added some ridiculously high dmg on r7 classes and basically killed the purpose to pick c3 scout at r6 for damage sake. It used to be painful but rewarding route to go c3 archer c3 scout without Oblique shot (to not have spells that you wont use later on after you get split shot), but atm it seems like very bad build. Fletcher now got upgrades to dmg too, and its better choice overall, though still weaker then r7 ranks but far stronger choice for the r6 pick.

Yes scout was a dmg option, it no longer is. It got overshadowed.

What previously seemed to be a rewarding tough route without picking spells that help level up easily for the sake of the future build is no longer good. Heck it seems imc doesnt want us to build anymore and just want us to rush through the game with best class choice that all the cool kids will pick and say good bye after you get bored of being like everybody else.

Anyway f2p is in june but they already releasing game in 22th march, wich means they wont make any of the needed changes and scout will remain crap.

Nothing to do here then, time to search for different game. Not sure if i will come back here at june. Wish you all good luck with this game wich was one like a dream mmo but got killed with bad decisions from devs/designers team.

Exactly this. I didnā€™t bother explaining anymore though. I already posted a screenshot of how OP Scout is on bosses as long as thereā€™s a Pyro + Linker around WHICH is usually the case even outside parties like world bosses but now, whatā€™s the point of picking Scout when thereā€™s Fletcher who gives -75% def, 0s cooldown AOE with better aoe ratio and a 2500% damage skill with 5s cooldown w/o needing the help of a Pyrolinker.

Reference: One shot of Split Arrow bouncing to two Fireballs linked to the boss

P.S. Itā€™s really funny how "NON"creative people who canā€™t think outside the box say Scout is a dumb choice as DPS

Isnā€™t that a lv 200 vs a lv 94 boss?

Funny how the point completely went over your head. I guess majority of forumers are really like this.

Let me make it clear then. Itā€™s not about how a Lv200 fights a Lv94 boss. Itā€™s about showcasing the potential of Split Arrow.

Split Arrow is a 0 second cooldown skill that launches an arrow that splits into two more arrows that does x2 damage of the original.

This creates a very powerful synergy between a Scout and a Pyrolinker because you can link 2 fireballs to a boss. What the Split Arrow would do is once it hits the boss directly, the bouncing arrows jumps to the fireballs and since the fireballs is linked to the boss, it redirects the damage recieved onto the boss technically making Split Arrow do x5 of itā€™s original damage.

Right, Iā€™ve read the other posts and followed pretty easily. I didnā€™t comment on the other stuff because I wasnā€™t refuting anything. I addressed the level gap specifically because IMHO it was the only thing to refute because it was misrepresentative.

Ok, then showcase it in content that matters. That level gap is a HUGE increase in damage and sorta misrepresents the skill. If someone invests in scout for damage because he saw 3-5k bouncing hits, heā€™s in for a huge disappointment when he uses that in relevant content.

Itā€™s like the guy saying max lv [sacrament] is good because of a video showcasing the damage on dark mobs with a huge lv disadvantage.

Not disputing the other stuff.

Seriously? Youā€™re going to argue with that kind of logic?

It doesnā€™t matter if the level gap is huge or not, also, the damage is gear dependent and obviously, CBT2 did not have better gear options. So please stop being so dull about this.

You do not take a look at the damage dealt, you take a look at the potential of the skill. Let me give you more in-depth details then. I just really hope you can follow this.

Majority of skills have a 100% modifier by default. Modifiers takes from your base damage. As most basic example for this, letā€™s say Thrust of Swordsman. The skill description says it has 56 damage at Lv1 but even if it just shows 56, how does it scale as you level? Reason is because of the modifier. In short, a skill deals modifier%+fixed damage. For Thrustā€™s case, it has 100%+56 damage at Lv1. If your base attack is 1000, then the ā€œbaseā€ damage of Thrust becomes 1000+56, excluding other factors of course.

So now that you know about modifiers. Letā€™s talk about other OP skills. Running Shot this time. Running Shot adds 200% damage based on the skill description. How it works in-game is it adds 2 more hits to your normal attacks. Each hit has a 100% modifier. Thus, a Quarrel Shooter with a Lv5 Running Shot does 300% per normal attack. Adding the increased 30% attack speed, this buff made Quarrel Shooter the top DPS of archers if not all classes.

Now hereā€™s the breakdown as well for Split Arrow. Split Arrow is 100%+631 at Lv5. Considering a boss takes x5 damage from Split Arrow with the help of a Pyrolinker. A Scout can spam 500%+3155 damage from Split Arrow. Note that Split Arrow has NO cooldown making it the best damaging skill back on CBT2.

So please, do yourself a favor and just stop replying.

I know Iā€™m nit picking. Itā€™s sorta like a dickmove (not putting that in your mouth, Iā€™m saying that so nobody jump on him for that. no. Iā€™m saying Iā€™m sorta a dick on that but anyway) but thatā€™s what I see on the screen shot. 3000, 5000, 5000. But then I remember I had just gotten to c1 scout when I reached that dungeon I didnā€™t have that then. And then I look at the character level and see over 100 lv gap. That is huge misrepresentation. You canā€™t promote the investment required for the skill on misrepresentation like that. Thatā€™s like spreading miss information. In my case I know about that so ā€œIā€™m protectedā€ from thinking [split arrow] does that huge amount of damage.

I mean look at the vote we just did. Option 2 was heavily stacked with perks compared to options 1 and 3. The screen shot was heavily stacked to make [split arrow] look good. I (nobody) can make an informed decision off that.

Iā€™m not going to go into numbers. I know about damage mods. I know how both in game and in tosbase they donā€™t show the 100% damage mod. The reason why I look at the results more is because THAT is the bottom line. So, Imma ignore the other stuff NOT because they are irrelevant/wrong, but because I already know about that and donā€™t dispute it.

Again, going back to the screen shot (the only thing I ā€œcalled outā€). It is misrepresented information. Thatā€™s it. Iā€™m not saying scout is good/bad. Iā€™m not saying [split arrow] is good/bad. The information presented is misrepresented.

Oh for peteā€™s sake. What kind of freaking logic is that. Just stop. Thereā€™s no misinterpretation or anything, the screenshotā€™s purpose was not to mislead, itā€™s just your own misunderstanding due to how your brain works.

The screenshot was only supposed to show the powerful synergy between a Scout C3 and Pyrolinker yet youā€™re talking about level gaps. As Iā€™ve mentioned, the point completely went over your head. Again, do yourself a favor, just stop replying.

Well it didnā€™t take ā€œmy way of thinkingā€ to see all the information available in the screen shot.

Iā€™ll go ahead and open it again to point out the obvious information in it. It shows a lv 200 archer using [a skill] (you donā€™t even know what skill was used since you canā€™t see 0cd skills on cd cuz you canā€™t) on a lv 94 boss linked to 2 [fireballs]. Thatā€™s it. Everything else we know about the screen shot is assumption (I see scout skills so I assume scout, I see [split arrow] so I assume c3, I see links so I can assume there must be a linker, etc) and exposition

Why not show a lv 200 scout hitting a lv 200 mob? You could have added a disclaimer saying ā€œWarning, damage numbers are exaggerated because of a 106 lv gap.ā€ So many other easy things to do to avoid misunderstanding.

The level gap matters. You canā€™t just dismiss that.

Just because the intent wasnā€™t to mislead, doesnā€™t make the ss any less misleading.

At this point, about this ss, weā€™re both being pretty petty. If we can agree on that, I think itā€™s best we move on. Deal?

You were misled because you lack knowledge and also could not understand how the screenshot shown how Split Arrow created a drastic improvement on itā€™s damage due to itā€™s synergy with a Pyrolinker.

Hereā€™s how your logic goes. If a person was testing a skill with a Lv1 weapon so the mob doesnā€™t die quickly and posted screenshot of how the skill performed with just hundreds of damage. You will quickly assume that the skill is horrible and is misleading even with itā€™s extreme DPS potential. See how dumb that is? That is YOUR logic.

Iā€™m not being petty. Youā€™re the only one being petty. More like pitiful because of how you desperately try to argue when the discussion is way beyond you.

  1. Would hypothetical person have exposition explaining he was using a lv 1 weapon?
  2. What was hypothetical person testing?

See? If hypothetical guy opened with ā€œOk, here Iā€™m testing with a lv 1 weapon so bear with me. Here Iā€™m showing what exactly happens on skill use and not how much damage I can do with it. So the arrow flies out. It hits a target. Then splits to hit 2 other targets.ā€

If he just showed the picture, sure. MY LOGIC would result in a knee jerk reaction to couple of hundred damage would be ā€œwhy so low damageā€ and later follow up with ā€œis he too low lv or somethingā€ ā€œwhat weapon is thatā€ ā€œwhat lv was the skillā€ all of which are reasonable to ask.

So you are saying that screen shot is in NO WAY misrepresentative at all. That was my only point. I didnā€™t say the screenshot DOESNā€™T show how [split arrow] created a drastic improvement on itā€™s damage due to itā€™s synergy with a Pyrolinker. I said it is misrepresentative of that (and later explained why because of a significant lv gap). I keep rereading my stuff looking for these thing you say I said. I donā€™t see it.

I call you petty because:

  1. You keep putting words in my mount.
  2. You assumed I donā€™t know how links work or how damage mods work.

I donā€™t know how to get through that thick skull of yours. Your argument is pathetic. Whatā€™s important is the main point was delivered, youā€™re just adding these dumb arguments. Iā€™m not at fault if you were misled due to your narrow thinking.

Why do you even need to get through my thick skull? I said I agreed with everything else. I merely pointed out that a screenshot demonstrating a skill on a target 106 lvs lower than you is misrepresentative.

  1. Didnā€™t dispute the synergy with pyrolink.
  2. Didnā€™t blame you for my interpretation.

This is gonna be a simple yes or no question. Are you saying the screenshot is in NO WAY misrepresentative at all?