Tree of Savior Forum

Low Ping VS High Ping

Pings in this game makes a BIG difference.

Can we get a thread going where we compare a lot of skills being done with low ping and high ping? I think a lot of people have been asking how much it actually impacts the game and how viable certain builds and classes are so I think if we pool together some videos we could make some comparisons.

I posted my videos already in another thread already but I felt like a thread dedicated to this would be insanely helpful. I’d also suggest we post videos where the ping actually matters. For instance I doubt a Sorcerer needs a low ping at all since their pets do most of the work.

######Obviously their spell casting would be so much more reactive though, not to mention combat just feels more satisfying in ToS with a low ping.

Ping / Latency as Monk

For example, this isn’t possible to do with a ping higher than 100+. Your attacks wouldn’t register, and they would be super slow with a high ping. Note that this isn’t even a auto attack build, just a 0 cooldown skill spam build and there’s quite a few those in the game.

Low ping

High ping

The only major difference between these 2 players is their pings.

I hope this kind of makes people realize why I’m so enthusiastic about a local EU server for EU players, SEA servers for SEA players etc.

I could go deep into PvP effects but, I think you get the idea how that would go. Imagine just hitting someone in PvP and they walk away with no harm despite you using a skill right next to them.

How to Find Korean YouTube Videos

Easiest way is to google the filename (for example today is 20th of March so google “tos 03 20” will net you a ton of videos from today) Tree of Savior gives the videos. Most Koreans have low ping to their servers so they can act as low ping showcases. Most iCBT were playing with high pings and I’m also giving a shoutout to some of you still playing in kToS.


Your mistaken, the animation speed for double punch is buffed in the first video. Someone already proved that

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I love this screenshot.

It’s true tha thigh ping makes you lose autk atks … but not skill hits.
These are calcualted by the skill hitting.

…you can fail a skill like carveing a statue …but that’s another issue.

If you opened this for antoher “give Eu servers” whine.
Don’t bother before monday … we will get some info … most likely.

Are you just trying to compare 2 videos in totally different situations totally ignoring any influential context, such as fps, the stuff on the map and buffs?

If you wanna prove something, better use 2 videos showing the same situation with only the ping as difference. Scientific method, yo!

btw, I like your new icon :wink:


Let’s be patient. They are already working on it. I think there will be a EU server but not on OBT. Just wait for there announcement on the following months. Enjoy the first ToS iOBT. :wink:

I am also waiting for a SEA server but imma play in iOBT for the meantime.

You should post the video too that was featured in the reply.

The person recording is American I assume, but the players in the video are Korean with low pings using the skill.

It wouldn’t work like that if you had a high ping.

If the skill is indeed buffed from the iCBT then my first video is irrelevant in the comparison. I’d rectify but it’s hard to find solid comparisons, which is why I made the thread.

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All Monk animation speed skills got increased

For those who will play Monk when the server opens will show us regardless of their ping.

Just found this, editing it into the OP.

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tell me if I’m wrong, but the person told the “slow” person to move up and down, which he(or she) didn’t. When the “fast” player shot he did move. To me it looked like the moving part “removed” the reload timer which made it shoot faster.

I could be wrong, but that was just how I saw it at first glance.

I got nothing for the second part tho, that person stood still so can’t say anything against that.


I think at the end you see someone who doesn’t move and shoots from a kneeling spot like he does in the start.

The moving part I don’t get at all. Seems like an animation cancelling thing but probably only doable at low pings is the point too.

i think its animation cancel when you do that so it kinda improves your atk speed a little but not like the one at the end of the video for that fck up speed. crossbow became a gatling gun

If you want to see a true cool gattling gun effect of low ping coupled with a musketeer watch this. Wait until 48 second mark lol. This is something that wouldn’t work like this with a high ping.

This video isn’t about attack speed, but it’s the same two bosses above being soloed.

A lot of the attacks from bosses late game because super deadly, but you can jump and dodge them if you have a lowish ping since most attacks hit just the ground in an AoE.

Oh if you don’t recognize the bosses, they are from daily missions and were in iCBT2 at least. I remember running these quite often in groups. They are available to be run as soon as you hit lvl 100 and scale with your level.

Yeah my concern with ping is more player location and placement rather than attack rate. I’m hoping it was just the severs being laggy due to overcrowding but me and a friend had a lot of placement errors when playing.

We constantly were pvping each other and he always said I was running off screen and hitting him off screen when it didn’t appear that way on my end. There’s also issues with being able to use Resurrection if the bodies died in a location that’s different on your screen as well.

Some people say that wizards are fine with high pings.

I played one in iCBT2 and I had linker like in this video. I remember linking taking a lot longer for me to do, like my character would pause for a lot longer. I remember grouping monsters up took a lot longer and attacking took a lot longer.

I specifically remember not ever even bothering with auto attacks because they are so slow and usually pointless. Well turns out they aren’t if you just aren’t lagging.

Also Demon Prison… shudders the horrors… having flash backs.

Some more end game mounted archer using auto attack build with low ping.

What build is that Archer using? Looks like it would be the best one to go if you have high latency, fletcher i am assuming?

im positive its the same person with 6 accounts posting the same complaint every single day. as if the servers will move tomorrow for him and nothing needs to be planned at all lol. cant wait to play, im on the eastcoast and the ping is gonna be sooooo glorious mmmmmmmm


Low ping animation cancel.
Increases your atkspeed even more~

It’s a trick people found usefull in icbt2 too… sadly only 30 ms pingers or 50er enjoy that.

He’s a SR. Schwarzreiter.

Or if translated into english or PROPER german.
Deathrider, Gunrider etc (Specialforce. …)

It’s the same “german sounds cool, let’s give them german names!” korean/japanese thing that prevails since so long.

The skill he used is Retreat Shot.
Which shots, at your back, while moving forward.
It’s an AOE shot too. But skill not AA.