Tree of Savior Forum

Low Ping VS High Ping

Oh i posted on the wrong video hahaha, i meant the one above that, looked like he was using a bow :slight_smile:

This is a fencer, not using auto attacks.

Itā€™s more a showcase of skill spamming and how quickly you can skill spam with 0 second cooldown abilities (or many different skills in quick succession). These arenā€™t to showcase damage by the way just how wonderful it is to play ToS with a very low ping.

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I will say one thing.
I had 120 ms ping on icbt2 when i used my routeing service.

I played with arche roblique shot.
I managed to spam skills pretty fast, but couldnā€™t make an aa buildā€¦


Skills and AA are different.
I spammed OB so fastā€¦ that often, i shot one against the enemy too much. When it was already death.

and i didnā€™t use an auto clicker xDā€¦ which would make it 100% perfectā€¦

Oh i played on 315 ms, and with an OB build i was able to shoot very fast compared to AA, But since fletcher is using DoTā€™s i think thats the class i will choose :slight_smile: Honestly, i had no issues with higher ping, even in iKobt i donā€™t have too many issues even in the pvp~ Right now Im a falconer, but ill change to Fletcher in iTos

Could anyone post a video of a 250+ high ping archer class auto-attacking or skill spamming?

I already posted one in the first post, itā€™s the first video. Itā€™s someone with 200 ping playing on the Korean servers. Iā€™m looking right now for more BAD cases but they arenā€™t as easy to find.

AA will be bad.
As the WS video above with the korean testing it out too.

Skill spamming will be doable.

Basically, we need a EU server, the fact is with 120 ping, we canā€™t even play correctly, players who said that 100+ ping is ok and we can deal with are ā– ā– ā–  ( sorry but thatā€™s it ) people who want to grind pvp (Like me) itā€™s impossible to deal with NA people who will have 30ping, and do combo properly on a ping like that.

This is another thing that is hard to show without some video.

Jump attacking.

I think we all did it in one way, shape or form in the closed betas. I remember being a wizard and doing it constantly against bosses.

However I never noticed until the more I played how the projectiles would never come out of my character when I was mid air, only when I landed would they appear. Never while in mid air. For this guy it happens too, but not constantly like it did for me. Not to mention when I did it I had this small pause when I landedā€¦ when I couldnā€™t move. Doesnā€™t happen to this fella at all.

Also charge attacks were a headache to perform but this guy has no problems. I could never really dodge boss attacks properly because of these small but noticable effects to my gameplay.

The pause I mentioned after doing a jump attack happens to this guy too, but only seldom. I think I noticed these things more often since I played with a controller? I donā€™t know.

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So this is what i was looking for, iā€™m gonna be a Fencer and if the ping doesnā€™t allow me to DPS well iā€™m gonna be so fkg mad.

Little friendly dueling by two wizards. Note how quickly he can get some of his spells off, including sleep. Both of these guys are Korean playing on local Korean servers.

No attack speed buffs, just low ping magic

Edit: He does use the C3 wizard spell for fast casting, but only after the sleep. It only increases casting speed of spells. Hasten would be cool to demonstrate with low and high ping as that skill does also increase attack speed slightly.

Good news is fencers are more skill based than AA :slight_smile: Monks, Corsairs and Barbs are AA builds, but some classes use skills more than others. It shouldnt be much of an issue, many of us are playing high level content in iKobt, nobody is having issues really~, PvP wise, its a little more difficult but if you find a decent DoT build or a skill shot build, it shouldnt be an issue either :slight_smile:

Not entirely sure but wanted to some cases where ping wouldnā€™t effect you that much.

Also this guys build is often called the ā€œfull CONā€ wizard.

With a ping though I think this scenario would only mean you might get hit a few times more than he does.

Lower level action with kneeling fire. Would be fun to hear from people who played this class if their attacks looked anything like this in iCBT2.

Auto attacking starts at 0:15 seconds in.

The fact is, itā€™s always an issue facing a 30ms guy when you have 130ms (and the ping isnā€™t constant), even if iā€™m skill shot based :weary:

Some low level (100 is kind of low still in ToS heh) archering skill spam action.

thatā€™s oblique shot spam

check his sp/mp itā€™s decreasing everytime he hits

Oh youā€™re right, itā€™s skill spam edited.

A highlander / barbarian in Mage Tower 2F (looks like 3F now that I look closer lol) doing some auto attacking with no attack speed bonuses. Usually I just show attack speed buffed up ones BECAUSE thatā€™s where the ping matters the most. That and fast skill using.

Also he leveled up stomp which I remember trying out in iCBT. It was terrible to use. Sometimes Iā€™d jump and hit it and nothing would happen (itā€™s a skill specifically designed with jumping in mind) or it would happen at the end of the jump.

That skill gets more damage to it depending from how high you jump so you basically want to time it at the apex of the jump.

I remember personally auto attacking rarely as melee because damage was slow 'cos you attack so slowly with 2H and I donā€™t remember it ever being this smooth.

The Attack speed for highlander/barb isnt that much different from someone with 200-400ms, i mean i watch curry play on twitch and he attacks at about the same speed :3 not too bad at all :slight_smile: