Tree of Savior Forum

Lord Ramen COMICS and rants

Adorable! :heart_eyes:

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Extra Adoreness confirmed!


Its all about teamwork…tree of teamwork.
need more dps…


You forgot the talt part of the story c:

That happens to me all the time :blush:

I see a world boss appear and am like “I need no help I shall take you down myself”…

and my story ends we me dead…

all the time xD

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I read same greediness I felt when I face bosses alone at the fields.
Thought i could take him by head on but in reality? You know what happens. :disappointed:


Yuri appreciation thread incoming.

edit: NVM already existing :smiley:

Kind of Parody of Good Night World manga, which is about
VRMMO effecting the real world. Great manga to read for gamer enthusiast. Enjoy the TOS version~

*I know the chrono magic circle is not accurate.
*The real skill term is “Stop” not “TIME STOPpu!”
*I wish I was a chrono…but thaum has better outfit…hehe


“I’m just lifting my hands for fun”

That part killed me :joy:

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Priest at your service~:innocent:


Yuri appreciation. Took a long time to have another staff like this. kakaka

When you have resurrection in a grinding party and everyone goes ‘yay’ :heart_eyes::kissing_closed_eyes:

I love being supportive. giving buffs, heals and all kinds of stuff and let the job flows. Extra Cuteness? why not!


when I first got resurrect I was super exited to revive others, but no one ever died that day xD

If this was RO I would have invested my stats on AGILITY…

*Thats why I jump and hit…if that makees a difference.
*the mount thingy happened to me TWICE, while I was grinding…
*Im still a beginner, so maybe those high lvl characters hit faster?


but if you had more attack speed, you will end up with lot of magic balls going really slow instead of one xD

WIP sketch of the fanart fest “MERRY ME”
I like to play around with my sketches…
Will submit the final version SOON.

Haven’t done much digital drawings lately, but it is because of opportunities like this that I am willing to practice. :persevere:


make sure to submit at least 2 days before the last date, to be sure it get seen :slight_smile:

If only Chrono can also speed up the maintenance hours… Then we all can play after a minute xD

Im just a humble artist trying to enjoy my game. Its how I survive. :flushed:

Through my comics I like to rant, hence the forum title “Lord Ramen Comics and Rants”.
But I am still a noob at this game. So tell me, is there a certain rule in opening the Residence of the Family Legwyn treasure chest? Is there a limit? Because its my second time opening the chest, and sometimes I would gain empty chest or basic speed potion. Or did my action look really rude to some? :persevere:

Well, guess whose gonna keep opening that chest?
