Tree of Savior Forum

LMAO, "Beginners Pack" and yet TP still not buyable!

The cash grab is so hard with this company I can’t even.

This is seriously just funny, I don’t think I have ever witnessed such a flaming hot mess as this. Haha, oh wow, my sides.



IDC, anyway I’m pretty pumped about that Veteran’s pack

Are you judging a pack before the price is even up?
Wow, just wow.


Cry me a river. Oh wait, that’s already what you’ve been doing ever since the game came out. Just leave already.


Coding a platform to buy tp is too hard for imcompetent

I’ve been watching you cry, moan and complain for weeks on end, yet nothing has been as bad as you’ve made it out to be, with the exception of bug fixing. Sounds like you just like to bitch and moan so you can hear your self.
The price hasn’t even been announced yet.

If you dislike the company, the game or the ethics they have why don’t you do everyone a favor and quit already. We’re tired of seeing you post anyway.


Not to mention, they already said there would be different packs released once the early access is gone, this was to be expected.

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Release Beginner’s Package, buyable once per account = Cash Grab

Asking for unlimited amount of TP to be buyable = Not Cash Grab


I (halfheartedly) laughed when I read that thread, but I think I can see it now.

Our community makes no sense, so it’s only fitting that a representative of us also makes no sense.


100tp will cost roughly 10$, at least that is what imc has said before. so if this pack costs lets say 15$ or even less it is BETTER a deal then normal tp purchases. so by any means possible, how would this be a cash grab? if it is above 20$, you might get close to having a point (for the first time ever), but i don’t see that happen given the prices of the other packs.

zipzo is just the prime example of a failed individual screaming for attention. we should all stop to feed the troll, but it is so tempting since he is just so easy to disprove.

This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

“Self Appointed” representative.

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It’s about that time again for one of your trash posts huh? Thank you for giving purpose to the flag option. A very, very good purpose. :slight_smile:

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I don’t think you get it, but I’ll try to help you.

That’s exactly what’s so funny.

They are doing it this way because they see it as a potential method of making the most money they can from the current circumstance. It’s their best idea.

The irony is that if money is their goal, TP purchases should have been up even before early access. During beta even!

Not only are they grimey, but they are doing it all wrong.

That’s exactly what’s funny.

makes total sense, considering that you called it a cash grab just a few minutes ago.

served, AGAIN

Wat? What factors led you to that conclusion? A better method of them making cash than this would have been to make the packages unlimited, so everyone who would have bought one while it was limited to 1 per account would still buy 1, and those who weren’t satisfied with just 1 would buy multiple. People might complain saying “Fix bugs not sell stuff”, but then all they’d have to do (Or a regular player) is let them know that their Billing Department and Game Developers are not the same thing; which is true.

So with that logic, and the fact they’re not selling the TP packages as unlimited, that money isn’t their priority goal right now and this isn’t a cash grab? :<

I hope I’m not getting trolled. I feel like I’m getting trolled.


That’s the funny! Money is their goal! And they’re doing it wrong!


Can’t wait for the game optimization pack! :persevere:


Well, yes, they’re losing out on profits by not making the purchases unlimited. That doesn’t equate to a ‘Cash Grab’ though, because based on the feedback from users who played their much older game Granado Espada, if they wanted to actually do a Cash Grab, they’d do it and it would look nothing like this current sale.


More Zipzo QQ. These threads are just white noise now.


TELL ME ABOUT IT! He dragged my name in his little scam and gave @Melon and other players the wrong impression that I’m actually aligned with weird little psychopaths. And he still hasn’t taken my name down and kept trolling in my thread. If 60+ players want him as their rep, fine, but don’t use my name through every mud puddle in all 50 states and the seven continents.[quote=“OtterTamer, post:19, topic:259003, full:true”]
More Zipzo QQ. These threads are just white noise now.

It sure is loud for white noise…[quote=“ZooLz8l, post:14, topic:259003”]
served, AGAIN

I bested him 3 times and exposed him as a sham in each one, can anyone top that?

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