Tree of Savior Forum

List of Local Publishers?

Well, it’s fine if you don’t recognize me for now. But let’s just say I used to be just like you. :yum:

hmm question is asiasoft covers the philippines? hmm and is asiasoft realy that bad? =<

oh… i think im getting old probably @_@"

used to be like me… i doubt it XD

No info yet if they will publish the game locally (Philippines) so we are safe for now. I myself will get 3 keys and I dont want that to get wasted because of the local publisher.

hmmm ok then i guess ill be fine =3
next question… will the client (CBT version) will be updated so i can use it for the release version? or will be scrapped after CBT? =<

Since this will be a BETA test expect that there will be changes on the files after the initial test.

Thank god I’m mostly safe. Argentina doesn’t have any big publishers whatsoever, but may get gobbled up in a “latin” server, if it ever happens.

ah so the beta client will just be updated to the released version then? =3 ok… im just curios if they’ll scrap the beta version and make another complete client =/… i hope they dont do it… (hassle to download 5GB of client installer over and over)

And considering that we are in the Phil with the data cap and all yes it will be a very big hassle. :weary:

Hopefully not AS for TH or SEA.
I’d prefer to have none and play on global than have a server by that greedy cow. :disappointed_relieved:

haha i know that feel… though i dont know if PLDT has caps… im a globe user =3=" (800MB cap a day… CBT will long be over after i finish dloading the client installer+speed battle… many people will dload… download speed will be slower than ever XD)

lets pray they give the client early for downlaod before the test starts at tuesday if we are invited in the CBT

My only worry now is how to get some sleep during the 7 day CBT. I was one of the translators for the game who will get CBT Keys… :dizzy_face:

I’m so confusing ~ I want to play in the International server but the latency and lag must be hell for me. If I play the localized server, there are chances that they will suck me to death or close the game in less than 3 years (it’s tradition in my country for this type of game, like RO1).

u can play casually. 1-2 hour of gameplay is advisable (besides u need work(if u have one) and exercise) XD

LevelUP plz don’t do this IMC, I’d rather play in the international server with 200~300 ping than play at LevelUP server, if it just publishes like Guild Wars 2 ok, but don’t let them take over the game in South America they will ruin the game and made it turn into a Pay2Win just like RO, they removed some items from drop to make it cash and so on.

IMC should think before block our ip.
If some people ‘must’ play on local server, why they make international server?!
What’s the meaning of international here if some countries can’t play?

its to isolate the players into playing their respective countries… =< but yeah… internationals. but why wont you play your country server? is the hosting company realy bad? wont you give your country a chance? after all, if all players will boycott the local server eventually server will die and u can access internationally… just give your local server a chance =3=" its not that bad of a deal right?

It’s for countries that has no publisher, ountries that have publishers that licensed a game are usually not allowed on other countries version of the game, PSO2, B&S (I can go on)

International servers are also there so that a staple language is selected and local servers not congested. this is why there are people pissed at those people who speak their mother tongue when playing in international servers.

Sorry, but our publisher is too greedy about money. You pay you win and they really don’t care about our report of bug exploit, cheats, etc. I have bad experiences while playing games on local server (every games on local server). SO, I hope there’s no IP block that some people still can play on Steam and some people still can play on local server. That’s better than forces us to play on local server, right?