Tree of Savior Forum

List of Gimmick Rewards

I Got a Purifier randomly by grinding monsters just like a pendullum, the Extension’s memory mini game gave me 2 SP Potions

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How do you guess those 3 numbers, I don’t get the rules. :sleepy:

It’s pretty simple, 3 unqiue numbers, 10 tries (or was it 9?)


  1. do 123. No correct numbers means they’re out.
  2. do 456. The possibility of getting correct numbers are higher, I usually get 2 correct numbers in incorrect squence during 456
  3. do 789 and find the rest of the correct numbers using “0” If you know that 0 is incorrect start replacing some numbers like 450 instead of 456, if it says you got 2 correct numbers this means 4 and 5 are correct, after you get all 3 correct numbers you have to put them in the correct sequence generated by the gimmick.

My explanation might not be clear so sorry about it.

to everyone, thanks for the contribution!

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very informative thread. thanks for taking the time in compiling all these. :clap:

oh and by the way, what’s the reward for the Torch gimmick at Extension? it activated 2:00 AM server time (Ch.1) but was not able to get back to the torch on time to interact with it again before it disappears (sat on a bonfire as the Black Coliflies hit so hard. lol).

I forgot to list them temporarily above, IIRC it was some magic attack potion or physical attack potion, wasn’t able to do more torch events afterwards.

@Nyuha thanks for that, I listed it as poisoned memory game because I couldn’t do anything with poison gas all over, until some random scout finished it while using invisibility. So that’s something for the scouts I guess

annddd finally updated the first post

A little bump again.

Attok Box of materials, confirmed to drop Terranium. I heard it gives mithril as well but I haven’t confirmed myself yet.

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Here’s a Mithril confirmation.

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cool, thanks.

Time to drop dat mithril price

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take bombs, explode orbs, destroy tower = alot of mobs and buff

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thanks, no wonder I couldn’t do it. I tried to destroy the tower instead of the orbs using the bombs.

@Lostac Thanks for this guide. Bookmarked!

Is this the same “Gimmick” stuff that has a chance of rewarding the following (came with the latest update) or are these 2 different things?

Haven’t seen or been to any gimmick dungeons yet, makes me wonder where they are. They probably belong to the same category if it also gives achievement points

Canine Head Decoration drops from Forest Cube.

thanks, updated


For Extension’s Memory Game, it is not Keista SP Potion x2 but Keista SP Potion Lv2 (or did I misunderstand it?)

You can get two level 2s, sometimes it gives 1, sometimes it gives attok box.

Actually, I wonder if those maps like Sicarius, Nevellet, Topes Fortress etc. are in fact what they define as Gimmick Dungeons, as their sole purpose is not for quests but for stuff like daily cubes and all.

Kalejimas Cube can also be obtained from soul gathering in Solitary Cells (needs 30 souls) and from the pendulum in Storage.

Kalejimas Cube drops: Ritual Coffin Recipe, Stone Bracelet Recipe, Superior Gem Bracelet Recipe