Tree of Savior Forum

🦁 Let's talk about Sapper!

• Sapper is a Rank 3 class on the Archer tree.


(Best costume for girls)

Let’s jump right to business:

  • Sapper 2 is the best choise, and that’s why we need something new for sapper 3.
  • The old “new” atrib of Broom trab c3 is now 50% extra critical chance.

Sapper 3 signature skill is:

Spike Shooter.

Which is a skill that, not only, is weak but doesn’t work. Sometimes the spikes will fly away to the wrong side and hit no one.

Sappers needs to be more dinamic and fun!
Here are my suggestions for this:

  • 1: Total rework on Spike Shooter skill!
    Spike shooter could be a skill that works like Dievdirbys Owls or Featherfoot’s Bone Pointing, and a bit like Sorcerer’s grimoire.
    The sapper would install a Sentrygun tower and that tower would attack enemys just like a Featherfoot Bone pointing.
    The sapper would equip a One handed bow in the “grimoire” and that bow would be installed as a sentry gun for the skill.

  • 2: A new atribute for Broom Trap that adds a second attack of 50% damage to flying Mobs. For Sapper c3 only.

  • 3: Some abilities that does not need preparation such as Broom Trab and Detonate Traps should be able to be used mounted on a companion.

  • 4: More time duration for Stake Stockades!!

See you next time. // :dart:


got sapper 3 circle. use only 1 skill ( broom trap) rest is crap.

Is this a repost? I swear I read the same exactly thread here on the forums months ago… :confused:

I think it’s the second time i post something about sapper.

I asked because I recalled I read something similar here some time ago, even the images were familiar…!

EDIT: Found it, good thing I’m not crazy yet: 👣 Dear IMC, dont forget Sapper. Make sapper great again!

Precisely. :3


Great ideas. It’s funny… To rework a trap class in a game full of traps.

I know right? :honeybee:

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