Tree of Savior Forum

Linker1 still viable?

there was this video where featherfoot doesnā€™t have linker in his build but still does AOE damage a lot of people watched the vid too i forgot which thread. everyone was sure there was no linker skill in his quick slot.

Yeah man iā€™m probably running wiz 3 - ele 3 - featherfoot. Why the hell in the world would i pick linker just to spread 1 skill which is bloodbath? bloodsucking already has some AoE and the other 3 spells are bullshit anyway. Iā€™m tired of seeing people say stuff like X class NEEDS Y bla bla. U can just have a linker in your party and do whatever u want anyways. Nerfs on linker have been tough to accept at the point where it is not looking like a good option for those who want DPS as main idea. But who knowsā€¦

Things will be changing all the time so we should just have some fun and enjoy the game for now. Later on when all the classes are released we can theorycraft like experts on this forum to get to the best builds for each purpose. It is just not the time to do so yet.

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Link pleaes.

I searched all the possible videos ^^.


Blood bath is a dot damage skill. Itā€™s actually quite nice~

And as far as it goes. I rather have linker 2 in my build, then not have any linkers in my team. DPS wise i wont deal the max damage. But that isnā€™t my plan there ^^.

Short answer Yes, Long answer Yessssssssssssssssssss.

Here is a thought if you take the damage links provide in party play, say Earth Tower where youā€™re fighting 20 mob packs most of the time. And you figured the DPS of just Joint Penalty and including the damage that comes from the zero AoE Ratio defense attribute with hangmanā€™s knot. You would probably find out that spell alone is more total damage then any single player.

The exception is pack sizes that are small that everyone has the AoE ratio to deal with already.

Earth Tower.

here is the vid :slight_smile:

Not sure If LargeBanana means this discussion but in that case -
in that thread we talked about the skills. Captain @SynysterOne came to the rescue and explained:

I know bro, but the big message i tried to deliver is that everything is still kind of a shot in the dark. Thatā€™s why iā€™ve been cracking my brain these last 2 weeks trying to decide my build for a featherfoot.

For example, i gave up on building a wizard 3 - linker 3 - featherfoot cause it seems really painful to theorycraft my character based on a future i dont even know (on paper, i will have quickcast + joint penalty which with some DPS rank 8+ classes would make me really good, but who knows what changes are coming right?)

I mean maybe circle 2 and circle 3 of featherfoot bring some crazy AoE Blood rituals that will make linker not the greatest as AoE skills dont benefit from Joint Penalty anymore.

I dont even know what iā€™m saying right now, my brain is dead. Letā€™s go ice and fire bro, i will run my old wiz 1 - pyro 3 - linker 2 - featherfoot build and we are gonna melt everyone. Peace

I can see this Wiz>Cryo3>Link2>Featherfoot working pretty well, but how about Wiz3>Link2/3>Featherfoot?
edit: ehhh I just saw leowowā€™s post nvm

the sad thing is when soloing u will be casting magic missiles forever =P. But when getting rank 7 ur soloing potential goes up alot, and u are still a pretty solid support (with linker 3 for example).

The thing is i dont know how to put stats on this build, cause i feel like it needs a lot of CON to share with lifeline, but at the end of the day iā€™m more into DPS so i would feel really sad having low INT =(

My fear is to being kinda useless for earth tower till they add rank 8/9.
However Iā€™d go something like 5:1 INT CON, but iā€™m not sure yet.

Linker is still pretty wanted for earth tower, isnt it? o.O but we gotta keep in mind that in iToS the cds are higher, CC almost non existant so that hurts. If u watch earth tower videos from KToS, u will see linkers doing ALOT of work just by using JP + HK , cause itā€™s a 100% uptime disable which is absurd.

Not sure how they would respond if these nerfs were implemented on kToS.

yeah thatā€™s the vid thanks man.




But that vid is even better for showing off gravity pole and raise ^^.
And heck ā€¦ i didnā€™t know that blood sucking could affect flying enemies!
A funny combination ^^. As raised enemys cant attack you if theyā€™re melee.


Noted down.

so linker is what? useless now? whatā€™s the point of adding linker into featherfoot. like literally no benefit.

Bloodbath links and support a bit ^^.

But it works without too.

Only thign matters is the way you want to play.

Linker isnā€™t useless now.
Itā€™s just not a universal damage multiplier now. It used to be that every class benefited from linker, but now itā€™s mainly single target classes.
I take linker in my build becauseā€¦ well honestly Iā€™ll be relying on it quite a bit.

Itā€™s still a work in progress, but this is what Iā€™m going with. Iā€™ll probably roll with parties as much as possible.

Pyro is so I have some~ damage while working up towards necro1.
Both Pyro and featherfoot will benefit greatly from linker, even if itā€™s only c1.
The best part of this build is how open-ended it is. If/when they add more ranks, you have a number of options.
Linker c2/3
Thaumaturge c3
Necro c2/3
Featherfoot c2/3
All of which will be good in some regardā€¦ Itā€™s also somewhat nerf-proof for the same reason.

Consider this. Featherfoot canā€™t afflict either Mutant or Plant type enemies with Blood Bath, or Blood Sucking. You could potentially link Mutant/Plant type enemies with either Insect/Demon/Beast enemies. Then use either Blood Bath, or Blood Sucking on the Insect/Demon/Beast enemies and the Mutant/Plant enemies would take the damage from the link.
Then again, I could be wrong and the mechanic wonā€™t work like thatā€¦ which will make me sad. :disappointed_relieved:

I think they HAVE to change this bullshit monster type, as the class only has 2 reasonable skills which are blood bath and bloodsucking. The other 3 spells suck.

Iā€™d recommend keeping an open mind to linker C1 if our version of JP and HK remain as they are guys.

You can throw stuff its fine.

Oh for sure, if those datamined nerfs arent for real, linker 1 will be the bomb, cause even if u link only 5 mobs, u do this every 15 seconds and have a 5 second HK duration with 10s cooldown, man u are good to go. Then i would probably run my wiz 1 - pyro 3 - linker 2 - featherfoot with no regrets at all.

It was already confirmed. The question is if we get this balance fix on March 29th or at later date. I would suck to level up char with linker circles and get hit with the nerf after leveling for month or two.

Iā€™m still secretly hoping the koreans will get rowdy on their forums and make devs buff circle 2/3 back to what it used to be.