Tree of Savior Forum

Creating a decent Wiz/Psy/<Featherfoot> build. Any tips?

Level 15 PP hits 19 targets right? As @moises_andre12 said linker would really benefit this build but you’d have to sacrifice rank3 kino for more cc, which is like 1 step forward and 1 step back. Havent played kino at all myself; maybe you can make use of QC + gravity pole + PP somehow. Use positioning to your advantage. Or make friends with a linker haha

I feel just the same :smiley: i try to wrap my head around psy3 but without getting the wiz3.

some thoughts about this:
why not take warlock instead of featherfoot ? that would be pretty evil
wiz3 is great, but what about wiz1>cryo1 for wombo combo and having one circle left for linker. you could use dandel gem to get another link.

before anyone switches on enrage mode: i am thinking about the long term here. we dont know about other ranks yet, but until rank psy2 everything would be a walk in the park. you would have the psy-cryo combo for burst and link+cry+psy skills for stable dps.
psy3 might slow you down a bit in the beginning but as soon as you hit warlock/featherfoot your dmg would be great. at some point you would reach a rank you dont find appealing and then bam - linker 2 ?

what do you guys think. total nonsense born from hours of wiz3-avoiding or what? :smiley:

Starting to see it better now. Wiz3 is spec’ing for full future dps but you take featherfoot which compliments utility/support builds better. Its an interesting setup because it will probably do well anyway as long as you take a rank 8 dps class. Then if theres a linker or cryo in your party thats bonus points.

Fair enough, one thing that caught my eye about making this build was honestly this video here

At 1:50 seconds he setup his rotation for this pack, he uses the channeled featherfoot ability and it hit all the mobs… is he a linker in this video @moises_andre12 ? I’m honestly not sure here but it looks like hes just Wiz/Psy/Feather to me.

No joint Penalty involved. Cant See it in the task bar, doesnt sound like it either :slight_smile:

So if im reading what you said correctly, Blood Sucking is not single target only then :smile:

You are :slight_smile:

He uses raise > sure spell > quick Cast > bloodsucking .
As I watched that Video the first time I also thought linker would be involved , but it doesn’t seem so. His build is wiz3 > psy3 > Feather.

The question is if bloodsucking works as intended by the developers . since ff and Warlock are rather new the possibility of adjustment/Buffs/nerfs is rather high.

Yeah im glad I was seeing the same thing. I was dissecting that video to make sure it wasn’t just me being stupid! I really hope its supposed to hit multiple targets =\ Thats what makes me really like that ability honestly.

If thats the case where its just not working as intended i’ll probably swap to warlock for that nice burst damage though.

i am curious now :slight_smile:

this video supports my theory

at the very end of the video he casts a fireball and uses blodsucking on it. it restores all health with a couple of ticks. i mean… that would turn a pyro>linker2 > feather into a party-healer right?

I’m starting to think that it might just be bugged… in the tooltip it clearly says if the mob is beast devil or insect type then it will spew out HP… however I dont think a fireball counts.

But if linker works the way I think it does then I guess it could be a weird way to heal a party lol!

Actually read this

This video was before that

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thanks for that clarification :smiley: I did not check the kpatchnotes, shame on me! >_<

no worries…if anyone knows if Blood Sucking is an AoE that would be nice though… its still sounds useful if it would be.

@Kraehe @neeso98467
Hey, the issue is with skill simulator. Blood Bath and Blood Sucking descriptions/images/vides/skill stats are horribly mixed up.

The one that has a % drain is indeed supposed to be AoE. The one that causes the target to bleed and heal you for a flat amount is single target and benefits greatly from linker.

And yes, that is a wiz/psycho/feather build.

neeso, could you link those full patch notes please? I would like to read the full changes. I’m hoping they aren’t changing it so that both the skills only affect said types.

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thanks for clarification :slight_smile:

Thanks for the clarification.

You know the more I read up on skills and whatnot… im not sure how viable this spec is compared to the ease of something like a Pyro/Thau/Warlock which seems to do a LOT of damage and not have much downtime.

I think it’s pretty safe to assume that it’s an intentional aoe skill. Just from the design of the skill, it wouldn’t be consistent or even very sensible for it to not be an aoe skill. It basically is PP with a life drain mechanic built in. It irks me a bit when people just say to do a different build rather than give the pros and cons of a build as I think many builds are sensible in a sense of being very good at doing something in a certain way.

Wiz 3 -> Psycho 3 -> Featherfoot

This class…is going to appeal a lot to those who like the concept of just holding down a button and watching things die. You have three skills by the end of it that accomplish this between Pressure, Pole, and Blood Sucking.

In addition to this, you have a pretty unique ranged grab skill through Telekinesis too. Not a leveling tool by any means, but a potentially good utility skill to get rid of an annoying mob, or if in pvp, you can re-position an enemy while locking them down, potentially killing them outright just from the skill alone, so a very powerful pvp skill, especially when the target has no support.

Of course, you do have some utility with this build too. Raise, in my opinion, is one of the better CC abilities. It can disable mobs more or less while letting you hit them. It also can have some synergy with those with skills that affect flying targets in a special way for party play. This will make the targets immune to ground based abilities though so just keep that in mind.

I haven’t seen Magnetic Force 2.0 (post-buff and fixes), but I hear good things about it, so that’s potentially another good aoe CC ability that does a little bit of damage too.

Really, I think this class has plenty of aoe capability so I don’t think you need linker at all. While you could drop Wizard 3, unless you’re looking to get more CC through Cyro or maybe pick up one of the other high circle classes to put on top of Psycho 3, I think it’s very simple and straight forward as is.

Now, this is assuming you like simple. Some people like complexity and having a lot of options. This is a pretty straight-cut build. You use your Quickcast buff for more dmg and maybe Surecast as well if you think you might be hit by a ranged mob or something, and you use one of your three hold down aoes. Maybe occasionally using Raise for some CC or perhaps even Magnetic Force. So, yes, if you like simple and effective this seems like a good build for you.

This build should also work in PvP pretty well. While many of your damage abilities leave you open, they also disable an enemy or enemies. Raise is a really good CC as well and one that is quick without leaving you compromised. Surecast and Quickcast should prove useful with damage and interruption protection as it’s completely possible for you to be interrupted. A simple Reflect Shield alone can interrupt an otherwise fatal Psychic Pressure so your Wizard 3 won’t end up pointless at all. So yeah, I think this build has synergy in PvP as well as PvE while staying to a theme.

Side mentions to possibly getting Swap or Teleport if you’re into that kind of thing, although for me, I’d want to make sure PP, Tele, and Pole are maxed and Raise is certainly better overall than those other two supports, which really leaves you between Lvl 5 Swap vs. Lvl 5 Teleport vs. Lvl 5 Magnetic Force, to which, Lvl 5 Teleport was a bit underwhelming when I used it (not enough distance). I personally would go with Magnetic Force just to have another CC aoe on standby, will mostly shine as Psycho 2 but might be a good option if other things are on cooldown later. Swap 5 would depend on parties a lot I think as you don’t have any skills I see that really would benefit from it when you’re on your own.


This was by far one of the best reads about the class i’ve found on this forum so far! Thank you for the very in depth analysts, it was an eye opener for sure.

I do enjoy the fact its somewhat simple. The goal I put in my mind was something like this… be able to party/solo without much sacrifice for either, hit lots lots of times very fast and have consistent damage. (Burst is always nice to have in some situations but if im constantly draining a mob down thats fine)

It sounds like with this build I have 3 abilities which handle this pretty well along with some very decent CC/Supportable skills (Turn mobs into flying) ect ect.

I’m really considering this class even more now after thinking about it. Thank you for the very good insight! If @valkyrie_regalia or anyone else here has any suggestions for what my previous paragraph said im open for more ideas!

Leeching the fireball I want to say that was removed in a patch when they fixed it so blood suck only worked on beast and demon type. It’s probably in Mr. Sunhwapark’s bin somewhere.

Sorry I really liked that interaction to.

Neeso allready told me but thanks anyway :slight_smile:

I try to catch up on all the Patchnotes but atm i am undecided which ranks to pick and jump between classes too much. I think I just wait for Tuesday to come and decide intuitively :smiley: :sunny: