Tree of Savior Forum

Linker - Joint Penalty bugged?

Joint Penalty link dissapear very fast in dungeons. Why is that? Is it because of some other classes skills or what? Or it is a bug?

Sometime link dissapears like 1 second after I place it :-\ Linker kinda useless with such behavior.

Also haven’t noticed such behavior on korea when testing prior to launch.

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Here is a short video demonstrating this:

Link here lasts for 7 seconds, while it should be 30.

Wondering if any staff member could check on this.
@Staff_Julie @STAFF_John @STAFF_Shawn @STAFF_J @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Ines

is it because you killed the mobs which you used your skill on?

No, definitely not - when link dissapeared in video all 5 linked mobs was still alive.

Ahh yep you are right.

Can confirm - same here. This never happened to me in iCBT2 on my linker main.

Not 1 sec though, takes about 7s as you’ve said.

Well it depends, sometimes it is really fast - faster than Hangman’s Knot animation. I cast it and at the end of cast link is already gone.

I think it has to do with a damage threshold

Could you give any more details on “damage threshold”? What is it? How it works?

Nothing official here, but I think if you deal a certain amount of damage the link breaks.

Could be some skill from another class. I know that, for example, earthhquake breaks JP so i wont be surprised if anything else does this also.

That could also be because it got nerfed and they changed the formula of it.

So basically the original duration is 1 sec, and it increases by 0,2 secs with every lvl you spend on it, at Linker C3 lvl 15 it will increases 3 secs to the total duration, so it’s 1sec from the standard and 3 secs from the skill being lvl 15, so 4 secs of the root in total.

It could, but the problem is with other Linker skill - Joint Penalty :smiley:

Hangman’s Knot works as expected.

This is especially dubious.

It happens for me too, I would like an answer, I hope it’s bug because linker got way too nerfted already

For some odd reason I thought we were talking about Hangman’s Knot.

Then it might be some bug because the only nerf that it received was CD increased.

Nah I know about those skills. It happened to me when safe skills were used

Oh god, not joint penalty too. Would like confirmation.

I’m so glad right now that I decided against rolling c3 linker build. Lets just hope IMC won’t nerf to the ground each and every class that was picked for cap content because of it’s utility.

Linker’s been nerfed enough. Hangman’s Knot requires a serious investment to even be usable. Joint Penalty is okay. I heard Spiritual Chain only affects one person now? Someone is testing to confirm. They really need to leave Linker alone now.

I’d love for the kToS Linker to make a return.