Tree of Savior Forum

LevelUP chest event

Cool! That’s really nice. Thanks!

So got off my ass and finally did my Inq from 280-291. Got all the rewards from the chests. All of them, without exception are untradeable and last for only 14 days. Unless you needed to use the stat/skill potions immediately, the people at 330 are missing nothing.

Edit: Well I guess the gem abrasives were kinda sort useful.

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Majority of the 330 are missing the stat reset / skill reset that why there is so much who ha. LEL.


This Sir was exactly what I was spitting out all the time just before the police wannabe people came to me saying I was angry and I shouldn’t be like this cuz this event wasn’t made for me but for new players who really shouldn’t have any trouble at putting their stats and skills since there’re so many guides out there to make your character perfect or at least the most basic idea you want with it… I thank you for Grinding it all for our so beloved self entitled policeman…

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“oohoo boohoo why can’t i get free stuff when im already rich and have gears”, cry me a river

Actually, you’re the one crying right now.
You “sound” like the typical casual player hating on high level players because you can’t be like them.

<img src="/uploads/default/original/3X/b/0/b0adf387f87113f82c35c87a0244771820eb4bdf.png" width=“362” height=131">



It’s called LevelUP Event for a reason. When your char is maxed out what you want to levelup?

Sorry, far from casual, and it is easy to get all those resets with TP, so as said, cry me a river :slight_smile:

Some of my friends are new, and they don’t really read guides on how they want their build to be, they wanna try out their own choices, some of them change their minds at level 90+ - 120+ so yeah this event will help them alot to reset, all we gotta do is just accept the fact that IMC gave us FREE event, and stop demanding for other stuff.


Amen brother :slight_smile:

whats ur IGN? my name is logout. LOL

I finish all chest with my lvl 70 chara in 2 Hours around and i am now 170 xD. without any quest cards

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A level 322 character isn’t maxed out. But still misses all the important rewards from the event. So why even bother levelling it?
Sure, it’s an high level. But a 320 char would be considered high as well…and yet such a char can get all the rewards instead.
Ironically, levelling chars is what brought me issues to begin with. I should have left them at 317, on hindsight. Guess i should do so with the new character.

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LV 53 Team Level, 20 Chars.

Simply best event ever, playing almost non-stop once again. Thank you.

321 onwards is ‘maxed out’? They miss the most important prizes at the back.

The lesson here is, don’t ever get close to the level cap.

320 to 330, you can only open 9 boxes.
You can no longer open the last box at lv 330 (Just tested on mine).
So to open all 10 boxes, you’re required to be 319 and below.

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You beat me to it. I’ve stated earlier that the jump from Lv329 to Lv330 disqualifies the character. It feels horrible to be right. :sweat_smile:

I was leveling my Lv321 (when it got the chests) to see if I’d at least get the Skill Reset (Chest #9).

Sad life.

@Gurgle looks like that’s a nope.

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@Gurgle looks like that’s a nope.

Strange that this doesn’t count. Oh well…

At least I won’t have to level my own 321 char next weekend then. More time for something that is actually fun (280+ questing certainly isn’t).

hi every pro here~ goddess sculpture from event is permanent or only use 1 time? and this item can be trade?

1 time use, everyone around you can use it.