Tree of Savior Forum

Level 200+ Swordsman (Any Class) ... Are you doing well?

What Hallow said, no one should abandon their play style for the sake of something broken in a game and needs to be quickly addressed. Swordsman needs an overhaul and there is no word from IMC. I’m already feeling the pain at level 210+ … :confused: … I’ve geared my self with Glass Bracelets with 2+ and additional Defense bonuses from hair equipment and I have Knight gear. My damage is alright, but the mobs health is becoming ridiculous at the moment. And some of the mobs hit very very hard.

One Archer passed me and hit a mob for freaking 35K damage with one hit … I have to use 3 abilities on a mob that takes additional damage from slashing in order to hit them for 11-12K … I don’t know what to say man. The Archer was 4 levels below me, too.

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Rodelero isn’t a tank class, common misconception.
It’s an attack class (this is also how it is defined in Korea by the devs) that utilizes Crowd Control to lockdown enemies while its killing them in a similar vein as Cyromancer or even QS. Its theme is using the Shield as a weapon instead of merely a defensive tool. Peltasta is a unique beast in its defensive focus. Quarrel shooter comes close except Pavise can be pretty garbage at times.

That was sarcasm on my part =D, I do believe what you are saying.

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Repost, hope IMC take notes. KrToS already made their changes, and this is 1 of the reason why the changes has been made. So why not iToS do the same thing before everyone else reach the higher level and know all their hard work are paid off with such weak character?

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@STAFF_J @STAFF_J @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_John @hkkim



I believe a good start to fixing the Swordsman classes is to swap Swash Buckling with one of the current base Swordsman skills. This leaves the 100% mandatory skill in a place we all can get it.

The most logical swap would be to switch Pain Barrier and Swash Buckling, but I would hate it if they did it like that, because without Pain Barrier we lose even more damage due to the number of bosses with knockdowns.

They could just add it to the first tier and create a new skill for Peltasta instead, like frozen/sleep/petrify resistance for x seconds, much like Pain Barrier.

A huge problem with dealing damage is that we actually have to be in the face of the monsters, no matter what our skills/aa has in potential we are unable to use it while laying on the ground, being frozen in place, being petrified or having a character that is sleeping.

Then we have the obvious lack of scaling with equipment, keeping numbers and increasing the percentage on that would help a lot as well. There’s no need to rework a whole class group when small fixes could do a lot!

How much is the damage difference ? x2 ? x3 ? x10 ?

I’m okay with x3, I might not be with x10. Depends on many things.

That’s ridiculous. If you go full DPS and do 1/3rd of the damage of another class while being melee restricted and subsequently having less uptime and soaking more damage, why would anybody ever want you in their party?

Full DPS swordsmen need to either bring substantial support to their party (which they don’t bring right now at all) or do close to the same damage that Archers/Wizards can do at range. Otherwise there’s literally no point in playing them if you’re even remotely interested in efficiency.

With your balancing approach, the designers can just as well remove 2/3 of swordsman classes and live with the fact that a significant part of players will quit the game because their advertised class diversity is nothing short of a lie.


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Why isn’t IMC applying the balancing patches of KTOS?

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Better yet, why haven’t they responded to this thread Kappa


Well I’ve seen 280 swordsmen without pelt. Both were dragoons though.