Tree of Savior Forum

Let's talk about loot distribution

Well… I’m not here to fix the trade issue because I have no idea what to do about it, but why don’t we actually fix the way the game handles the loot?

There’s only 3 options currently:

Round Robin

They are all terrible options. The wrong items end up on the wrong classes constantly. There needs to be a revamp or additional option that prioritizes items by class.

If a Cleric weapon drops, a Cleric in the party should be given the item. If a Swordsman weapon drops, the Swordsman would get the item. If there are multiple classes in the same party, it should be decided by a dice roll.

I’ve literally searched for ANYTHING on this topic and it seems like this hasn’t been brought up for some reason.

This would at least solve some issues with players wanting to trade their friends items that aren’t for their class (which seems to be the main issue).


Erm except that people have 4 characters on each server and that any build can wear any armor part, the armor talents are barely if at all worth going for the 4th piece… So well your argument just flew out the window.

Hey it sucks when your in noob gears and some random who just joined gets the biggest upgrade you could imagine and its not for his class and then he leaves the group instantly… but hey, thems the breaks, That guy is either gonna use that loot on another character of his or he is going to sell it and improve his own character. A win win from rng for him.

These systems are absolutely fine. Nothing wrong with round robin, its worked in wow for 10yrs…

THIS like a thousand times. Just give us a simple need or greed system for parties. I dont care about trading limits. i even understand that that to an extend. But playing the game in a party is currently very frustrating because of loot.

Oops, I meant weapon. There’s no reason why a swordsman class should be getting a bow. Either way, armors should still be decided by dice rolls. That way, you can opt to skip taking cloth or plate items that you would otherwise give to your fellow party members.

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Because need/greed worked in wow pugs… ? Like what ? Everyone rolls need on everything. which brings it back to rng and makes it less fair then round robin… with your system 1 person could get everything with extreme luck.

Besides people have FOUR character slots on the server. Thats 4 sets of items they will want and even if they only want to play the one character they can sell that loot and get something that is better for them with the money from it.

What you want is unfair what we have is fair, you suffering from sour grapes.

I don’t think you understand how dice rolls work. If you roll for an item, you usually cannot roll for the next item. Therefore, placing you in last place unless everyone else has already rolled before you. That way, 1 guy can’t obtain all the loot by random luck even if he wanted to. Anything is better than the randomness we’re getting at the moment.

But okay, I guess your 4 alts deserve the gear more than your party members lol.

Like i said your reasoning is based on salt not logic. Round robin is as fair as it gets. EVERYONE gets something.

Except Round Robin doesnt even work.

The loot system has a lot of problems, and one of them is that round robin suddenly starts giving all drops to a single person in the party, usually whoever does the most dmg.

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Solution: Trade.

If an item end up on the wrong class, trade it! (If IMC reconsiders, of course)

Round robin and random dont even work. It’s really just

Sad to play a support and get nothing at all from hours of farming while the dps in the group get 20 recipes, bunch of exp cards and what not.


This logic is flawed. If a mace drops and the wizard gets it and cleric gets a staff drop, how is that any good. I can’t even believe this is even being debated.

Need, Greed and Pass. Such a simple concept.

Need - You really want this item. Make this optional available if it’s an item your base class can use (Staff/Rod for Wizard, Mace for Cleric, Swords/Spears for Swordsman and Bows/Guns for Archer). As for daggers, they be FFA.

Greed - You’ll take the item if no one else needs it Always available.

Pass - You don’t want it. Self-explanatory.

It’s so simple and so basic. This shouldn’t even be up for debate. This is the best system versus nothing.

yeah… i was duo grinding with this priest and noticed that i was the only one getting loots. the round robin distribution is broken.

The random distribution is broken too. I hardly get anything if i don’t do damage as a support.
@Staff_Julie @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_John
Please look into this as it hurts the support class gameplay.

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Playing a FS Cleric sucks : I have yet to be able to complete ANY collections as I do not get any loot EVER despite the party loot being set to round robin.

This is so dumb.

Please fix!

Might I add, I believe this game distributes loot based on damage regardless of round robin being enabled. My support and tank friends have not been getting any drops as I take all the drops.


Round robin is bugged at the moment. It worked in icbt2.

Also, trading is available in icbt2 so we don’t actually have such problem.

Um no, the need/greed works just fine as long as you play with the right people. Not our fault you can’t make some friends to play using this practical option fairly. And not like you would be forced to use this option, this would be decided by party leader and if you don’t like it then leave that group and join another or create your own…

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I think one of the things people forget is there was a time where there was no such thing as cross-server match-making. If a player ninja’d stuff or abused the Need or Greed system, someone was liable to take screenshots and shame them on the server’s board. Or it was a PvP server and things got… eventful.

I still think that items trading is way better than this system, without any cons.

Yes but it seems less likely they will implement the item trading (which I too think would be ideal) so may as well make other logical suggestions they may consider because thus far my gf and I have been extremely irritated without being able to help each other out properly…

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