Tree of Savior Forum

Why is nobody concerned with the lack of need/greed looting mode tho?

I don’t understand why you keep implying people will be “handing things over” against their will with this system. They have to bid for it. If you don’t want them to have it for free, they won’t. If you don’t like the price they’re willing to pay, you can bid for it yourself.

I also don’t understand why you want to support the current system which dissuades people from partying, when this is a social MMO.

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God damn son… in what world did you grow up?
You got literally nobody who would share with you? Ever?
Sorry, but since all of my buddies are constantly sharing in other games, nor do we have issues with sharing with those who end up with us in a pug… i really dont see your point.
Sorry bruh. Both for not being able to agree with you AND your upbringing.

  • The announcement states trading class specific items. Not all and any loot.
    Furthermore, trading comes with 1 point loss in potential.
    Try reading what you link, will you?
  • The second one is a partial hit, the title is a mismatch
  • If you actually did type need/greed into the search bar then you would see that i am the only one with this specific request
  • We are full with topics and subjects that have reposts in the hundreds, i know full well that you are complaining at me because i hurt your ego, but please know that neither was it intentional nor could i care less about it. If you choose to make an issue out of this for yourself, then knock yourself out.

LOL sorry dude our 11 people in our group that party everyday all day and night HAVE ZERO problems with the system. Please tell me where your pug is and on what servers i will really appreciate all that harugal leather i need 34 to make my 2 aias shields. Thanks.

Oh? So your 11 ppl can share loot?
What was your point again? “Made up bs” or “r u a poorfag, buy a token”?
Cant say i care for either of those retarded points. Troll harder please.

Honestly, the only reason I can see why someone would not like this idea is if they are in fact, the “lucky person” under the current system. If rolling/bidding is implemented, they’ll have to start paying for what they previously got for free. On the other hand, if you already hunt items solo, this feature will not affect you in any way.

@ackadacka20, why are you so against its implementation? If the feature is introduced in such a way that it can be turned off in party settings, then you simply don’t have to use it, especially since your party is fine with the current system. But it will be there for those who want to use it, and it won’t affect you in any way.

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THERE IS NOTHING TO SHARE YOU FOOL. I have repeated this to you so many times its clear you are a deaf child. We all go farming for mats and we all take it as it comes. There has not been anything worth trading yet. We all need the same drops, belfigi beads, harugal leather, cliquare cores and kepa wings.
We all need hundreds of them for all our gear on all our characters.

This isnt wow kid where someone has a “main”. Every and any drop can be used by anyone at any time. About tokens like i said before is it to hard for you to farm 350k ? i make that EASILY just from dungeons and missions and killing mobs in 3 days

Im not against implementing it at all, as long as its not the default system.

Well, then they don’t have to and they can roll for it. Unless they want to hand it over, even under the misguided hope that others will do the same. Do you at least agree this helps for less rare things, like 2-10% drops?

If it’s easy to farm yourself, why aren’t you hunting it on your equally as important alt? Farm it on the character who needs it in your own time, then. Why should somebody who isn’t playing get a free item?

It still helps you anyway, no matter your stance on the issue, because as it stands now one person can get every single important drop since every item is treated equally. The ultra rare super weapon / recipe / accessory or whatever that just dropped is randomly distributed alongside the guaranteed trash material.

You’ve got 4 characters to gear up, and need a ton of silver for various things. I understand that, I really do. But right now you could farm items all day and not have anything to show for it because the guy next to you just happened to get it all. He’s rich and his 4 characters now have good gear, and he needed you to kill the mobs that dropped them in the first place! Thanks, guy!

With a simple rarity/star rating tiered loot system, everyone currently playing will have something to show for their time invested. As you said, any item can be useful to everyone, even if it’s simply to sell, and a NBG system helps ensure that nobody gets screwed because they dared to party up for group content.

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You know what id prefer even more, Instanced loot, that way nobody would cry because they cant see what someone else gets.

  • Mats
  • Collection items
  • Gems
  • Class specific gems
  • Recipes

Just to name a few. The notion of “we all take it as it comes” might suit your taste because you are just out there grinding for the sake of nothing, not searching for anything either, but it doesnt suit my taste or the taste of my buddies.
But hey, i am only deaf. You seem to have been born without a brain for not being able to comprehend why other people would actually mind farming a less than 1% drop chance loot for hours, not being able to give it to the one who needs it.

So to summarize, your point is this: We dont care about drop rates, drops, anything, we just continue as long as it takes.
Grats. What if i told you that there are people who have a life unlike you self sodomoizing basement dwellers and do mind that extra 1-2 hours which is spent to try and get that item to their pal while they have 5 of it on them already?

Seriously, get out. I cant converse without insults when the opposition refuses to see the other side’s points.

Implying i wont know what my friends get.
Yeah its not like we are in a party, communicating or anyth… oh wait, i keep on forgetting that you are the definition of the forever alone meme.

Please quote the part which implies that this should be the default loot share method and everything else should be removed. I dare you. Quote it.
I LITERALLY asked for the option of a need/greed. Not a forced, “remove everything else”.
Get out. NOW.

Because you dont have a point dude. All those things you listed CAN BE TRADED. SO WTF IS YOUR POINT AGAIN ?

Sure, if every player had a separate roll on the drop table for every kill, that’d be fine. It’s at least fairer than the current system where things may not even get the chance to drop for you at all.

With a token or in the Auction house.
How about no?
How about i dont want to spend 10$ on a trade?
How about i dont want to spend 100’000 silver either?
How about me and my friends simply being able to share the god ■■■■■■■ loot we worked together to accomplish?
Its a default ■■■■■■■ feature for any and all mmo. Whats next? You gonna argue the need for a party system, because your butt can tag along and follow other people without it?
Not having a point huh?

If you cannot spend the 350k on a token then you are a free loading POS. The company has to make money pal, do you expect people to work for free so you can play your free game ?

Please stfu.

Except you can’t trade without massive restrictions.

Every time you “trade” on the market, you lose a portion of its total value (silver and potential). And you can’t simply list everything you find, since even Token players don’t have many slots.

Also 1:1 trade is still limited even with a Token, as you can only exchange 30 times. Or if anybody in your party is a free player, you can’t trade with them. They can’t give you anything, you can’t give them anything, and they certainly aren’t going to use their only market slot to sell it if it’s not their most expensive item, driving up the cost of what you could very much use yourself.

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Spending 350k on a token makes YOU the freeloader because you bought it with silver. Idiot.
IF the token would allow me free, non capped 1:1 trade, i would buy it. It would be a low as ■■■■ thing to charge for basic features and i cant speak for my buddies, but i would.
However, even token trade is capped and you know what? I wont pay a dime on such a service.
I have bought the founders package and until IMC’s bull ■■■■■■■ ■■■■ RESTRICT EVERYTHING policies wont change, im sure as hell not going to spend a dime on it.

W/e tho, this was your last idiotic argument. I stop responding to you at this point.

ROFL !!! Someone had TO BUY THE TOKEN WITH REAL MONEY to sell it to you first moron. First grade logic you failed.

Well it’s an option, but not the only possible solution or a “must” for this game.

I’m sure IMC do consider the suggestions that have been made (need/greed system, free trade of any drop for a certain time, free trade of any drop for a certain time but only with party members, friendlist trading, etc.) since they already announced that they are going to review and change the trading system.

Also, I guess you don’t know what “TL;DR:” means. Look it up and replace it in your post by “Suggestion:” or something like that…

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Don’t think you are special kid, you can’t hurt no one ego xD And yeah, the forum is full of topcis with the same topic because people like you can’t do proper search. The main problem with this “My own post idea is way better than actual search for it” attitude is that it reduce the eficence of complaining/request. A post with hundreads of likes/comments is way better than hundreads of topics with just a few comments.

TLTR: Learn to search.