Tree of Savior Forum

Lets do some weapon attack calculate. :)

This topic really surprised me alot haha

  1. How the writer even notice the different in weapon attack increase for 750atk more, are you tos policeman, can notice every change in game so smart, so you check every things before they did js?

  2. Ok you might just check the time thats r1 pt with ur hater mind during they did their JS runs, you saw the 750matk different from normal, “Hawk-Eye man” , after that you can interprete very fast where those 750 matk come from? and call it abuse immediately, i dont even know about this, is it bug or not ? when i first read and saw that i think “if it really bug, how they got that 750 more?, is it any skill that buff weapon attack?, How to bug this if it really bug ?” , but you can immediately interprete its come from 5 slots gem, Very smart !!
    Or you also use it??, you and your pt also using it?, you and your whole guild?, if so you all just dog haha hiding in cloud and barking, you think ppl dont know who are you?? man, you’re not smart enough in many ways, do you think all your friend love you and like the things you did ?

i dont know this is bug or not, if so i didn’t use it / so dont bother check my weapon attack you wont see anything to expose


no skill + dumb math + peasant weap = keep cry exploit

At first i think you just one jealous ppl, but so many clone account everywhere while this game population dying so i know its might be some big party or guild, after i invest some, aldy know who these ppl was, keep use ur clone bro, we all know who we are // group of dogs

like i said , create more clone doesnt make you look better in real life .

oldman , we’re friend so long / you better say sorry to me in many ways
some of your friend aldy leaked who you’re because your dog method

The severty bug i did, i got banned, with your situation you know my party not only pt using it and not even first party use it xD, its ok i take my penalty already.

How about you, act as policeman but only catch one group of people thats not your friend
I wont reply here anymore since so many here wanna hide under their dirt, i think most reader also know and just have fun on this drama, keep its go and have fun for all readers


Btw, this is for yourself

Do you think ppl in your group trust you alot? since you did behavior like this, who know some day you betray them hahaha, and who you even in that’s group ? you’re nothing man, not any important role

check your back if you have any real friend in this game? or even irl?, or all just holding the knife behind their back rdy to push you down later :smiley: , you did the things, you take it in return later or alr take?

enjoy reading this, all toser :>
this is real last reply, just for the writer thats i thought we was friend at point of time


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Plot twist, every dupe in this thread is op.

i know tos.neet hasn’t been update for month, not on my gaming machine, and the game is in MT. so…

not intended?
if they really didn’t, they should’ve make it have same effect inside DCP like they did with DS. not just tried to nerf waaaaaay later and have reverted it back since they got complain from ktos players or something else.

they r just use whatever argument to win bro, say no word they r spilling their own tea. :zipper_mouth_face: :shushing_face:

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good job on flagging the post so the mod delete that.

do you wanna keep on going? :slight_smile:

btw nice excuse saying that you got covid twice, where actually got banned 55555
hopefully you don’t actually get one :wink: :wink:

Waiting for more paint edits. Post more please even though the server is up. Thank you!

Fight! fight! Fight!

more like…

“Fufa Banned”
YN guildmember : please check his log activity and account thoroughly

“GS member abuse bug”
GS guildmember : omg hater, jealous, peasant, maid blablabla…


wow that guild again. always fun to see them abuse things and retort with “jealous”, “peasant”, “poor”.
how uneducated. these are the rich people irl who can afford education but choose to be illiterate instead.
such shameful guild.


Yeah they are clearly poorly educated as clearly evidenced by their replies in such topics. And are they really rich? Chances are, they are poorly educated middle-aged people who actually do have a stable income job. But the fresh graduates in their companies who have better education than them usually enjoy better promotions and salary growth, resulting in inferiority complex.

They then turn to the virtual world to seek psychological superiority. With their lack of maturity, they are likely still single and hence can afford to whale both money and time despite less-than-ideal payroll. And furthermore for a game which you can dress up your female character? Perfect combination for such singles.

Also for a community with mostly students and young adults, this is the best place for them to demonstrate their worth. So you should understand why they are so easily ticked off when you undermine them, even in a valid way.

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I think the way you said it you must be a red!

With the way you said it you, you offend a few people, are you talking about yourself?

Single? Nope I think the group of people you are talking about have a person to take care of, and is comfortable enough to live.

Uneducated? I doubt so as well, because the person who wrote this forum is much more less educated, many people who you are referring is wealthy enough to have a good education.

Psychological superiority? More like these people are just standing for their rights, since the other party is the people who are trying yo place psychological superiority, by trying to gain control of the whole server. And since they have pride of course they can’t always be quiet when they are being insulted or “undermined”.

It’s a normal human being reaction, those who has pride will stand on their feet. So before you make a commend and try to be judgemental, think first and comment later.

Unless you are a Red, a neutral person should see how had ayassafc been playing around in this forum. They did report, everyone was commenting subjectively and yet they flame by bringing up the guild name, so who is being childish?And those things that he did, he must knew about those stuff, that is why he is suspicious of others. Or there might be some mastermind behind it who tell him to do it (someone who knew about most stuff in the game).

must be true if they feel offended. did u get offended, too?
so, btw you are ok with someone calling people peasant, poor and jealous? OP seems more ok than those who comment with that, must be feeling guilty and justifying themselves for being superior in a game by abusing bugs. lel

the OP just stating a bug being abused, from a notorious guild that has a “history” of abusing bugs. I don’t see anything wrong with that. If the OP has much time in his/her hands to watch out for these people in-game, then let them be.
the violent reactions and name callings from the other camp is just too lol.

and also you…

new account again to defend your side. smh.

New acc? Nope, it just that I never had anything to post, check when i created the account, i am not those people who created new acc just to write? It’s just that if you can see, in this forum only 2 group are fighting over stuff and it is always after the content that one side has achieve.

It come to my knowledge that JS rank 1 previously and this time, the name on the picture are from the Giltine raid? Everytime the blue team get over a content better, new things is posted? Why not other server did the same? And fight over it? Because it all come back to ego?

I am neutral, just stating the facts, you can cross-check everything that I say? I speak by the facts and with a well-mannered way of speaking as well? So in return are you a red by siding with them?

If you see the historical, there were no “illiterate” word being posted until they make a new acc, with the other guild emblem and posted stuff and also pointing individual? If you were in the position will you not get offended?

I read but I don’t talk, i just talk because I think this chat is about defaming other guild, not being neutral, that’s all. You can talk to me if you want.

rebuttal please nameistooshort :popcorn: i like this thread. where’s certifiedgsmember i need to see new pictures. love love

P.S. can’t wait to check this tomorrow.