Tree of Savior Forum

LEGIT! Reason to ban AFK farming

Usually i will swap to my cryo, i push them aside with ice wall. Should take about 3-4 of rotations to push them far away enough


This will only get worse.
Create now your own necro, dont fight back.


No people complaining?

Soon the necros get buffed.
Nothing will be save then…

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Just delete necro class [insert reset voucher meme here]. And everyone will be happy.

If u cant beat them, u must join them… 24 Hour farm with avarage spot (3-4 mil)

token VIP sever for AFK farm. done.

Give player options to PVP the summons :smiley:

win = % of Necro’s Pockets.
Shake the money tree!!

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Keep the votes and opinions coming, make noise!
I honestly, like most of you, had enough of this.

Wen the community is this one sided about it, wen the GAME itself is being hurt with loss of new players because of it, wen current and long term players feel wronged due to people who DONT even play the game, then something MUST be done.

Keep the votes coming!
Should AFK Farming be Punished/Ban? Clique here to vote.
Out of 72 votes so far 88% say Yes and 12% say No.

Bumparino neighbarino for Voteadodlierinos!

Make noise guys, complain, this needs to be addressed, i know everyone has already made posts about this, i know its been going on for a long time… BUT ITS TIME TO PUT YOUR FOOT DOWN AND MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN!!

Keep the votes coming!
Should AFK Farming be Punished/Ban? Clique here to vote.
Out of 84 votes so far 86% say Yes and 14% say No.

“mystical bread dude”

I totally lost it on that part :joy:

I honestly don’t agree to AFK farming being punishable / bannable because it’s pointless. Moderation can barely cope with the current game and community as it is.

I could easily blame players who made Necros, but this is entirely IMC’s fault here. They “enabled” this mechanic ( probably without any wisdom or forethought over the repercussions it might have on the gaming experience and player-driven economy as well ). What I would really like them to do, is rewrite the summoned mob mechanics for necro to avoid any further AFK-farming abuse.


I think people fail to realize that a policy change alone even if it isn’t heavily enforced, (yes there would have be some enforcement to let people know it is possible you get banned) would stop some people from doing it. Im half tempted to do it myself because I know other people can and are, and the only reason I would be doing it is because the rules allow it. No a policy change won’t stop everyone.

But everyone saying “I’d rather them change mechanics, they have a bad history of enforcement” well they also have a bad history of coding. Anyone bought back any items lately? Anyone played a hunter? How about used Telekenisis and crashed? The easiest short term solution would be a policy change. Ultimately afk farming should be mechanically impossible with in game techniques alone, however I am hesitant to suggest that because IMC wouldn’t do so in an elegant non intrusive way (manipulating pet AI etc) they’d do so by making summoners disappear or drain health or some obnoxious way that ultimately decreases the enjoyment of the summoning classes.

This is exactly what i’v been stressing out.
No need for mechanics change, they would most likely break summons or make them even worst to use.
The way they function right now is not the best, but we are used to it and know how to make it work.

Putting community rules in place, or policy terms of use changes would be the best choice.

Having an Option to report abusive behavior NEEDS TO BE IMPLEMENTED @IMC

Not just for AFK Farming, i remember not long ago being out right abused by someone, he asked me how i got my Leaf Penguin, as he asked me i wasent looking at my screen, turned away to speak to someone that was next to me.

In the space of 3secs i looked away he got really upset i didnt answer him straight away and called me a cunt, go ■■■■ yourself and a lot of crap like that, my chat was spammed with insults.

I right clique this player and shocking, no report player, report abuse, report anything option.
Right clique the chat name, no report option other then report for chat spam.

You cant just run an MMORPG and not police or watch over the people playing it, there HAS TO BE stricter terms of use.

True that! As said in one of Log Horizon episode: “Laws are what people create, and others recognize. Even if the system doesn’t attack it (AFK FARMING) doesn’t mean its not illegal.” or something like that… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I did a report today about this. There’s a GUILD made for AFK farming on Orsha server. If IMC did nothing about this, I’ll realy drop this game.
I take a time, come back because of the reset event and now I see a GUILD for bot/afk farm that obviously are the source of the gold(silver) sellers. IMC is doing the ban on the sellers but not the source of the silver. This is ridiculous.
The game has already a few real players, if this keep going, there will be only afk and gold(silver) sellers.


Just stop.

Lol this post has fallen to the bottom and the guy telling people to stop bumps it 2 days later. #GoodWork.

I feel like AFK farming, as annoying as many people find it to be, is a relic of a bygone era where such things were allowed to exist in games in a controlled environment. Back in the RO days, afk farming was just one of the perks of being an Alchemist. Homunculus leveling alchs had their own special spots where they would afk or semi-afk farm, there was a whole meta surrounding it and in general it wasn’t disruptive to the game at all. Newbie players could move in and grab al of the materials littering the ground to assist with some of their more mundane collection quests, or just sell to NPCs for a quick buck. I used to enjoy taking a greed spamming smith down to the undead orc dungeon, hoovering up all of the junk at the feet of AFKmists, and turn in a neat profit for little effort. It was fun and charming.

ToS though doesn’t have the kind of complexity and nuance just yet to really enable AFK farming in a manner that’s not disruptive to other players though. A lack of enemy variety and spawn rates among other things just makes them sort of…exist in a way that isn’t appreciated.

I do believe that AFK farming CAN and possibly even SHOULD be a perk of having a fully automatic pet class. It’s part of what makes that kind of character fantasy enjoyable for a lot of people who love minion master builds. I don’t think it should be bannable, I think the game should be designed more towards co-existance of unique class mechanics in general.

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The previous IMC game, AFK was the common gameplay. All your characters automatically attack even if you minimize the game, a pet will loot for you, some premium pets will buff and use skills. If I remember correctly the term is called ‘parking’ back then. Because you will usually try to find a parking spot for your characters to AFK.

Ofcourse unlike ToS there are players to have alts or ‘mercenary’ players who PK(player kill) AFK players for others to steal the area. They can do so with a criminal like mode.

Or if you out DPS the person you have effectively stolen the spawn area.

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