Tree of Savior Forum

Demon Prison District quests

I can’t seem to finish my quests at Demon Prison District because of these selfish wizards killing everything around the vicinity. Does IMC have any plans for this? It’s discouraging new players and it’s unfair. I even bought my newly recruited friends there such a shame. Any tips on how we can finish this quest? (I doubt there’s one) I tried PMing them but they don’t even reply nor even loot.

IMC will not listen trust me. Instead of listening to my opinion they banned my forum account.

Macro/ botting is perfectly legal now.


aww that’s mean of them. Might take a long break from this game again -__-

sorry but you should not hope anything from imc. They will not hear us because fuk them lol. Well you can do level 145 dungeons until 172 then quest to dina bee if you really want to level up. Should be easy with the event we are having.

Otherwise if you are stressed from this game instead of having fun then take a rest or maybe quit permanently. It helped a lot of people I know.

A game should be fun not stressful.

Players are not stressed from the game itself.

They are stressed from IMC and getting IMC’ed too much.
