Tree of Savior Forum

LEGIT! Reason to ban AFK farming

Maybe glitter mail to kim hakkyu will do something lol

I make 3-5 mil each day wtih afk necro, if u cant beat them try to join them like me. this game milk us hardly why we dont ?

And some players got too much afk farmers i m sure them make 10-15 mil each day.

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I have been collecting silver since june/2016. Now I can buy any item a want. I love to “necro farm”. The only reason I play this game is to afk farm. The feeling you have when you see 1 to 3 millions incomes every night is so good.

in october maybe (?) this will be resolved!! :smiley: no more afk due to 3 minute restrictions

Only have to change the money that drops. Rather than vacuming up cash every kill, drop that ■■■■■■■ silver on the floor and make it retrievable by anyone. Or halt all silver generation from minion kills.

Most afk farmers (necro in dina bee) are bots, they’re using macro for summoning.
The “report bot” does nothing on Orsha server since they only ban gold sellers.

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I only find it extremely amazing how AFK farmers contributes by a huge fraction to ToS inflation of silver.

And IMC does nothing for how long? a year?

Im not actually sure how well the future “fix” will be against afk farmers, i mean, that hp dropping over time for summons was such a huge success already.

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Seems like on last patches of ktos summons got this :

  • 5 min max duration.(skeletons/salamion)
  • 15 min max duration (sorcerer summon/shoggoth)
  • 1 min inactivity for caster = summons don’t attack anymore)

So more corpse costs since you have to refresh them > so would need macros to do complete afk farming > so they should be bann finally we hope.

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iirc only sorcerer summon followed the 1 min inactivity rule, if necromancer is now applied to this it’s going to be awesome.

ehehe :popcorn:

necros will never die if there are maps with aggressive mobs with fixed spawn spot.

Well you’ll have to use real macro, because :

  1. you’ll need to resummon every 5 min new skeletons.
  2. you will have to gather corpse, cause of the need to refresh your skeletons etc.
  3. you will have to atk every 1min at least with your char, or else your pets will stop to defend yourself, and just let you be a punching bag in their stead.

So technically you will need Auto atk button at least or a spell to be auto cast (without having too much other necros cause if you don’t hit a mob it won’t count) + need to use disinter + maybe need to use gather corpse now (it changed) + need to use every 5min skeletons summon + need to use every 15min shoggoth summon. Technically that needs a macro, and macro are punishable by imc technically.

or just two monitors.

play lol while playing tos.

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