Tree of Savior Forum

LEGIT! Reason to ban AFK farming

Watch the first couple of minutes on this video.

Let me start by saying that i do not have a problem with AFK farming as a concept.
To me its no different then using a Shop Class.

Now this is why i have an issue with it outside of the normal concept of AFK farm.

A Shop Class does not hinder the game in any way, on the other hand, it is used to help player gain access to repair and buffs in areas where there are no conventional shops.

If AFK farming follows the same rule, then i have no issue with AFK farming, if you farm in a place where you dont hinder any players leveling experience and/or create a Public group in the Area you are AFK farming so people can pop in and out, then you would actually be helping instead of hindering the game.


This does not happen, people AFK farm in the worst of places and they do it in a way where quests become IMPOSSIBLE to finish.
In Dine Bee Farm you can still quest trough it but it takes 100 times the time.
On the example im using in the video, that quest becomes out right impossible to finish.

If someone wants to AFK farm and is doing it without hurting the gaming time of other players then its fine, but doing it in a way where you have to go out of your way to be able to finish quests should be a permanent ban.

Give us an Option (right clique a player Options menu) to report someone for being a Bot or for hindering your Game.
Certain Zone like the one im showing, Dine Bee Farm and the Demon Prison should be Flagged for this kind of behavior.

Getting in the way of another player progressing trough the game should be a Reportable offense and should be punished with a ban, if someone dosent want other players to enjoy the game, then they shouldnt be allowed access to it as a punishment.

This is way out of hand, something must be done, not trough class changes or new mechanics, but by setting new community rules and player guide lines.

Should AFK Farming be Punished/Ban?
Clique >> Here << to cast your vote.

@STAFF_Yuri @STAFF_Letitia @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Ethan


@Magicbiscuit so you basically say that you hate afk farming and you say things that we already know ?

i think this will not solve this problem :thinking:


I’d have to agree with the mystical bread dude here. A policy change is in order, AFK farming should not be allowed. Some people do it simply because they feel at a disadvantage if they do not do it while others are. Making the activity against policy won’t make it go away, but it will limit it. That said, IMC doesn’t care. So we can type our fingers off all we want, as far as I can tell this is here to stay.

Not once have i read people complaining that their game was being hindered to the point where they could not play.

I’v read a million and one posts about people swearing at afk necros, rants, complaints about prices going down due to silver being generated by afk farming and so on…

But because of this, no, never seen a post with actual arguments and evidence that the game was being hindered due to afk farming.

Out of curiosity lets do a Poll.

Should AFK Farming be Punished/Ban? Clique Here to vote.

I would love to see just exactly how many people are against it / in favor of it.

There are actually two or three posts about it being a hindrance. I saw a new player make a post about it expecting someone to do something about it (this was in tenet church F2 with the seal quest, completely unable to finish the quest because of an AFK necro). It was his first experience with the game and as such was making him very frustrated and I imagine he probably quit or decided the game wasn’t worth his time. But more posts never hurt imo, cause this needs to go away. As an experienced player I can play around it (in most areas, some are just entirely must avoid quests because you can not complete them in any reasonable amount of time, one of them is the tenet church quest I just mentioned and the other is one of the shrine quests in Forest of Prayer). Oh hey didnt even watch the video until just now and yep that is the quest. That quest is doable with patience but not worth it lol.

I’v been completely avoiding talking about this since most complaints at the time were about Silver.
But if people are starting to hinder the game and hurt it then its a whole new ball park.

This really needs to be taken care of.

Should AFK Farming be Punished/Ban? Clique here to vote.

AFK farming should not be punished, it should not have not been possible in the first place.


They can’t even punish obvious bots. Why bother asking them to punish AFKing when there are other solutions? (such as simply, you know, changing necro skeletons to act like sorceror summons where they stop attacking if you’re idle for too long)

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@Magicbiscuit i agree with your answer :thumbsup:

There is a point, you should put your foot down and collectively as a community, complain together.

Should AFK Farming be Punished/Ban? Clique here to vote.

So far 93% say Yes and 7% No.
Keep the votes coming and make yourselfs be heard about this.

So, according to IMCs logic:

1- afk farming is an in game feature,
2- players are "ab"using it and making billions of silver,
3- those players need to receive lots of reward from IMC


Shopclasses do hinder me, they take up lots of space around the statues and makes it hard to click that â– â– â– â– , sometimes downright impossible


That is a fair point, making a small area restriction around statues and NPCs shouldnt be too hard to implement and a welcomed quality of life change.

Should AFK Farming be Punished/Ban? Clique here to vote.


I care and so does everyone else starting these threads, commenting and replying to them.
Saying no one cares and give up is not gonna fix anything, if you have an issue with something you should voice your opinion and hope for a change from it.

Should AFK Farming be Punished/Ban? Clique here to vote.
So far 91% says Yes and 9% says No.
Keep the votes coming!

I voted yes, BUT I don’t really think they should be punished, because afk farm shouldn’t even be a thing in the first place, simply making it impossible is the best solution.

What OP pointed out isn’t the only way afk farming hurts the game, they directly hurt the economy too.

When I quest new characters, I know that if they aren’t ranged it’ll be a real nightmare. Ranged you can be quick and kill the mobs before the skeletons get to them, but if you’re melee… ?
It’s especially bad in cases like this one where the quest requires you to kill mobs at a specific area.

I don’t know why IMC doesn’t do anything about that.
AFK farming isn’t an issue in itself, the problem is how much they make it annoying for everybody else. Some people actually don’t play anymore, they just AFK necro all day, everyday, until new content is released.

Also afk is different from shops because they don’t pay taxes and require no player interaction. I can have a shop up for days and no one click on it, but AFK for days and make millions.

This. They’d go as far as calling them bots and throwing all logic out of the window. These two things are the only acceptable argument against afk farming:

  1. It disrupts the economy. Simple concept of inflation. You increase the amount of silver circulating -> lower value of silver

  2. It competes with quest objectives of those going through the map.

Your post is like one year late. IMC doesn’t agree full stop. Everything you said has been said before 100 times.