Tree of Savior Forum

[Legacy Guide] [Outdated after Re:BUILD patch] Hackapell & Rogue Class Lounge


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Iā€™ll give you some obvious methods, if you happen to have 28 / 30 chars, you can even undercut the entire servor but I donā€™t care because I have better methods to make silver.
Once I sold half price than the cheapest with hundreds of items o troll them.

  • rush boss level 50 reroll cubes until you get boss card and sell them (6 minutes max per cher), same goes for saalus 4 minutes max if you have a strong main that leaves before final boss dies and you change char (if you do that more than 20 millions a day but 6 hours needed)
  • check rare materials from some recipes buy cheap and sell higher price (playing market)
  • go level 1 tenet church, then royal worker lodge, then demon prison, then truffles sell your thousands of energy monsters etcā€¦

You can always dismantle weapons to retrieve the weapon or the blessed shards.

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New Atributesā€¦

Hackapell c2
Skarphuggning: wide area intensify
new attribute added
10 level max
Skarphuggning aoe attack ratio increase by 1 per attribute level
sp consumption +10%

Stormbolt: Lightning
new attribute added
1 level max
Stormbolt damage increase by 50% when attack ice property target
sp consumption +10%

(How I can freeze people? some card?)

There is no card which applies freeze debuff.
Also its not ice property but ā€œfrozen or hydrated targetā€ bcz ice property does exist but there is no water property in ToS.
Not sure whatā€™s hydrated eitherā€¦ =.=
It should be ground property IMOā€¦ need to ask some korean guys

Says ā€˜frozen enemies or(and) ice-type-property enemiesā€™. (or literally 'frozen or frost-property enemies)
IMC is really pushing Lightning-element stuff it seems.

Oh thanks!! that clarified it a bitā€¦
But still that

Thing is making me wonder that will it become +100% if the target is ice property and got frozen by a cryo?

A similar attribute exists (, perhaps this stormbolt attribute will be similar. I donā€™t remember whether it does.

Cryomancer master @ArenaWaifu , do you know?

theres still no ā€œStormbolt:Enhanceā€ attribute right?

Looks like 50% extra damage to frozen targets, but since storm bolt isnā€™t lightning itself it should not get boosted by Cryomancer ice speciality.

Hackapell new attribute is more similar to electrocuteā€™s attribute (+100% vs frozen) than to cryomancer attribute (lightning attacks deal 50% more to frozen)

Are you sure storm bolt attribute will work also just as increased damage to ice property?
(google translate; Storm Bolt damage increased by 50% for freezing or hydrating enemies.)

In case it makes storm bolt lightning property for real, then if you freeze the ice property monster with a cryomancer, it should deal also extra 50% damage from cryomancer frozen specialty. And if it makes storm bolt lightning or not should be easily testable with Taoist Storm Call.

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Anyone knows wath happen with the new hacka C2 buff when you unmount? it cancel the buff?

Thanks for your answer. The name of the attribute is named ā€˜Lightningā€™, however it is unknown to me whether it changes the property to Lightning.

@atomsk.cs no not yet

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@atomsk.cs when you use stead charge in TBL does your enemy canā€™t move for awhile/mini stun so u can combo storm bolt > Skarp?

does gazing golem pain barrier works on TBL?

U need it at +16~+17 (trans 8 )at least to be better than this.

Iā€™d get the Abdochar to +21 then remove the trans if and only when the upgrade is available.

And u still have to consider the extra defense+hp and maxatk against crit rate/chance and light element attack

My point is ,that Abdochar will be hard to get an upgrade,itā€™s too good already.

Judging by how Limacon works, yeah u should lose it.

No, gazing golem does not work at PvP
edit: think it does however with lower duration

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thx alot greyhiem senpaiiii

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Yeah but its too short to notice it, mostly useful to interrupt casting animations like resurrection

Btw YEY! Siluteā€™s TBL has 2 Hackas on top5 on last week ranking <3

@greyhiem man u sure the new skill is 1 fake multihit of 2096% dmg? seems to hit way more than that.

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How do you make 10m per day? Mind giving a tip?

Does this damage seem ok? Bong (with +25% slash bonus) and grind cutter at ~2700%.

36k + 42k + 30k + 40k + 34k

@Nyuha with a ~1300 damage sword and grind cutter at ~2700%.

33k + 40k + 44k + 44k + 44k, critical hit.