Tree of Savior Forum

[Legacy Guide] [Outdated after Re:BUILD patch] Hackapell & Rogue Class Lounge

Isn’t CATK garbage now?

Rogue even lost that sweet 80% crit rate

If you solo, it will depend on your equipment def + potion use. If you party, likely you will have a healer/supports.
QS3-Wugu can reduce some damage or taunt some mobs if you are willing to throw caltrops and dismount-remount to place pavise. Wugu will be your source of AoE (must wait for CD on gu-pot and jincan gu).

QS running shot makes it deal damage fast, but you must have good connection/ping. QS3-Wugu3 is stronger at single-target than at AoE mobbing though. If you are used to wizard (elementalist) you will feel like your AoE is weaker. I think only sapper3-falcon3 or sapper3-cannoneer and some mergen builds are able to match elementalist AoE builds.

It’s a little tricky.
From average damage view, yes, red gem is better.

But let’s consider a situation.

your rogue hack’s crit rate is 70%.(it’s easy for rogue to reach this crit rate).
Assume that with yellow gem, you can just kill a target when you crit with one hit.
Than the probability you kill the target is 70%.

On the other hand, we assume that red gem has 60% chance to get better damage than yellow.
The probability you kill the target is 70%*60%=42%.

See the difference?
And this is not just an un-realistic example, you will face this situation whenever you farming by rogue hacka.
In general speaking, I think the “chance to get enough damage” will be more important than "avarage damage"
That’s why I choose yellow gem for my rogue hacka.
Of cause, you can choose other gem for other purpose.

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QS3, if you like to use running shot a lot, having high dex will increase the atk speed. QS3 builds are easy to level once you are QS3 because pardoner buffs are very strong with high attack speed+cafrisun set. If you will pick QS3 Wugu3, get high STR (poison will not crit, there is only 1 exception to 1 poison). Wugushi playstyle is similar to a Physical Caster poison mage.

If you like, you could also go QS3 - Falc1 - hacka2 builds. Note: falconer bird will consume 1 character slot.
A QS - falc build is very similar to @mikeee hacka, repost of vid:
(lure mob with pavise, cast falconer circling, use hacka skill)

You could look at some other classes to match your QS3-Hacka. Note: included some classes which you won’t take because you will already take hacka2. Some classes will make you dismount & remount a lot. It should not be difficult to dismount & remount and AoE effectively if you have a decent party.

Some archer AoE damage choices

--High strength, easy to use <<Click here

-Sapper2/3 broom trap (cannot hit flying) (very large hitbox)
-Wugushi2/3 Throw gu pot (cannot hit flying)
-All Cannoneer skills
-Falconer3 sonic strike and auto-sonic strike with the pre-emptive strike buff on (+AoE gear&buffs or with falconer circling), pheasant (very large hitbox)

~~Mid strength <<Click here

-Several mergen skills (+AoE gear&buffs or with falconer circling)
-Sapper stake stockades, collar bomb, claymore
-Hackapel skills (+AoE gear&buffs or with falconer circling)
-Archer multi-shot with +AoE gear&buffs or with falconer circling
-Ranger barrage (+AoE gear&buffs or with falconer circling) (—ranger bounce shot)
-Fletcher divine machine arrow, crossfire
-Wugushi wugong gu spread, jincan gu
-Few Bullet marker skills (+AoE gear&buffs or with falconer circling)
-Few musketeer skills (+AoE gear&buffs or with falconer circling)
-Few reiter skills (+AoE gear&buffs or with falconer circling)

,~-~-~-~lower <<Click here

-Scout flare shot (small hitbox), scout3 split arrow (hits 3 targets at most — strongest hits on 2 targets, the main target damage is lower)
-Quarrel caltrops (most effective with falc aiming, +AoE gear&buffs or with falconer circling)
-Reiter3 limacon (with spread attribute) (very very easy to use)

never go falconer2. the end.
manual use of sonic strike has cd 45second between skills, meanwhile preemptive strike make you autocast sonic strike lv 10 every 5 second.


I’m Archer 1, QS 3, Fletcher 3, Hakka 2.

I can tell you that I don’t miss Archer 2, I have more than enough crit between Steed Charge (14s debuff) and Rapid Fire (extremely high damage, 9s debuff).

Also short cooldowns don’t make Running Shot useless because your skills all take A LOT of SP and you most likely won’t be spamming them mindlessly like some other classes.

They can also be used while riding which is a huge boon, since you don’t have to constantly dismount and remount.

Notice: Hackapel 3 Grind cutter is [Slash] property now (OLD: pierce property)

Made a video showing how is going!

SP Eater :'3


Finally a Hacka C2 gameplay Thank You

Tha damage of the new skill is amaizing, with a transcendence weapon it will reach the cap for sure O_O

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Hi guys. what are your thoughts on making Backstab useable with pistol? If Hexen Dropper can be used with pistol. why not Backstab?

I really feel hacka skills are delayed on impact. Or it’s just me? :tired:

It’s just so we feel like Kenshiro, it’s a feature

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It is like that. Actually kabba can counter you in TBL if they throw r7 between the animation and the damage applied just cause takes the animation takes forever Dx

40k+ damage per hit with a +0 0trans weapon?

Omae wa mou shindeiru


Thinking of skipping Hakka 2 and going BM 1 :tired:

The new 350 red sword has likely 30% more average damage than abdochar, mine is soon +21 I wonder if I can already cancel the trans so I can pass it between my alts.

14 diamond anvils were used, I make 10 millions silver manually a day and call it quit

I don’t know when the patch will hit iToS. You should keep using your abdochar until then.

Can test and tell if, storm bolt has any effect on grind cutter?
I not really hopeful on this but it seems skarp is now pretty much a bad skill to invest on.

sorry noob question. its trans8 how can you pass it on your alts? I thought trans cant be pass / storage. pls enlighten me :smiley:

and btw how to make 10m a day XD