Tree of Savior Forum

Lancer build pvp

If IMC dont make Lancer C3 super good at PVP then its like shooting your own foot after all this time selling Lancer as PVP oriented. Right now Dragoon 2 is more promising for me in PVP. Dethrone is just so good for melee.

this is just a bunch of text

hahahahaā€¦ i literally laughing at the momentā€¦

this is just a bunch of text

Dragoon is definately a PvP class. Because it has Gae fkā€™ing bolg, the king of all spear skills pretty much. 1 shot 1 kill. Canā€™t wait until they buff the skill up to 1 shot everyone from anywhere in the map.

this is just a bunch of text

itā€™s just weak now, wait until goon c3 and it gets buffed up and wrecks everyone

this is just a bunch of text

no argument on that

people do whatever they can do at the moment

good for you, you have faith in IMC

but get your self a table ready, so you can flip it when IMC betrayed your trust.

IMC betrayed my trust when Templar2 StunBlade weapon locked to Swordā€¦

my sw3 cata3 templar is sad

i didnt know it was supposed to be Bob The Builder eitherā€¦

like, do we even know what IMC is thinking?

centurion isnt even out yetā€¦

so do whatever you wantā€¦
it doesnt worth to set for a main until all the rank are outā€¦
everything is subject to change coz classes still imbalance

The classical SW3 Cata3 Goon1 Build with a healthy bit of Con mixed with either Str or Dex will work fine for Lancer.

Though I hear that Dethrone from Dragoon C2 is amazing at sniping into the second line.

In my opinion Lancer or Dragoon C2 can and will work for PvP. If you are more into teamplay Lancer offers a lot of utility. Compared Dragoon C2 gives you long range killing power.

The only downside about the current Lancer is that you get an amazing amount of utility from C1, which makes me wonder about what Lancer C2 will look like. But here is the thing, you can still follow up with Dragoon C2 should Lancer C2 suck. Which is why I will go SW3 Cata3 Goon1 Lancer1 and see what Rank 9 brings.

im not being skeptical, but you keep saying that % percentageā€¦

did you forgot we all got IMCā€™ed with highlander Critical Attack %?

what if lancer just give plain 125block for a 15level investment?
still good?
has ktos confirmed that lancer Deployment is a real scaling by percentage skill?
if it does scale, it scale with pure Str Stat? or how does it work?

ok, iā€™ll take the Stupid title (duh, like it mattersā€¦)

but it scale with what? (sorry i dont follow ktos thread, too busy trolling)

dude, not saying lancer is bad, but just trying to understand thingsā€¦

ohwell, iā€™ll just make a testing alt lancer myself if getting info from forum is such a pita

nvm, @razm2888, you dont need to answer.
i didnt direct the question at you anyway

i dont like your high&mighty attitude.

Deployment is real good, it almost ignores block once the block debuff kicks into gear.

#Lancer is badā€¦ New meta is Dragoon2

now get triggered/cringe for me will ya

This skill [Dethrone] works with both short and long ranges, meaning it can be used to slay multiple monsters at once or target opponents in PvP battles.


The Lancer, which first appears at Rank 8, is a cavalry class that has powerful anti-personnel skills. (ā€¦)
it is extremely useful for charging through enemy defenses in Guild battles.

Is it really hard to see Dragoon and Lancer different purposes?

i hope it would because that will be pretty good for my build ^.^

i watched the dc2 vs lancer video, dethrone hurts like hell

Dethrone has much longer range than hook

I like to keep myself to options, because itā€™s not set in stone that Lancer C3 will be amazing. It can be and things like lvl 15 Deployment are nice.

But think about the option of combining that utility with the killing power of dethrone. If all the GvG useful charging skills are already in C1 and C2 would only offer more dmg than I going Goon C2 after Lancer might be viable if Goon C3 will be awesome to for PvP. Which we will all know after getting infos on R9.

Dude you have a dex build, cata 3, youā€™re perfectly set for lancer O.O

Iā€™m sad lancer skills donā€™t work with a shield, cause taking lancer at r8 makes a ton of sense. There are still enough ranks for me to go c3 on either.