Tree of Savior Forum

Lancer build pvp

oh thx, when you mean “/enables block with 2H spear.” is that mean hold C?

Passive chance/percentage. The good question is if the chance can be raised by finestra.

I hope all Cata>Corsair>Lancers prove me wrong but I don’t see synergy between so many utility skills and one that makes a mobile class immobile.

I think it’s about thinking about higher ranks. If you are going Lancer, you are not going Dragoon 2. The question is how useful will Dragon 1 remain at rank 8? You can follow up that question with, how useful will Dragoon 1 remain at rank 10? Whereas Corsair’s usefulness is a given. Hook is as useful at rank 1 as it is at rank 100.

The other choice is to take Doppel that gives you another “Rush” and DoV. At the same time it in mounts you.

Cara’s Mobility actually covers for Hook’s immobility. You can easily get into the melee range and better posiyion, hook the target do some damage and then doomspike them at the end. You can always run away if you see a threat, using Cara’s mobility. And remember with hook you are sacrificing your mobility for rooting 3 targets that can’t act for 9 seconds.

The main problem with taking Corsair, is that you don’t gain any offensive skills with it. You basically need to hope that Lancer will get something good at circles 2 and 3 to compensate.

I do imagine that at rank 10 Dragoon 3, Lancer 1 might be a beast but that depends on Lancer’s skills and power gaps between circles.

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maybe because you can hook from range then use joust to close the gap (and destroy safety zone along the way) and use lancer’s real damage skills, crush > quantain > quantain. much more flexible than hop2>corsair version. this is if I assume joust does not break hook (like long stride)

More ranks means more skills (better skills, in fact, since they’ll be higher ranks) which means you should have lots of skills and being immobile would mean loosing opportunities to use such skills (unless you hook at melee distance which is not easy with lag). Long Stride is a gap closer but won’t allow you to deal damage as the enemy is knocked back too far away for you to reach them.

I don’t know how much range Joust has. Honestly, I’m not impressed by Long Stride (with some DEX). Murmillo’s jump seems the only real, effective gap closer IMO.

But I hope I’m wrong. I love Corsair class.

Guys, if you’re against a catasair and catagoon in TBL 2v2, who will you be more cautious of?

The catagoon for sure since he’s got burst skills after rush.

Same with Goon 2 vs Lancer

Neither to be honest…

I’m going goon2 and honestly I don’t think I would need to be cautious of any swordsman class. Main problem is still r7x, ausrine, subzero shield etc.

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Im wary against corsair in 2v2. I always use my teammate to be the bait for the hook then kill the corsair afterwards. Thats the weakness of hooking, Cata can approach you very fast when youre hooking someone. If both teams have Cata and you have corsair, best time to use hook is to counter Rush, wait and see battle, the one without hook will lose more frequently. Goodluck landing Dragoon skills on me.

Hook will stop Cata but won’t cancel Rush. I think it’s a bug since it cancels Cyclone and other skills.

Yes i remembered 1 corsair hooking me besides him and die afterwards. Its like freeze bug where Rush keep spinning. But hook is still good counter against rush. Hook range is huge and easy to land. Wasted rush means youll rely more on EW, DP or if you have dragoon skills against that catacorsair’s Rush. I cant remember dragoons landed their skills on me always hitting air.

i have time when i get hooked, and still cyclone corsair to death.

i am guessing this apply to all the channel skills.

i have never continue to rush nor cyclone after freeze though.

217 DG freeze has bug that can keep you spinning until SP runout, and that lvl 250 mob before maven. On PVP havent encountered one yet against Cryos freeze. Probably there is but always get canceled.

Future problem of Cata3CorsairLancer3 is you dont have steroids. But IMC sees Lancer 3 as the best PVP for swordsman so Lancer 3 skills will be deadly like that of Cata3. Lancer 3 final skill should be 3-4times more powerful than Rush to compensate the rank 10 skills power gap. Try to image what kind of skill more powerful and easy to use than Rush. I cant imagine any. Dragoon 3 future is already secured because of serpentine and dethrone. Cant decide yet between Lancer3 or Dopple3/Centurion, just hoping Centurion wouldnt be locked on unmounted class.

Knowing that, wouldn’t it be more logical to be more cautious with the corsair, If i got hooked that dragoon can burst me easier.


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Well, Lancer 1 skills are PVP oriented, they even sell it as PVP focused class on teaser or skills description, its like deciphering why did that. Lancer 1 skills are below average when it comes to damage, so IMC will compensate that on Circle 3. There will be no new steroid buff for Lancer like DOV because Deployment is already there.

Quintain, Crush are like dragoon 1 skills, requires KD or Stun to land with good accuracy. Compare that to Rush the difference is huge.
Rush Restrain > All swordsman skill. Still the best skill for swordsman currently for me both for damage and utility.

Its like cataphract 1 yes. C3 for me will be the future of Lancer. That C3 Lancer at rank 10 will wreck havoc. But that Lancer 3 will utilize his C3 skill. Now think what kind of skill is that. That skill should be more powerful than Rush or otherwise Lancer will be like Cryo3,Chrono3 on PVP, only for utilty. Lancer 3 using Rush for DPS is just sad life.