Tree of Savior Forum

Lancer build pvp

nah… i wont make any main until IMC decide to stop making more rank and start focus balancing…

i guess my sw3 cata3 templar full dex gonna go experiment all the way templar3 just to see how it turn out

IMC mention they will do something to templar… i wonder…

maybe you can make alt just for lancer, to see how it feels , before deciding/invest on a main

EWWWWW Templar 3 :joy: I’m just saying going lancer would pay off for the pain of leveling a sw3 and going full dex. Think of all the foot-running swordies you’ll be trolling! Think of all the literal "shut up!"s you’ll be giving to those magical fairies in PvP :joy: All the raises you’d clear!

I would go for an alt lancer if I had the time. I don’t have a main, cause I only got 1 character, so it’s not a main, it’s a meh, cause it’s gotta be multipurpose, especially playing solo most of the time.

actually, the idea of full dex lancer sounds fun as well

coz all the while, cleric/mage gave me the most headache…

this time around, maybe i can shut them up (silence debuff) for good, hrmm…
can PD bloodletting block it?

more weird theorycrafting happening in my brain… not, enough, time, for, alt… ugh

new meta every swordman going high dex anyway, i guess my glory against str swordman has come to an end…

time to roll full con sw3 cata3 alt 60k hp~

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I think bloodletting can block it, but they still get their matk reduced, and you can still bust their circles.

Theorycrafting gets pretty crazy XD Dex just makes sense right now, but yeah, if everyone goes dex, you could go high def and con, or high con and mdef. 60k HP - at least hahaha and never receive crit dmg.

But the dex bandwagon will be running for quite a while before it gets too mainstream, and stat reset’s not on the TP shop. Also, rerolling for r8 will be quite some more time.

Lancer’s silence getting blocked by bloodletting is like a guy going limp just before thrusting it in

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Good one that made me chuckle. Dragoon vs Lancer is like picking which one has the larger inch. So far Lancer cant even make a baby.

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What do u thing about swd2, pelt1, cata3, corsair1, lancer full dex w leather, 8ella lv10? I’m think about pelt just because it gives 18% extra evasion and u can use guardian while mounted w 2hspear, I tested it, I’ill get around 1740~1808 eva in TBL w 28k hp. But i’m afraid that in late game, r9 n r10, lancer meta chance to con/dex, and eva build without going extreme eva don’t work in tbl n my pelt becomes a burden.

You are exchanging longer PBand higher restrain chance for 18% evasion, not a bad trade off, could be viable.

this is just a bunch of text

Guardian with evasion boost is fine ,but if only for that reason I wouldnt waste 1 rank for it If Im building Lancer.

The only con is I found manual C block doesnt really impressive though It seems does the good work with Archerys , but when you up against another sw’s restrain it will be no use since you still get stunned even u blockin

By the way what u guys thought about Lancer c2 ? The class description said It will provide Lancer very high-resistance on status aliments when moving…able to walk through MF/Raise ? LuL