Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v5.0

This arts is wasteful Tome Page and Attribute Point, Lycan human is more strong that this art, or you can use both same time?

Ok looks good, but the cooldown will be 60sec? the cooldown will kill this skill =/

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… but the Vaivora rod for Cryo…
… also… Hydra cards exist…

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I guess they meant the Epee Garde Art to help new players so Fencer won’t be trash without crit rate, just weak. But using an Art to do so seems idiotic, why not an attribute for that?

Soooo, Krivis, Sage, Chaplain, Inquisitor and Crusader (again) receive a bait-art? good to know, gonna save my books then

No homunculli ARTS :sad: :sad:


Crusader ART’s increase the total SFR from 60k+ (assuming with max attributes + everything) into full pledge glass cannon 80k+ SFR.

Added Quarrel Shooter’s art, I missed it. It’s based off of the new Block and Shoot change, which changed it to a channeled attack skill that deals damage over 5 seconds while increasing your block.


That was changed for about a dozen skills.
Some/many of them not good or 0point now already… weird.

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I wonder how IMC chooses which skill to have ART… I mean, some useless/weak skills are given arts out of the blue

15 sec duration(with max skill what is also -15 skillpoint) 5 min cd? I rly don’t think so…

I rly like the direction of the new arts… I think this is what arts should be…but I agree at the same time. I think some of these need more balance because a lot of them seem like they are not worth it at all for anyone…

Also at the same time there are still some that are simply buffs to the original…but imc was never rly consistent with their stuff… XD

idk… This is for holy magic caster builds and for them AA is a filler anyway and mostly have lots of skills anyway. They also have a much easier way to allocate their skillpoints too imo. What I’m trying to say is that it is definitely shouldn’t be stronger than AA…but yeah i can’t tell still if it will make ppl choose chaplain for caster builds when they could go for Miko-Crusa-Exo for example.

I guess the problem is…that chaplain has problems anyway… So if they would make this good that would just kill off the original purpose of chaplain what would pretty much annoy me… XD So idk how it should be…

I’m wondering if it will be good for me. As a chaplain zealot I have add damage so more hits sounds nice…

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Eh, if you’re a new player even the mastery won’t help much. You would be adding a low attack bonus to attacks mostly balanced over critting and getting the full epee garde bonus.

You missed the Diev art



Yeah, I understand you but IDK, AA looks a little broken currently…
Vaivora - Armor Sacred is a big joke
Ark - Wind looks good

Last Rites - you need high stats that this skill to be “good” and is a pitty that you can’t use sacrament together. It would be nice an art where you use your Physical or Magic Critical as skill factor.
Bination - Don’t have scale so in the future will be waseful
Aspergillum - has a poor skill factor, the art should be trigger in the AA, like Ark Storm.
Deploy Cappella - Excellent buff
Paraclitus Time - Good skill
Visible Talent - Good skill but the cap turn it weak.

Looks that they don’t know what to do with chaplain =/

Chaplain is magic, Monk es physical and IDK what gem I use, RED or BLUE in the weapon. it’s nice a hybrid class, but looks confuse too
Looks that main stats for Chaplain is Add. Dmg. but is hard to get it.

sry bad english xD


@4lkruzeth how is the energy blast buff on the test server?

Does it make energy blast meme viable?


20 bullshit

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How many Scout ARTS do we have now where bombs / bombardments / mines, etc. are being dropped while another skill is cast or active? I think the Vaivora Dagger for Ardito’s has the same effect.

The creative team of IMC is working overtime.

PD Beak Mask Art seem to be bugged, has no poison effect atm. But here’s what the white mask looks like:

Divine Punishment Art: (Just like the normal skill, it does not need to be charged, but deals increased damage if charged)


Worst part is that things like Corsair “Bombardment” feels more like wet farts than actual bombs
It does no damage

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Is there any plans to add new Arts for Pardoners, Squires, Alchemists, Enchanters and base classes? Would you know if there is anyone angry about that in Korea, @crevox ?

I’d love an Art for Refreshment Table… Or a new Art to craft something unique… Or even an Art to use those classes in combat… Anything…



That could be a sign that those classes will be the first rework batch. I was neutral to skeptical when they said it back then, those Arts just made me lose any hope left…