Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v5.0

Running shot skills areadded.

  • Increased basic attack power when equipped with crossbows,increasing the base attack factor and applying 2hit…
  • Acquisition Conditions: Quarrell Shooter Level 16레벨
  • Maximum acquisition level: 10
  • Overhit: 1
  • Duration: 20 seconds초
  • Cooldown: 60 seconds초
  • Skill factor: 400 + [Skilllevel-1] * 22

The uptime is pretty laughable XD…
Modifier is about the same as Limacon.
Since it stated basic attack, saint oath should work.
Also it’s crossbow restrictive.
Adding 1 additional hit is nice though.


The lv3 goddess/ demon buff is very substantial…

■■■■ the power creeps and infinite money sink.
We keep getting less and less method to make money yet everything requires 5~10 times more investment.
As if this ■■■■■■■ game is designed to be played by those 50~ individual whales and no-one else.


Btw Scout universal “buff”

Double Attack Main Weapon damage conversion rate changed from 25%에서 to 30%.

Lol , yeah right, Scout is surely saved (rolling eyes)

Basically is around 5~15% dps buff all around, on top of some nerf in buffing abilities all around.


That actually sounds pretty awesome, not gonna lie…
It does have a good synergy with the Arbalester, you can use Fanwise Shot Lv15 + Arbalester: Precision to get a nice 55% chance of spawning Homing Arrows then activate Running Shot to get the extra 1 hit and skill factor on top… I don’t know how good it will be but it does sound awesome, being crossbow restrictive was already a given tho’ since it’s Q.Shooter skill, I don’t like the cooldown tho’ but, like I said, we still don’t know how the skill work, it might be OP hence why it’s only for 20 seconds with a minute cooldown…

IS there other changes tho’? Like rebalancing older skills? SOme of them sure need a skill factor buff…

this buff in scout is ridiculous… omg I thought imc are on the right path… RIP scout


I’m waiting till ppl see the change in the overlord activation mecanics


OK I also saw that they lowered the max level of Pavise from 15 to 5, good!

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There’s a new musket vv ?

yes, for the new musket class: Arquebusier

Vibora Musket - Lever Action

Power 220

Critical Strike 740

Hit 744

  • Aquitania server built for all skill levels +1

  • Precision Fire Rounds 2 times

  • Clean hit ] Buff maximum overlap 10 Change

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Precision fire is LITERALLY block and shoot

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Vaivora Level 4 Effects - General

Attack against Race-type Target ▲1350 -> 2070

Concentrated Defense
Attack against Medium-type Target Offsetting ▲2070

Replaces the old effect.

Increases final Additional Damage by 150% by 20% chance when attacking.

Vaivora Level 4 Effects - Swordsman

Increases the Physical Defense conversion from shield for Shooting Star by 35%.

Reduces cooldown of Infinite Assault by 5 seconds.

When using Infinite Assault, rush forward and cast Grind Cutter and Skarphuggning.

Increases the final damage of Faena by 100%.

Casts [Leventador] when using Balestra Fente.

Hits all targets nearby the charged enemy 10 times, dealing damage equal to 10% of the Skill Factor of Balestra Fente with each hit.
Max Targets: 10

Reduces the cooldown of Blandir Cadena by 25 seconds.

Increases the final damage of Stabbing by 100%.

Increases the final damage of Doom Spike by 100%.

When Dragon Fall is cast, 4 lances fall down around the target location, each dealing 40% of the Skill Factor of Dragon Fall. Deals damage in a range of 60 with a max number of targets of 10.

Reduces the cooldown of Joust by 10 seconds.

When using Joust, summons a cavalry to deal damage to the area, dealing damage equal to 50% of the current Skill Factor of Gigante Marcha. Max targets 10, half damage in PVP.

Increases the final damage of Zwerchhau by 100%.

Blossom Blader
Increases the final damage of Control Blade by 100%.

Increases the final damage of Moulinet by 100%.

Nak Muay - One Handed Sword
STR ▲149
Critical Rate ▲480
Strike Attack ▲996
All skill levels of Nak Muay ▲1

-Grants 1 stack of [???] when casting Nak Muay attack skills (30 second duration).
-At 8 stacks, cast [Tempest] when Ram Muay is cast.

Deals 10 consecutive hits to enemies in front of you. While casting, damage taken is reduced by 70% and you are immune to knockback and knockdown.

Skill Factor: The total sum of all Nak Muay attack skills.
AoE Attack Ratio: 30

[Vaivora Level 4]
Increases the final Skill Factor of Te Kha, Sok Chiang, Te Trong by 30%.


Vaivora Level 4 Effects - Wizard

When you cast Slow, casts [Time Clutch] at the same location. In addition, when casting an attack skill that only takes effect after casting is fully completed, reduces the cooldown of Slow by an amount equal to the casting time of that skill.

Time Clutch
Deals Non-Property damage within a range of 80 at the target location.
Skill Factor: Slow Skill Level * 1200%
Max Targets: 10
Silences for 2 seconds

Reduces the cooldown of Evocation by 10 seconds.

Rune Caster
Reduces the cooldown of Rune of Justice by 15 seconds.

Increases the number of hits from Ice Blast by 1.

Increases the number of hits from Horn of Golem by 1.

Increases the final damage of Flame Ground by 100%.

Reduces the cooldown of Shadow Condensation by 15 seconds.

Increases the number of hits from Psychic Pressure by 1.

Bokor - Staff
INT ▲210
Critical Rate ▲740
Dark Magic Attack ▲1488
Damballa Skill Level ▲1

-Inflicts a debuff to the target for 5 seconds when Damballa is cast.
-For the duration of the debuff, gain 1 extra stack of [Dark Power] each time you gain [Dark Power].
-When the debuff ends, casts [Lewa Advent].

[Lewa Advent]
Deals 4 hits of Dark property magic damage. Deals 20% increased damage for each Bokor debuff on the target (up to 60%).
Skill Factor: 75% of Damballa’s current Skill Factor

[Vaivora Level 4]
Increases the final damage of Effigy by 100%.


Vaivora Level 4 Effects - Archer

When casting Bodkin Point, deal another hit of 50% of the Skill Factor of Bodkin Point, and inflict a debuff that deals 30% of that damage every 1 second for 10 seconds.

Lowers the cooldown of Spread Shot by 10 seconds.

Increases the number of hits from Dead Zone by 1.

Quarrel Shooter
Doubles the firing speed of Block and Shoot.

While moving for 2 sec during Sniper’s Serenity, reduce cooldown of Sniper/Headshot by 2 sec. After moving for 2 seconds, activate [Stealth].

Tiger Hunter
Reduces the cooldown of Rapid Shot by 10 seconds.

Triggers [Air Burst] at the location of the caster’s Smoke Grenade when using Cannoneer attack skills, dealing damage equal to the Skill Factor of Cannon Shot.
AoE Attack Ratio: 20

Reduces the cooldown of Crouching Strike by 5 seconds.

STR ▲220
Critical Rate ▲740
Accuracy ▲744
All Arquebusier skill levels ▲1

-Doubles the firing speed of Precision Fire.
-[Clean Hit] can now stack to 10.

[Vaivora Level 4]
Increases the final damage of Pinpoint Fire by 100%.

Vaivora Level 4 Effects - Cleric

When casting Mass Heal, grants a 12 second buff to the caster. Party members within 150 range receive the effects of [Heal] every 3 seconds.

Increases the final Skill Factor of Aspergillum by 30%.

Grants a self buff for 30 seconds after casting Sacred.

Deal additional damage to enemies in front of you when using Holy Smash. Damage is equal to 20% of the Skill Factor of Condemn.
Max Targets: 10

Increases the number of hits from Ripper by 1.

Plague Doctor
Increases the final damage of Black Death Steam by 100%.

Increases the final damage of Rubric by 100%.

INT ▲215
Critical Rate ▲744
Critical Magic Attack ▲1580
All Sadhu skill levels ▲1

-Maximum [Sadhu Soul] stacks ▲1
-All skills that consume [Sadhu Soul] stacks only consume 2.
(Despite consuming 2 stacks, the effect of the skills is the same as if they consumed the maximum stacks)

[Vaivora Level 4]
Increases the number of hits from Vashita Siddhi by 1.

Vaivora Level 4 Effects - Scout

Schwarzer Reiter
Increases the attack speed bonus for Limacon to 60%.

Bullet Marker
Changes Outrage to grant 1 stack of Outrage for each stack of [Overheating].

Increases the final damage of Kutukan by 100%.

Increases the final damage of Kunai by 100%.

Increases the final damage of Taglio by 100%.

Increases the final damage of Backstab by 100%.

Increases the final damage of Fanning by 100%.

STR ▲148
Critical Rate ▲490
Physical Critical Attack ▲1280
All Clown skill levels ▲1

-Casts [Moon Blind Knife] when using Climax.

[Moon Blind Knife]
Deals damage by throwing the same number of dagger thrown by Climax forwards.
Skill Factor: 25% of Climax
Hits: Equal to the number of thrown daggers (Max 10)
Max Targets: 10

[Vaivora Level 4]
Increases the final damage of Fatal Roulette by 100%.


Where is the Sheriff’s Vaivora? :cry:

Another patch without changes to Druid or Dievdirbys… Not even a Vaivora…

The source I translated this from was the KR forum, and they apparently just forgot the Sheriff one. Will need to wait a bit for that one.


So Piercing Shot now has 0s cd? The original lvl1 VV effect already reduces it from 20s to 10s…

Sorry, I mixed these up. It’s Rapid Shot.

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Bullet Marker
Changes Outrage to grant 1 stack of Outrage for each stack of [Overheating].

any idea what is this ? infinite outrage?