Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v4.0

After healing patch, paladin’s restoration did not affect heal output (it did affect healing before the patch). This was fixed. Some players tested it. It boosts healing output by 10% after the fix, regardless of restoration’s level. If it’s worth for you, restoration is scrolled by pardoners and sold on market.


yes … this atrtribute = deeds of valor


Max values for new enchant jewel system


Sure, but just remove whitoud give nothing to a subclass underused like templar? if you will change something please fix the class problems.
Like i said: It’s ok to just remove Ein Sof from buffshare but why not give rune of protection (or revive? idk) Linkers can share rune of protection and templars not LOL

So we basically want the highest value we could get our hands on on each armor we have to obtain a multitude of different awesomeness.

I’m sold! Now only if RNG will allow me to…

Yeah … even more blockrate …

I still think every good GVG group will have at least 1 templar for summoning - buff sharing bloodletting - shield charge - etc

Matador Faena:

Correction applied for infinite AoE attack ratio.

(buff) Faena risk attribute: applies bonus damage to faena, and during faena’s skill animation, disables blocking when wearing a shield, and disables dodge.

(old: faena damage increased when not wearing a shield)

errr, did they just brought back shield block to matador while the atribute is active and when the skill is being used we lose block and dodge? thats… kinda nice and risky xD

Yes … one …
This is so sad, nerfing a sub-class that will not get any pay back.

KR drop chances for newest Goddess Blessed Cube. Note: Rank C is not shown in this picture, but it is an equally distributed 5.5% chance for the standard random hair accessories.

Also note that these chances may be different for our version.

I also took the liberty of properly translating the Enchant Jewel’s stat options.

Note that maximum values will likely require dismantling of Legend equipment.


I wonder how hard to get these jewels will be, it looks like they can be better than legend cards while being easier to get?

Also I wonder if the equipment level will have an effect on the maximum rolls possible, otherwise we could farm a ton of 5F lolo armor for “easy” high roll chances when dismantling.

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The level of the item dismantled determines the maximum level that the Enchant Jewels can be applied to (equipment level + 10). For example, Enchant Jewels created from level 380 equipment can be applied to items level 390 and below.


How much it cost to get level 100 on enhance attribute of rank 10?

On average, higher-grade Jewels (Legend > Unique > Rare) produce higher stat values. However, the only difference between each grade will be their chance of applying said values, which means it will be possible for Unique and Rare Jewels to generate maximum stat values as well.

EDIT: Sorry, i didn’t read well. You said likely require

From what I read in the article, the maximum is the same for all grades. Unless Legend gear produces a different maximum, or has a very tiny range of values, of course.




That monster looks like a pervert.

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I thought it was cannoneer’s rework. But it’s not.

Two new raids were announced: Magic Test/Experimentation Site (Nicopolis raid) & Novaha Raid.
The image you see of the laser cannon boss is the Nicopolis raid boss. The Novaha boss is a bird.



Ooooh. Are we getting two different sets of orange lvl 380 gear?

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