Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v4.0

Chortasmata and Aukuras Healing over time, it will be nice for CM

I will try later on with kabba3 too


excorisist looks terrible, but im making a peid piper it looks amazing

Wait so would Exorcist go with Sadhu? Does Sadhu finally have synergy

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New druid seems like an interesting option IMO.

Kabba c3 healing skill, the strongest for high hp chars so far since it heals % of hp. Einsof atribute and Guardian does not increase the amount healed nor Healing power.


No sinergy :frowning:

Hmmm, shall we start posting new vids?

Archer1 Ranger3 Wugu3 Pipi2 at DG300 here
Cleric3 Sadhu3 Miko Exo2 at DG300 here
Cleric3 Priest3 Chaplain Exo2 at DG300 here
Druid3 skills being tested at East Siauliai Woods here


With that amount of hits with both rubric and holly water ground it sure Will go well with t.prana, but as far as sinergy goes that seems about it, like any other multi hit magic class, unless some skill do pysochokin. Dmg to Benefit from t.prana bonus dmg.

Sadhu need a rework badly

Anyone have the translated attributes for exorcist?

Can you test Einsof sp recovery attribute?

Transmit Prana will always be good for magic damage increase. The problem with Sadhu is the whole kit itself that is clunky and not very useful. Even TP cooldown will demand some tool to keep up the duration, like meltsis or diev statue.

Beam skill doesn’t have anything to guarantee its own full charge by itself, so it relies on other classes for protection. Looking at some tests, Druid 2 (sterea trofh and vines) is really good for Beam, cause can lock/defend and deal damage while doing it. Safety Zone too, but will push you for better positioning.

Sadhu really make Beam skill even better with TP, but I guess Exorcist 2 will be mandatory for (obviously) greater damage multiplier and the attribute that gives to the skill more damage ticks per second.

Sadhu3 Druid2 Exo1 might give the control the Beam needs, but not its full potential

Sadhu3 X Exo2 will give better damage output, but you will have to rely on Safety Zone or maybe other skill / gimmick that I can’t remember right now.

Can someone tell me what’s happening here?

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so what is that “50% damage reduction” actually on sephiroth tree desc?
(guessing it is meant for party member damage output :tired:)

edit: could anyone enlighten the ‘monster gem balance patch’?

Pied Piper Skills
Please inform of any mistranslation --.

Plays a haunting melody, inflicting stun to enemies nearby. Stealthed targets are affected, unstealthing them
3 second Stun
Area Increase per level
50s Cooldown

Plays a soothing melody, causing enemies to fall asleep.
Sleep Duration 10 second
Sleep Threshold 1
Target Count 6 + 1 per level
AoE 50 + 10 per level
35s CD

Hypnotische Flote
Plays a hypnotic melody, causing enemies to follow you in a line.
Target Count 4 + 1 per level
Duration 10s
40s CD

Hameln Nagetier
Commands horde of rats, attacking when using this skill.
1 rat spawns per usage of pied piper skills.
218% + 12% per level
A rat appears on the usage of the skills
Hypnotiste Flote
Marschierendes Lied
20s CD

Plays an irresistible tune, causing everyone to dance.
Target Count 5 + 1 per level
Duration 5s
45s CD

Marschierendes Lied
Plays a rousing tune, preventing Knockbacks and Knockdowns for the next few attacks
Protection Count 11 + 1 per level
Duration 60s
40s CD

Attribute Effects TBA


Holy ■■■■ these costumes look AMAZING i’m drooling
So pied piper is a support and exorcist is a dps?

Exorcist Skills
Kudos to Nekorin for providing Skill/Attribute Descriptions

Please inform of any mistranslation --’’.

Releases the power of the book of the Goddess, attacking enemies in front.

524% + 28% per skill level
5 target count
15s Cooldown

Enhance Attribute Existing
Attribute Increases Target Count +1 per level to +5
SP Cost 30% Increase
Second Attribute Reduces Hit Interval
SP Cost 20% Increase

Uses powerful magic to reveal hidden enemies, revealed enemies are damaged.
1389% + 76% per level
3 Overheat
15s Cooldown

Enhance Attribute Existing
Attribute applies 10-50% of Entity damage to visible enemies
SP Cost 30% Increase

Unleashes Divine Power of the Goddess, dispelling up to rank 2 debuffs, while inflicting holy type damage to enemies around
1404% + 98% per level
30S Cooldown

Enhance Attribute Existing
Attribute makes it apply more times(?)
Max Level 2
20% SP Cost Increase

Aqua Benedicta
Throws a Vial of Holy Water, damaging enemeis inside. Does Not affect Flying Enemies.
0.3s hit interval
203% + 11% per level
3 overheat
Duration 6s
Target Count 8
25s CD

Enhance Attribute Existing
Attribute Increases damage to lone target by 2.5x
30% SP Cost Increase

Applies Self buff that prevents knockdown, and reduces damage taken from devil type
5% damage reduction per level
5s per level duration
35s cd

Releases the gathered power of those who believe in the Goddesses, usable when there are 3 people nearby, increased damage when the 3 people are of Cleric Tree.
.4s Tick Interval
242% Base Damage
20s Duration
40s CD

No Enhance Attribute
Attribute allows Templar Players to be counted on the 3 Cleric nearby requirement for increased damage
SP Cost Increase 10%

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i wonder… are pi-pi skills useable when mounted?

Sadhu already had sinergy, all builds with multihits/lines are empowered by transmit prana, the problem is that sadhu has only 6 skills with 3 of them being a meme.

What a way to further f*ck with stealth classes (Shinobi & Scout), as if stealth wasn’t nearly useless in PVP already due to visual bugs. RIP. Hahahaha

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It’s C1 skill. /////20sadpopos