Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v4.0

Anybody know new class maters’s name?
I wanna know my new husbandos’s names… pls :tired:
I barely see Exorcist master’s name, All I can see is his name write in Hangul as ‘Shi-Do-U’. Not sure what would it call in English and I can’t read his surname.

but…but… i LOVE look of this form @@ i NEED it… btw melstis will work with this or not?

probably yes, there is 0 reason not to. it will still be 80s/120cd tough.

It’s nice but i wanted to use it with other costumes, such as Hanbok. And yes, from what it says you can use any skill with the attribute.

Any iformation about Attributes?

sad its not perma :((

with diev 1 and kriv 3 it can be.

well yeah, but such a heavy investment for this particular skill doens’t seem really worth tough. unless you are already going for mage cleric, than you can go c1 - kri3-diev1-druid3-exo1 maybe? could be quite good actually, depend on how exo1 turn out to be.

edit: it still has 16s cd downtime tough xD, 120- 20%cdr = 96cd

edit2: yeah but you can remelstis it, i forgot that.


if someone has some wugushi video please post it, I can’t find any pics/videos of it but everyone say it’s still bad

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Weird, I don’t know if it’s a bug or not. I just did an exorcist with Monk 2H mace passive learned… but I can’t equip 2H mace on that char… What’s wrong :open_mouth:

Finally Pied Piper! Time to level an Archer. :sad:

Exoscist’s channeled skill looks amazing, but only that. Want to make another Cleric for Druid 3 tho.

I made a video with the new healings

cleric3 priest2/3 will be really meta i think

same for me i will definitly do druid and piper :smiley:

btw imo exorcist’s skills are VERY SIMILIAR to omni…

Can you test if paladin restoration aura affects the new heal changes, and how?
Please and thank you

Doesn’t work on Heal, so I suppose it won’t on Mass Heal either

Are you saying Paladin Restoration Aura no longer has hidden synergy with Heal and Mass Heal?

It seems so, I guess it’s been removed with the heal rework or it’s “bugged” at the moment…
Right now, no healing amount difference with and without Restoration, sorry :frowning:

At the very least restoration should give healing power now instead of hp recov.