Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v4.0

there is a funny little typo with mergen spread shot… XD (sh*t)


but was it really a typo


Cleric skills and attributes now!


Breast Ripper [Circle 3 skill]: Attack enemies in front of you with huge torture scissors. The skill can’t be blocked, the damage is increased against demon-type enemies and you can’t be interrupted during its animation (damage or knockdown/back effects). Comes with a damage enhancing attribute.
Breast Ripper: Armor Break [Circle 3 attribute]: Breast Ripper ignores a portion of the enemies’ defense based on the attribute level.
Inquisitor: Torture Expert [Circle 3 attribute]: killing enemies with Inquisitor torture skills reduce the cooldown of other torture skills (Iron Maiden, Pears of Agony, Breaking Wheel and Breast Ripper). Also changes the amount of torture tools used by these skills (Iron maiden 0 → 1, Pears 0 → 1, Breaking Wheel 3 → 2, Breast Ripper 2)
Iron Maiden: God Smash [Circle 3 attribute]: God Smash deals double damage against enemies trapped in Iron Maiden.
Judgment [Circle 2 skill]: number of targets and range increased, cooldown slightly reduced.
Judgment [Circle 2 attribute]: Judgment taunts nearby enemies.
Breaking Wheel [Circle 1 skill]: now has a damage enhancement attribute.
Breaking Wheel: Reinforced [Circle 2 attribute]: Breaking Wheel durability is increased with the attribute level.
Malleus Maleficarum [Circle 1 skill]: debuff duration fixed at 10s and the bonus damage against debuffed enemies was changed from 100% of the target’s matk to 6% per skill level (90% of the target’s matk with Malleus lvl 15). The mana burn effect is adjusted to 25% mana burn regardless of how many bolts hit the target and a damage enhancement attribute was also added.


Emphasis Trust [Circle 3 skill]: gains additional holy damage buff each time a nearby enemy deals damage.
Beady Eyes [Circle 3 attribute]: if you successfully approaches an enemy with Beady Eyes, your next attack in the next few seconds will be a guaranteed critical hit.
Immolation: Melt Armor [Circle 3 attribute]: decreases the defense of all enemies affected by Immolation and the character’s defense as well
Fanaticism: Martyrdom [Circle 3 attribute]: if your HP reaches 0, grants immortality for a few seconds and all cooldowns are reset.


Katadikazo [Circle 3 skill]: passes down the judgement of the goddesses by dropping a huge holy spear in front of you, dealing massive damage to enemies caught in the impact area. Comes with a damage enhancement attribute.
Engkrateia: Response of the Goddess [Circle 3 attribute]: your HP can’t fall below 1 while Engkrateia is active.
Gregorate: ??? [Circle 3 attribute]: I haven’t played with Exorcist yet, so I don’t fully understand what this does. Something related to an effect becoming available with 3 links.


Exile [Circle 3 skill]: Summons a number of amulets behind you and send them forward, damaging enemies in the front. Reimu anyone? Also comes with a damage enhancing attribute.
Divine Punishment [Circle 2 skill]: I may be wrong, but now, instead of having to charge it for 3 seconds, you have to release the skill button within 3 seconds to use this skill
Divine Punishment: ??? [Circle 3 attribute]: Divine Punishment deals damage to enemies around the enemy struck by the lightning.


But now Disarm say “Become unable to equip a Shield” and with thats you assume can’t block but in some cases like the Retarious itself you can block with your dagger, I assume now with the Disarm debuff you can’t block no matter what.
But I hope this mean you can’t block or Dodge the hit of the skill.

I think they mean that the current Mana Burn effect won’t stack if you get hit by multiple bolts.

Right now: if you get hit by multiple bolts ( 7 max ) you’ll current SP will get drained by 25% 7 times.
R10 Patch: You’ll only get SP Drained by 25% regardless how many times you got hit by the bolts.

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Ohh, that’s right. It’s been a long time since I stopped playing with Inquisitor, so I thought only Monk had a mana burn effect. Thanks for clarifying!

Spread S hit
Cooldown Reduced

Interesting translation… Ewwwww…:scream: :rofl:


Welcome back @greyhiem :stuck_out_tongue:


Woops :)))

I forgot to revert some of my commentary there.

I just got back! Thanks for translation Yunseo.
Have not read everything yet, just looked quickly at piper.

Think first one should be

Lied des Weltenbaums (Song of The Worldtree) in German,

세계수의 노래를 연주합니다.
자신을 포함한 파티원의 공격 피해량과 피격 피해량이 동시에 증가합니다.
Play the tune of the Worldtree. Party damage dealt is increased, and party damage received is increased. (basically attack up, defence down party buff), that’s correct.

The Worldtree attribute should make allies immune for a few hits during this buff, amount of hits is based on attribute level.

무적 카운트
버프 지속 시간동안 특성 레벨에 비겨한 횟수만큼 적의 공격을 무시합니다.

and the second new skill should be Stegreifspiel (improvisation Play)

일정 확률로 자신이 배운 파이드(Pied) 파이퍼(Piper) 스킬 중 하나가 무작위로 발동 됩니다.
연주에 실패해도 스킬은 발동되지만 각 스킬의 효과가 떨어집니다.
슈테그가이프슈필로 (Stegreifspiel) 발동 가능한 스킬로는 디소난츠 (Dissonanz), 비겐리트(Wiegenlied), 미쉬렌데스리트(Marschierendes Lied), 리트 데스 벨트바움 (Lied des Weltenbaums) 있으며, 이 때 자동 발동된 스킬은 각 스킬의 재사용 대기시간에 영항을 미치지 않습니다.

Translation is correct. Random activation of piper skills, with a separate cooldown.


@Staff don’t kill taoist pls


Thank you very much!

Piper skills were an arse to translate really. :sad:

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Piper 3 looks really good, but it’s such a shame we can’t make Falc3 Piper3.

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Attempting to decipher German word is difficult :disappointed_relieved:

Exorcist remaining:

여신의 응답
앵크가테이야가 지속되는 동안 체격이 1 미만으로 떨어지지 않습니다.
Engkrateia: Goddess Blessing
HP cannot drop below 1 during the Engkrateia buff.
(Circle 3 attribute)

그게고게이트로 해제할 수 있는 상태이상이 3랭크로 증가합니다.
Gregorate is able to remove rank 3 debuff effects.
(Circle 3 attribute)


some news to fencer ? please imc pleeease ;-;

The good news for Fencer players is that they’ll be able to build Fencer5 (Fencer3 Matador2). Good enough, don’t you think?


As guy who plays Inq/Zea/Lancer/Goon/Hacka R10 looks pretty good xd

Is Judgement still buggy in pvp?

Thank you @Pokart and @greyhiem

I had to refresh the site page to see that they added the 2 attributes below.

Added with kudos :heart:


Good job too, @Yunseo! I can’t wait to see these skills in action. And I’m glad I didn’t reset my Taoist yet, I have good hopes for the Circle 3 changes.

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Thanks to all the kind souls taking the time to translate those news to us that fast !
Really appreciate guys !