My feeling is that they could easily balance Taoist + Chrono by taking out overheats from Creeping Death Charm. Make it 1 overheat only, or maybe 2. Taoist been on a very good spot since changed to be a Wizard class, it is not that it is the only useful skill it has now (compared to when it were on Cleric tree).
But no, let’s buff everything else so everybody will hit damage cap on PvE. If you need more numbers, please attach Skiaclipse set effect.
Maybe I’m being too simplistic on how a balance should be done
Now, it is not that Mergen, Ardito, Zealot, Wugushi and other classes did not deserve a scale up on their SFRs, cause they were not on a good spot for a long time. But it is hard to look at those changes and not compare them to everything stated for Re:Build, that happened less than 1 year ago.
Curiously, we are still missing pet AI improvement and Homunculus changes, that dev stated they wanted to tackle at the very first trimester of this year, if I remember it correctly.
Oh well… guess we will have to wait for an official statement (if it will happen) to understand what they have in mind with all of this.
(and also wait for the Sadhu changes, promised for August, that never came)
Hard to believe, those changes are live already. Heck, the last patch was not even on kTEST, went straight to kTOS server. Unless they really consider kTOS the test server, as the korean playerbase says haha