Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v4.0

Lol yeah, for some reason I can never remember its name, I have said it wrong so many times that now I dont bother to type it.

Kundela has interesting mechanics, thats it really. Can’t just spam it and expect to deal damage, it needs a setup to deal its full damage potential.
But now, why would I debuff the enemy 3 times, including one curse, if I can just use Ngadhundi with no proper setup and deal similar damage to a fully stacked Kundela?

The dynamics of this forum is to cry for everything, the nerf to Kundela was minimal and they gave him more skills to harm, instead of just being a warlock buff.

This will give players more freedom to plan a new build, but come on, it’s more fun to cry for everything and declare this game dead for a millionth time.


Just to make clear that there is no official statement about what they have planned around those SFR changes. The “buff every class, 5 at a time” is what the guy that I spoke said, and it is his personal feeling based on the IMC way of doing things there on kTOS. They are also shocked with all of this and waiting for a proper announcement of what devs have in mind.

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that’s not the point, FF is like twin sister to wl now, and what wl have? Mastema with instantly 3 debuff.
You can’t tell me you “have to 3 debuff on enemies”, you have 4 other team mates to inflict debuff now.
Oh and if ppl want to cry about solo FF using kundela? Wake up, use Kudaitcha for bossing.
Stop mindlessly on negative action from IMC pls.
(need someone to fix my english)

Regardless of what Imc changes, there is always more negative than positive feedback. Some people are more inclined to give negative feedback, and not give feedback at all when a positive change is made. If you dont want to see negative feedback, you shoud not be on the forums.

And yeah sure, I’m going to spend 15sec channeling a skill vs using 3 OH of 1sec each… It almost like I got 2 other classes in my build that could be doing more damage, and that Kundela is just a filler while my main damage is on cooldown…

Anyways, if you want to complain about people complaining, make another topic instead of arguing on the ktos one. All that is going to happen is you (and me I guess) being flagged for offtopic here.


Where should we be then. I want ma positive.

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now i know why to much meme of Dragoon.
dont care what weapon you use and how much TC, Enhance Anvil bla bla your damage still cant beat up Cataphract or lancer.
consider the Dragoon Helmet issue, movement speed -5
Dragoontooth have some casting time with damage low than catapracht doom spike and have no casting time. and many more maybe.

actually i love the spear class and very very dont like class with all the time riding companion like cata, lancer, hackapell and SR. and for now i think i will give up with dragoon. maybe IMC need long time to buff this classs cause dragoon has buffed and the damage still not significant up.

sorry for my bad english and cmiiw.

hmm, did I just read that right? They are planning to have the balancing changes completed mid September?

Even if we give them until the 26th (which isn’t mid of September but who gives a thing) that’s only 4 weeks. So far they’ve adjusted 13 classes in 2 weeks, which is 7 classes average per week.
in 4 more weeks, there would be only enough space for 28 more classes at the current speed.

That’s a total of 41 classes from 75 classes in the game, which is little over half (~55%).

I’m already scared that some changes might result in unsatisfactory results or even downright pathetic when compared to the first adjustments they’ve made so far.

It’s also putting the question in the room: what will happen with the support classes?
Will they finally receive enough damage to be self-sufficient?

And what about the classes that don’t have enough damage skills?

If you compare e.g. mergen and inquisitor, mergen has a great number of damage skills, allowing you to have mergen as the sole damage class on the build, while inquisitor basically only has god smash as a stable damage skill because the other skills have strange mechanics and high cd times,
so an inquisitor will have way less build freedom in this new high skillfactor meta.

given such complicated inter-class /build relationships, enough consideration has to be taken to create a “balance” with these new SFR changes.

We already saw the exact same thing play out with Zealot. Zealot does not have many damage skills (only 2 “proper” damage skills while the rest are never used for damage), and have more important problems to address mainly in Blind Faith and Fanaticism. All they did was increase skill factor of skills and reduce the cooldown of Fanatic Illusion, while leaving the main problems with Zealot and its Arts Attribute untouched.

I suspect something similar will go to Inquisitor and other classes with very few damage skills. IMC is just going to play around with skill factors (and move around overheats and cooldowns) to match Taoist’s damage potential, and not touch whatever problems each classes have (especially with how some parts of the Arts System still needs tweaking) for the next few patches. Assuming that’s all we will be getting for the next few patches instead of anything new or fixes/reworks on classes that need them, this game’s updates is going to get a lot more boring for the next few patches and months I guess (IMC will screw up a few classes for sure and will go back and forth to change them up). Is this IMC’s plan to make sure every damage class can make use of that set effect that gives 1,999,999 damage cap so the set effect will become more desirable than Smugis, Korup and Kraujas since its possible to cap without them anyways? :joy:

Can’t wait for damage numbers to go up so much that the normal and set effect damage cap is increased yet again, and we get the second coming of Re:Build 2.0 in order to “scale down damage” and make it easier for the game to balance yet again.

All this damage just because IMC brought Taoist over to Wizard tree and didn’t know how to balance Taoist with the rest (my mere speculation) … Bringing Cleric classes to Wizard tree was a mistake (Jkjk).



Its also possible that they are over buffing skills just to force the player base to test them.

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Crossguard being a stance instead of a buff still triggers the ■■■■ out of me.
Now it’s debatable if Highlander will have higher DPS than Nak Muay + arts. Probably Highlander if we reach 999k with Skyliner, but i doubt it.

With Crown… maybe?

I dont get it why does IMC thinks having multiple 20000% attack skills being added to a class will somehow make the game more fun.
it just breaks the ■■■■ out of everything and makes people stop playing, like they destroyed TBL completely when they invented that new warlock/omnioji/shadow build thing
if this goes live without something very serious to balance it people will just quit

i have no idea why they buff fencer to extreme and let the other sword classes to ■■■■.
highlander with the buffs still looks weaker than fencer.

Lets all hope they hear the feedback and don’t go throwing buff nukes. Idk, High lander seems strong but still… the numbers compared to Fencer makes he look weaker.

Nothing its being Balanced with these Buffs anyway so… meh.:tired:

Say no to the Arts Balance.

fencer is totally broken at this point doing the new HG boss on 2min, while no other classes can do the same.

Buff all class to 20000% SF is the real Art system.

It is funny because as a Fencer lover, I didn not want such damage buffs. To me, those Raw damage should go to 2handed classes, not a gimmick-theme class like Fencer.

Fencer should have weird ways to deal damage that uses no raw strenght, but rather DEX. The way Fencer is now is like he has big muscles and is giving Godly Punches that destroy mountains. That is not what a Fencer is, not at ll.


My feeling is that they could easily balance Taoist + Chrono by taking out overheats from Creeping Death Charm. Make it 1 overheat only, or maybe 2. Taoist been on a very good spot since changed to be a Wizard class, it is not that it is the only useful skill it has now (compared to when it were on Cleric tree).

But no, let’s buff everything else so everybody will hit damage cap on PvE. If you need more numbers, please attach Skiaclipse set effect.

Maybe I’m being too simplistic on how a balance should be done


Now, it is not that Mergen, Ardito, Zealot, Wugushi and other classes did not deserve a scale up on their SFRs, cause they were not on a good spot for a long time. But it is hard to look at those changes and not compare them to everything stated for Re:Build, that happened less than 1 year ago.

Curiously, we are still missing pet AI improvement and Homunculus changes, that dev stated they wanted to tackle at the very first trimester of this year, if I remember it correctly.

Oh well… guess we will have to wait for an official statement (if it will happen) to understand what they have in mind with all of this.

(and also wait for the Sadhu changes, promised for August, that never came)

Hard to believe, those changes are live already. Heck, the last patch was not even on kTEST, went straight to kTOS server. Unless they really consider kTOS the test server, as the korean playerbase says haha