Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v4.0

it’s called offline mode.

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IMC: “But I gave you 3 dragontooth OH already?!”

So Is Doppel gonna gain a massive boost as well because of these balances changes?

I disagree, offline mode means better ping.

prob will get 1300% for every hit of cyclone.

What the… that’s so wrong in many levels… why they are trying to do??

Were there any changes to korup’s set effect? If so, can someone direct me to it please. Thanks.

If you look at how these skills operate, you will get the gist of how they balance.

Basically we have 2 categories:

  1. Skills with def decrease/def ignore/life leech option

These skills have around 10000-12000% SFR at 20 seconds CD and 20000-24000% SFR at 40 seconds CD

  1. Skills without def ignore/def reduction/life-leech

These skills have ~15000% SFR at 20 seconds and ~30000% SFR at 40 seconds CD.

It seems the number of targets/AoE capabilities no longer matter for the damage equation,
just like IMC already threw out item consumption from the list with Re:build.

There is some variation within these numbers, since classes can have a certain skill-set focus (e.g. for mergen, the now most important skill is set to be Zenith, as it costs the least points and provides the biggest boost).

As to why they balance upwards is obvious, since they are not doing some Re:Re:build, so downgrading/nerfing is not an option as it would cripple the players playing the class, which would in return reduce the data they can accumulate from peoples gameplay statistics.

This is probably also why they put out these changes on KTOS directly now, because the playerbase there is way more suited for testing (better equipment, better investment, more players, more motivation) since it is just a game mechanics test, which doesn’t endanger the server with bugs [i.e. they only change numbers and look at how people react].

As to what comes after that, no idea, it could be that we see either a new update with a higher difficulty, or we see them rebalancing the basic stats of all monsters (which is easy to do since they unified stats for monsters based on race/level/size/type).

Maybe they already have new content in development (releasing in November/December) that requires them to peak-up the performance so they can adjust without having to nerf the players favorite classes.

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hope to dev team: july edition

So, I asked a kTOS player during his livestream if IMC said anything about these recent changes on SFR. He said that, officially, nothing was stated, but he thinks that devs doesn’t want to nerf OP skills (which would make some players mad about it), so they might have decided to buff everything else.

But IMC do that in turns of ~5 classes (and that’s why they call kTOS a test server for iTOS haha), so we should wait for them to finish there, then we will receive it at once.


Tbh, I’ve always liked Ngdhundi more than Kundela slash anyway, so I’m kind of happy I have an excuse to level it now. Oh well. It’s still going to be weird to have to re-adjust all these builds.

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I plan to subtract points from Kurdaitcha, since being channeled takes time to put other skills.

(Whereas I already have 5 points in Ngadhundi)

I feel like you can maybe skip maxing Kurdaitcha unless your build has Taoist/Psychokino synergy. That way it’s a much more reliable dps skill because you can ensure it’ll hit flying enemies.

You’re calling that a “match” lol ? Actually we’re all stunned because of IMC stupidity. I have a Matross and a Tao it doesn’t mean I can’t scream on the numbers I see right now. I don’t even remember people asking to nerf Tao so I don’t get your point. People still complain if IMC goes crazy, are you tellin us IMC balance is all legit and fair ?

I just quote it, no offensive at all.
(Even Ktos player want to nerf Tao too)

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You convinced everyone :tired:.

They simply decided to ultra buff every unpopular classes plus every archer so that we can abandon the normal meta and all become the supreme race Archer. :tired:
That’s why people are complaining and screaming out that Dev gone nuts.

Good luck on Ktos for being imc’s guinea pigs.

That damage spike and crazy % reminded me an OP storyline ability from a certain game.

But I honestly thought such thing is reserved to single-player games.

Back to the square one. Go multihit or go home. Just like before %SFR.
But now people may start skipping buff classes going [base class]→3x[multihit class] because they’re hitting the damage cap anyway.

Now this game won’t die even with 10 whales per server remaining. They can solo everything and feed IMC.


If they are really buffing every class, but only ~5 at a time, then what was the point of re:build? I thought it was to reduce power creep, but it seems pretty clear to me that the power creep is back.

Maybe I’m missing something. While I do agree that all the recently buffed classes needed buffs (some more than others, but whatever), they clearly went overboard with the skill factors… I just don’t understand the logic behind these absurd % values. Just like @atari said, it really feels like we are back to square one :tired:

Imc, is this an out-of-season april fool’s joke? I usually joke about the game receiving a Re:re:build someday, but if the game continues going in this direction, I can see it happening in the future…

/salty rant over, and sorry for the wall of text

Some feedback about the changes to Featherfoot (My main character is FF):
1- Considering how they nerfed the lvl1 skill dmg but buffed the scaling, it seems like they want us to consider Blood Bath and Blood Sucking as more than 1 pointers. Good change imo, not overpowered.

2- Enervation dmg buff: Too much. I definitely agree the skill needed a dmg buff, but 450% or so would have been fine instead of the 1030% we got.

3- Blood curse dmg buff: Again, too much. I guess they want it to be an easy nuke skill in pve, where even less geared players could deal cap damage. Not sure about how is this going to affect pvp though… Maybe we will see kamikaze wizards one-shotting almost everyone?

4- Kundela nerf: WHY IMC, WHY. It required proper setup to deal damage, but now with Ngadhundi having similar damage to a fully stacked kundela, I dont see the point of having this skill anymore.

5- Ngadhundi buff: To me, this skill always had the purpose of debuffing the enemy, not dealing damage. I would prefer if the debuff got better, instead of the skill damage. Even something like “Targets with corruption debuff have their magic defense reduced by skill lvl/2” would have been more fun than straight up buffing the dmg, and making Kundela useless. Getting mover overheats is fine though.

6- Footsteps cd redution: So they made it a 100% uptime channeling skill… as if it didn’t consume enough time channeling already… Well, I guess a FF-Chrono-Necro meme build with focus on footsteps damage would work now lol.

The hilarious part is you can’t remember kudaitcha’s name. (while it’s the best skill on FF kit now)
And why so many ppl actually cry for kundela? Is it the only reason to play FF or something?

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