Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v4.0

ya, just hope the will buff this class next. actually i love this class use spear weapon without riding companion.

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Well done IMC for ruining FF by nerfing Kundela Slash from 576% to 552%, even though it’s already not a strong skill to begin with because of the setup needed + its long execution time.
Meanwhile Blood Curse, Enervation and Ngadhundi all get 20000+% skill factor with Lv100 attribute without the need for any setup. In fact, other skills are so much more important that there’s not enough points left for Kundela Slash:

So now FF is just like most other classes - just spam all your available dps skills when they are up.

hmmmmmmmmmmm 500iq balance

This makes me think that IMC is solely looking at pvp, where they recently reduced the damage output in ~80%. Can’t find any other explanation for this craziness…

It is curious that they are putting these changes live directly, without using the test server

Meanwhile, no Sadhu changes…

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LMAO F.Illusion cd buff, combine with Diev you can have 3s cd, seem like we have new competitor in bot market.

at least Tao is not the victim anymore, they will complain on all Tao-ism class.

Oh my god, this is total ruin… :tired:


Some of the new SFR with max level skills, no enhance attributes o.o

Cross Cut: 2.705% x2
Ngadhundi: 2.691% (5 overheats)
Blood Curse: 12.813%
Fire and Run: 7.147%
Explosion: 3.410% (3 overheats)
Crouching Strike: 4.383%
Canister Shot: 11.409%
Immolation: 709% (DoT)
Granata: 4.643% (3 overheats)
Ritirarsi: 6.223%

Seems like DFO skill factors now.

That SFR … :star_struck:

Well, it’s certainly one way to make high upgrade and transcendent lvls less significant. You can see everyone and their mom on the korean servers reaching dmg cap with their new shiny skill factors.

One of the issues resolved with re build was the insane amount of damage skills would do and now they’re just like… “■■■■ it” Lmaooo

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Why do people say it was balanced. There’s always classes they do like crazy numbers and people are okay with it like inqui or Taoist… classes that are not even suppose to have crit originally which had broken the game already. Just play the game lol

Actually all i see its all not balancing, IMC just broken the Game.
its like IMC want all class doing anything alone/be kirito. :joy::joy:

im spechless

Are we heading back to single player mode?


Well, at least the Dragoon memes will come back to life



Well, it seems IMC is trying to go back when transcedence did not exist, when 50% of your damage was from your character, which also coincides with when they united with Nexon.

This means a good direction torwards less cash involvment.

Which might also mean that the end of this game is near.

The prophecies of the apocalypse never go out of style, right?


Prob the end of Re:Build and the birth of something i will call the “Arts Balance” or maybe “Doomsday Balance” or even “Why the Archers? Balance thing”? Can name it “Goodbye PVE as we know… balance.”.

I will stick with Arts Balance.

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all those buffs, and you wont still be able to break genbuuu

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