Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v4.0

Zenith surpasses that. 10x 1900% and that’s without attribute lol

I know, was just asking about single hits. Damage cap can be increased to 1,999,999 damage with the set buffs, but with all these high skill factor damage, I can see IMC giving Snipe such a fun skill factor to compel IMC to bump up the damage cap and the increased damage cap from the set buffs :joy:.

IMC, when?


well if they want to balance the damage to the roof lets say snipe will reach somewhere like 19000% with no passive… possibly. I still want to know why they decided to make such “Doomsday balance patch.”

Seems like IMC will be rolling out the next balance patch tomorrow for Matross, Zealot, Arditi, Highlander & Featherfoot. They mentioned that they will indicate the reason for the heavy balancing lately, but I guess it’s just the usual headlines referring to the state of the class in general which they always use for skill changes in the patch notes. Don’t expect some in-depth, breaking news worthy explanation that will reveal anything big coming for the game as a result of all the balancing done lately, though.

The Zenit skill factor has also been reduced.


very curious to see what they want to do with Zealot and Featherfoot. Is this referring to a balance patch they’ve already talked about, or a completely new one?

I m curious to see what monster will be born from these balances.

So Zenith will go down from 1943% to 1639%… doesn’t look too much if you consider that this is per hit. Interesting that they mentioned a PvP situation, maybe they will also change how the skill actually work?

Also… where are the Sadhu changes? IMC you teased me, now I want it >.<

“As a result of PvP monitoring last weekend, we found that there was no blind spot at close range and no counter.”

Nice they nerf Archer damage because Archers are too OP in PvP, it looks like they have never seen a Wizz in PvP lol


Well aside from the stupid Warlock Spirit combo in controled spaces like TBL, other wizards classes doesn’t have that much damage. Maybe Shadow Infernal+Thorn if you succeed to combo. Overall wizards doesn’t have that much damage burst but they excel in survivability so they can keep damaging you till you die.


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this combined with matross arts = :heeey: :heeey: :heeey:

im not sure if canister shot is 2282 per level or 228 . 2 ??

omg its 2282



:heeey: Holy Matross

Yeah… now we have Matros and Mergen under the Balance wing, now all thats left is Quarrel getting more 7000% SFR for every Rapid Fire hit and Musket getting 50000% SFR on Snipe just so it gets “balanced”.

Looking at the other classes the balance was less brutal, i would say, at least on High lander side (rest in pieces High Landers that wanted to go PVP).

The expected skill factor increases aside, I’m so confused by what is IMC doing.

Crosscut and Crown that is used mostly for the debuff is massively buffed in damage, and Wagon Wheel which no one takes more than 1 point is getting lower skill factor at level 1 but higher skill factor when maxed. Too many skills, too little skill points, it’s like IMC wants players to just max Crosscut, Crown, Moulinet and Skyliner, and forget about Wagon Wheel, Cartar Stroke and Cross Guard (might as well make Cross Guard an attribute :wink:). Also, Featherfoot changes look whack as heck.

Was expecting more out of the Zealot changes outside skill factor boosts. Not like players take Immolation past level 1 due to its lackluster damage even with decent skill factor. Most players do not like Zealot due to Fanaticism and Blind Faith, so I’m very upset they did not touch on those skills at all. 20 seconds cooldown on a 15 second duration skill with Fanatic Illusion, just make it a toggle skill already with Fanaticism :joy:.

With these changes and Zealot’s Arts Attribute (literally kill yourself 3 times to get a 60 second buff and a heal), I’m not sure what in the heavens is IMC thinking about when tinkering Zealot.

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“Some developers just want to see the pvp burn.”

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mean while dragoonland


what happend with dragoon igorv?? please tell me

they never buff that shitty class unfortunately