Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v4.0

Is Ch11 live in Korea?
When is it expected to hit us?

We are two months behind with the patches, approximately

yep, Ch11 up in ktos since 28/03, I think we get it in early June.

I would rather add a knockback effect than this.
But the changes are overall good

Thanks kim /Tired

Should be available 24 hours so people with weird schedules like myself can even touch Boruta…

Can barely even do Feud at the current hours. It’s way too late.

You are supposed to no-life ToS anyway.

If my parents paid all my bills maybe i could. /Laugh

The change of time to 10pm-2am seems so misguided. Maybe it is a Korea thing but I just don’t get it.

As long as they factor in that other countries need different times I think it will be fine.

I think the 1 hour per team is actually a great idea, but changing it from being difficult to attend because of real life schedule to being completely out of the question for the same reason is just…ignorant i guess.

I feel like if they beefed him up defensively, give him more hp so he lasts more than 1 hour lol more people would be able to attend. Also making it more like 10-18 hours a day instead of 4 hours in the middle of the night would incentivise people to create splinter groups from the main groups most big guilds run with.

oh boy


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To be fair he only lasts one hour because the largest force is able to bring DPS classes and kill him with impunity while other guilds AFK/Patrol for the sake of PVP only.

That dynamic will be gone with a 1hr lockout, and the removal of all guild contribution unless you damage the boss.

When the content is more competitive people wont be able to bring full PVE classes to a PVPVE situation.

Sounds good however the issue of being in the middle of the night and only 4 hours of uptime is super exclusive. Ive actually written this off as actual content because hes dead before i even get out of work on monday. Why they make “content” that is locked until specific times of the day, I will never understand.

Well if Boruta was up 24/7 they would have to drastically increase his HP and make it even more boring than it is now, lol

The concept in itself requires guilds to fight other guilds to be even remotely exciting, otherwise it is just some damage sponge boss with 3 boring attacks over and over.

I literally said that when it was first spoiled. Im not sure they understand how to make boss mechanics that are fun and engaging.

I kindve exaggerated when i said 24 hours a day but maybe make them during better times so more people can attend. I still think timed content is a lazy way to control how long it lasts. The idea of them changing it to 1 hour per team means more people should be able to affect the outcome however they barred the gates even more by setting the time later.

Just doesnt make any sense to me to have content that not everyone can attend. If i were IMC id want EVERYONE playing to attend. Putting it behind time constraints immediately bottlenecks who can attend.


They should just make it a guild thing you can do once your guild is max lvl. PvPvE is a stupid concept when your game can barely run with more then 15 people in the same zone. Plus the 2 top whaling guilds are trading rank 1-2 in their respective regions and abusing the shity system.


20/30 segs to kill cryos easy… (Obviously the OP magnetic force still works <_<)
I know what set I need now =O
soo much things I want to test and is so far to come here u_u

CC’s have been determining this game PvP for too long, but instead of balancing CC’s durations, they shoehorn every player into a boring set that will disrupt the meta.

We are already struggling with one of the most shallow pools of PvP circles.
With Rykuma set, it’ll be even worse. You’ll either pick classes able to burst or classes that withstand the pain.

From an archer point of view (and zealot, but i’ll focus on archer), we actually are somewhat forced to play Pied Piper to be able to setup kills, usually for musketeer 1-2 combos (or cannoneer, if you dare). This already leads to “feels bad” gameplay, where you either CC and burst someone without room for response, or get dunked by a Scout or Swordsman in seconds in case you miss your opening CC.

Now remove Piper from the picture: your only chance now is to burst the incoming enemy, but your odds will be even lower, because you can’t setup the kill with CC’s, and that kill will be an unreliable win condition: Headshot will lose the 100% crit from Piper sleep, will not pin down the target for Snipe, and will not apply the bleeding debuff to increase Snipe damage.

This single and mindless line of play was only of the last cards on archers sleeeves.
It’s a bad line, represents bad design (no counterplay), but its one of the few (only one?) approaches left to archers. And it will be ruined in 3 points by that new set bonus (again: no chance to pin your target, no bleed debuff, no crit).

Unless they’re planning to increase archer’s survivability (by sheer numbers - i love me some silly jump skills, but thats far from enough), we will be gone for good.

Maybe Cannoneer / Matross will rise to take musketeer spot, as its easier to setup Sweeping Cannon than no-CC Snipe. But it’s sad to be forced to play one-shot builds. Archer will (still) look silly on TBL, failing to burst Scouts/Swordsmans/Cryos and will one-shot everyone on Gemstone. You’ll either fail miserably or make everyone feel miserable with those builds.

I would love to play Fletcher, and it makes sense in the vaccuum: Bodkin Arrow has a nice niche as a clear counter to Genbu Armor. But EVERY skill relies on debuffs to work (except Barbed Arrow, but everyone is running plate armor):

  • Bodkin defense penetration? Debuff level 1
  • Broadhead bleed? Debuff level 1
  • Crossfire burn to increase Divine Arrow damage? Debuff level 1
  • Divine Arrow 2nd hit? Debuff level 1
  • Magic Arrow is level 2 or 3, but it doesnt matter, as Rykuma Active resists up to level 3 debuffs.

Do you want to play QS and get that sweet 50% block chance to play into the brawl metagame?
Enjoy firing up weak stone pellets that no longer stun, Caltrops that get run over without slowing, and Pavising enemies in this Pain Barrier clone fiesta.

But wait, we have our exclusive debuff level 10 CC! … tied to the awesome Hunter Pet AI.

Or we can stealth with Wugushi, like in the old Scout days… and get our damage resisted by a breeze.

Sorry for this rant, guys, i’m not used to QQ, but archers got to an all time low, and this set bonus will sink us even deeper.

TL;DR: get your ■■■■ together, IMC.


For anyone who is interested, I made two videos introducing Matross’ and Tiger Hunter’s skills and attributes. Please take a look!


Tiger Hunter seems so under, its that true, or is just an wrong impression?