Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v4.0

Seems you will need 840 shards.

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ok, I have 702, I have to go back to farm

@draconis itos is still pre reb, so wouldn’t it be instead for RE:B?_?

EDIT: thought they seem t be the same,

shield is 67 and dagger is 84 ? my future velco dagger is currently a shield, I going to convert to a dagger, can i use 67 to trans 10 the shield before turning into a dagger ?

So in terms of farming builds. It seems like we can really take any class as our 3rd option, because link + electric shock is strong enough to carry most of the kill combo.

This means our third option should be about convenience. The scout in that video uses Squire for the camp buff, but maybe you could also take Corsair if pillaging works, or Assassin for their smoke and damage mitigation.

Shield is 67 without the discount, dagger is 84 with discount and 121 without. So yeah, if you have a shield, trans it before the event, it will cost less than anything else that you would trans through the event. Of course unless they decide to fix this exploit before next week…

corsair have pillaging, is indisputable that the best is linker+thauma+corsair

Wait, why not wait for the event and trans 10 the shield for less than 67 and then after that convert to dagger ?? How much is the shield with discount ?

You can’t convert an equipment after transcending/upgrading/anything that changes it after re:build comes.

If you have a shield and wants to transcend and then change it, you have to transcend it before Re:Build.

1- If you modify an equipment after re:build comes, you can’t change it anymore. What I said above was too confusing

understand, I will transcend my shield now

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*laugh internally
go browsing more for accurate info about what items can be pillaged in the end, before making that statement

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without pillaging you are dropping exactly nothing extra, with pillaging you are dropping something extra, even if it’s 1 silver, 1 is more than nothing, is indisputable that the best is linker+thauma+corsair

yup, indisputable the best for you, but doesnt always mean the best for everyone too, hehe

my review is: every scout-link-thaum-X has pro and con, BUT ANY VARIANT CAN SOLO FARM, there is no best and worst

so pick one most suitable to your gameplay

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Joint Penalty + Swell Body + kill , recive 2x drop


Joint Penalty + Swell Body + kill , recive 2x drop


Joint Penalty + Swell Body + kill , recive 2x drop


Joint Penalty + Swell Body + kill , recive 2x drop


Joint Penalty + Swell Body + kill , recive 2x drop AND PILLAGING DROPS

well, is indisputable that the best is linker+thauma+corsair

is a farm character, if all are equal, but one of them is able to drop a little more than the others, he is better than the others

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yea yea yea… you win, congrat…

*turn away do something more useful than debating this

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the only other you can try talk about, is the linker+thauma+squire, camp base will able in free dungeon, a personal storage for put the itens and keep farming, and a teleport for the spot

but you don’t need open the camp with you farm character, you can do this with another caracter

*staring blankly at screen

btw, for you who read this, just youtube 『ludo game tos』, that is greyhiem, he already review every linkthaum build, more profesionally

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I talked to him about the corsair’s sovereignty over the other options 2 weeks ago

You can also upgrade with the transcend discount event before using the weapon exchange event, right?

Did pillage get patched? Last time I checked pillage only works on silver. It also has to be monsters that drop silver in the 1st place, hence you can’t pillage cm mobs.