Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v4.0



Awakening is going to be only one time each item? Really!!!? What a stupid move, a crap one really. At least they should give an option to choose its stats and RNG the amount of it.


Stop trying to apply real world economics to the game.

We already had an “unspoken standardized” price with the shops. Since the npc material price never fluctuates, there’s no reason for all the undercutting crap.

Second,this should be argued case by case, the simpler the most used shops get,the better. Think how much time you lost searching for cost/benefit on these stupid buffs/repairshops.

Third, it’s not like that people who REALLY want to use these didn’t have their own shop characters already. Don’t delude yourselves.


And why wouldn’t you, haven’t you noticed nearly every game that doesn’t have a free market and has some form of restrictions placed on trade always ends up worse and highly criticized? There’s a reason why it works in the real world, and why it works in games.

Yet undercutting still happens all the time if you look around, because time, stock and location is a factor too, Hell even some people sell at 0 profit yet others still make money on their shops. Especially with how often channels crash :rofl:

Thats a pretty silly assumption.

But anyways, I think these changes are really unneeded/unwanted and is a waste of development time that could have been put to use somewhere else. However maybe this is the first step to redesigning shop classes to be more useful outside of being an afk shop.

my passive income :sob: time to go make an afk necro.

Not a big loss for anybody. There’s 10+ repair shops on Klaipeda city selling at 115 aka Non-profit. What competition and or profit discourage are you all talking about lmao.

As for Appraiser shop, same story, i’ve been selling at 140 when there’s no other shops around Fedimian city and it won’t be different after the changes.

As for Pardoner shops, we already have shops with 1050+ SPR selling for non-profit and they aren’t crying about it on the forum.

All these comments are based on Klaipeda server views. I actually like these changes, it’s idiotic to see so many shops on the cities when you actually use the same non-profit ones all the time.


Just ask them to show them their official declaration from IMC that proves that this is “their spot” and that proves no one else is allowed to open a shop there. After they undoubtedly fail to provide said documents, kindly tell them to shut up and mind their own business.

I would rather IMC went with what albion did and offered vendor plots in town you can rent. You really only need a couple of vendors anyway.

You have to be completely delusional to believe in free markets, even worse, free markets in a game.

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Why would real life economics adapted to the game be worse than mr. kim economics?

Woah. Hardcore.

Didn’t know that this is the case! on Telsiai people re pretty chill about where they set up shop so selling “spots” is not a big problem. Although certain guilds and certain people set up shops in specific places in our server as well, I’ve never seen people fighting over places

To be fair, the price of a good is not totally dependent on the material aspects of its overhead. It could be affected by demand, supply, and the effect of information on the perception of the product (just like how advertisements, word of mouth, and convenience help us decide on a brand or outlet).

That aside, economics does play a big role in this game. Just two months ago on Telsiai, there was a major spike in token prices following the server merge. Day 1 after the merge, token prices rocketed to 20m. Two months hence, Token price has now stabilized between 10-12m. The reason? Oversupply. Once people realized they could sell big, they started selling more. The more they sold the less each seller got while having to deal with the commission prices. Eventually they started undercutting each other to the point where token prices have dropped to 50% of its selling price two months prior. So , no, economics is still a good guide to understanding the way these objects behave.

I respect where you are coming from but this completely misses the point. My point was it would be harder for underfunded players to set up shop with an eye to making a profit–the point of why I emphasized underfunded players. You would surely agree that it is rather difficult to get established as a new player without having to play for a very long time–ditto given the fact that they may find it harder to sell in a crowded market. While I will concede that it may be too early to tell, the notion has to be considered.

Nice arguement you have there :rofl:

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even with the fixed prices I don’t see why high spr pardoner shouldn’t make more money than lower spr ones…I mean I’ll still buy buffs from my favourites regardless, they’ll make a little less money but they will still be preferred over the others because the buffs are better.

I don’t completely agree with this change since they should just remove the 30% tax and make a min/max range of prices but something had to change because it was just ridiculous, especially with repair shop you are lucky to make 100k a day even if you sell a large amount of kits because people sell for 1s income/kit and other bullshit


Huh? That’s weird. Why did the price of Blessed Shards go up? Why did Masinios recipe prices go down?

Explain that without applying real world economic principles like “increased/decreased supply”.

Granted, we’re more or less working with a closed system (with some outside influence, obviously), so there are a lot less variables to consider. But the basic principles still apply.

I don’t mean to sound pompous, but by the time you’ve invested enough into a character that you can have 1k+ SPR, 100k profit a day is chump change. There is virtually no way any pardoner is making anything “significant” in terms of profit.

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Good for Pardoners, but what about Squires, Enchanters, Appraisers and Alchemists? Sage is also affected because people who sell warps to unusual places (grinding spots, hidden class quest maps, bonus stat statues, etc.) do it for a higher price than the Sages selling warps to the most popular spots.

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Shhh you’re going to upset the post-Cold War millennials who grew up with the fear-mongering breastmilk discourse of “The great Victory© of the Free World™ against the Red Menace.” Delusional is indeed the right word in this case, considering the general lack of quality education in the US and the nature of their homogenizing discourse-ideology, and how it’s sold world-wide through media and pop-culture; but it’s no news that the internet and discussions on game forums don’t exactly attract the most cultivated of minds so let’s just stick to what we have shall we.

Tokens are bought with real money.

The buff shops are 100% inside the game. In the game you have dozens of people “printing money” nonstop. (Oh but gold sellers need real money for pricing) it doesn’t change the fact that all supply and demand inside the game can be manufactured/manipulated by the “infinite money bot farms”. Imagine how “great” the real world would be if private entities could print oficial money with ease and no repercussions.

If Adam Smith haven’t died before reaching Kalejimas(that noob) he would write agreeing with me as soon as he saw the necros.

P.s: I should’ve been clearer, my problem is all this dogma of free markets associated with “real economics”. But if one tries to apply it here you can’t ignore all the structural problems that won’t ever allow it and just scream “oh no socialist price regulations on my free market free game of freely freedom” at any sign of trying to make the game more engaging.

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Thats exactly what banks do in the real world xD


To be more specific the Federal Reserve System is printing money without any backlash.
When the german did it, they had billions values of printed money that were devaluated so much that the paper alone could outweigh the value.
What is happening is “they” are forcing most countries to buy their dollar currency so they can keep being afloat via NATO mainly for random reasons.

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Here’s something I don’t get. The prices are (were) controlled by the price of mats. If the price of mats are no longer a factor in determining price, why do we still need mats? All mats do against vendors is prevent them from infinitely selling services without having to restock.

lol amazing how you ignore the “with ease and no repercussions” part