Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v4.0

Look at the bright side of things. Less shops to render on cities == + FPS.

Terrible changes. I guess they can’t make up ways to make vendor characters more attractive, so lets just screw them up like that in the hopes people don’t roll them. Or its some stupid way of thinking so that new people can compete with established ones. Or maybe to combat frame drops in towns so people are forced to spread out to attempt to make an earning(which would been eased if they actually made more towns and/or didn’t make Klaipeda the to-go for everything, including dungeons). Only thing missing is making it so Pardoner shops don’t scale with SPR either anymore, so everyone is truly equal on the market because “yay”.

Also sucks being an Alchemist so much. From initial previews back in the days I was interested to see the class being able to provide this/that, but fastforward to now and its just an MP potion monkey because Briquetting was axed, and now Awakening is garbage to “What’s the point?”. With Homunculus after all rebalances still remaining a steaming pile of floating trash, what’s the point of the class? May as well just put it in the bin together with Centurion at this point.


Whats the differencial between the shops now?
Thats a very stupid decision.

This awakening change is absurd.

I was initially hyped when I heard you just roll it and you get insta awakened. But to be able to only awaken ONCE? This does not affect me but seriously WTF is that IMC

Way to kill the player-driven economy aspect of the class shops. Good to know about those changes before the end of our blessed gem exchange event though, at least I can reset my Alchemist to something actually useful. Sigh

IMC/Korean soccer

ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ :haha:


They were not joking.


Finally some content where Nak Muay will be meta!


The difference now is that for 800 silver you can get bless from a 300 SPR pardoner or a 600 SPR pardoner
take a bet! (unless you have half brain and check for the pardoner equips first)

As an Alchemist lover, it hurts me so much the changes in awakening

at least IMC shall allow us to pick the stats that we want if there’s only one try for awakening.

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I agree that the removal of the “Item World”-inspired aspect of Awakening is really sad and a loss. I do hope IMC is only planning to work on it and improve it greatly to re-introduce it at a later date.

About the pricing changes to “vending machine shops”, it was a hit to the freedom of players yes, but honestly I was never that much into this entire system that only enables more ways to turn the game into a “single player” experience. To me is as if players —in MMOs of all genres— have completely given up on interacting with other people in meaningful ways, outside of the same-old spaces like guilds or linkshells or whatever they’re called now. Being fair, it is true this mindset is almost a “must” considering every system in-game points towards acting as competitive as possible, so players feel strangled into being as efficient and independent as possible to have fun, although this is only a half-truth.

We’ll have to see where IMC takes these changes from here, but I’d encourage the community and those who dislike the new enforced pricing to brush it off, be creative, ambitious, and seek for simple alternatives like finding an active healer/support friend to play with at times. It may prove a far more fun experience than the routinary vending machine stuff. Sure, what we have now is more convenient, but truly great things only come when we’re willing to go the extra mile.

And like someone else said, on the brightside, maybe we’ll have better FPS in cities now. :haha:

Another RNG system on adding a random stat per gear. So IMC! The pattern is now so obvious. Most likely they will add an item to LETICIA CUBES(P2W) that can reset the awakened stat. Diamond anvil, Level 9 gem, shining golden socket are just some of it’s proof and more is on the way.

What is coming up next is an item that can restore potential to the item and, re-identify the original base stats.

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Why do I feel like the changes to the shop prices will lead to less shops with max SPR players , or attributes ? I mean why even bother.

Why is ToS becoming a socialist paradise? Has kim jong un bought the company or something?

do not agree with that, today, most shops, and even high level shops only uses up to 800 on price, on silute at least, the orsha shop who always have blessing and high level buffs with a little more 2k is 800, and the salus shop’s there is always one with 1k and other one with 800 prices as well, both of them is 2k blessing or close as well, and the price they use, outside of the 1k one is 800, the same as the new system.
in my opinion it will go simple the other way around, there is gonna be even less shops, since the price is fixed, the lowers shops would not even be able to compete against the good ones, where in today system a worse shop could put a lower price, like the ones in salus where sometimes there was the guy with 2k blessing+ with 1k a buff, and other ones with 1600-1700 blessing with 800,-700, but with the new system there is no reason to choice the lower ones anymore, so investing in SPR to be the BEST of the area is gonna make even more money than today, at least by the prices of silute, since the 800 prices for shops is already the standard value for a good shop on the server.
of course i could not explain how the others servers would handle this, but i do not think they are really that different of one another on this subject.
edit: just logged in to see and the orsha shop is with 2237blessing, one of the best you can find on the server, and is at 850, before it was 800 if i’m not mistaken, but 50 would not make too big difference with the end as well.
well but overall i’m not so happy about this changes as well, the fixed price should have come from the threads or complains when someone was scamed by prices, where those threads are not so famous now, at earlier stages there was a HUGE amount of people complaining about it, so i bet that those threads are still lively on IMC mind and so they decided of this fixed price, this thing could have even be decided at that time but only applied now, who knows.
But the worse overall is what they did with alchemist, the awakening shop being on SHOP, was one of the things would boost the class advantage by miles, but them they add the restriction of one awakening per item, so imc is really crazy.


I agree with the sentiment expressed above but I think the problem is more of a question of methods. Honestly, a simpler and more equitable solution would have been to implement:

  • a better warning system - assuming shop overpricing was the main driver of this change

  • a price cap - less effort but more equitable

Underneath the price cap option we have:

  • a flat cap - the most obvious way of doing it

  • a dynamic cap that adds a certain percentage to the mean selling value across all shops in either the same area or across all areas

This latter one is already in effect within the current market system where the sell section determines the recomended price of a good based on a single unit’s mean price.

There are, however, two main problems in implementation: the first will be extent. Will the system be map-specific or universal (i.e. across all maps, etc.)? The second in terms of exploitability. The system can easily be gamed by dedicated scammers with multiple shops selling at the max price at selling. To be completely honest with you, this exploit is so absurd it is unlikely to happen. I won’t touch on the notion of effort. IMC will do it if they consider it fit.

I don’t think the important point of departure for this discussion is the notion convenience but rather one of fairness. The main problem with this change to vendors is that it favors too heavily already existing sellers in the market as @nery_ma has stated. Between a lvl.15 spellshop and a lvl. 17 spell shop selling the same buff at the same price, there is no real reason to select the lvl. 15 shop other than showing patronage. This disincentivises new players to set up shop at a cheaper price for those who have a tight budget. The result is that an entire method of moneymaking will be monopolized by already existing spell shops with 1000+SPR. It is not quite fair in my opinion to prevent underfunded players from finding a suitable and convenient source of making money. Locking them out only makes getting silver more difficult in a game where prices have now breached the 10M mark. Sure, it can be argued that they can set up shops elsewhere in order to take advantage of the convenience provided to a captive market, but seriously this is hardly an option where there are only three or so places aside from klapeida that actually receive any traffic.

The benefit of a cap over a fixed price would be that there is no floor, opening the way for less funded players to set up shop in competition to the more expensive ones.

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I just have a question. WHY 30% TAX STILL THERE?
As I know, its for preventing silver trade. With fixed price, no need tax anymore.

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The most obvious answer I could think of would be silver sinks. Slapping a tax on spell shops inflates its base price. The more money is eaten by the system, the more money exits. It’s somewhat of a way to control inflation by reducing the money supply. (not that it worked, though in theory it should)


So the question becomes, when the 1 bazillion SPR buff shop runs out of mats (because that shop is really popular now), who do you get your buffs from? The player with only 1 million SPR? OH GOD THE DEF LOSS IT SUCKS SO BAD NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!111one

The price range I see is about 600 to 850. That’s pretty much an irrelevant difference, even to new people. The only thing I see changing is where you find shops (you’ll likely find more out in popular fields) and how well stocked they are. Oh, and you don’t have to worry about some dickhead charging 10 mil for ID/repair, I guess.

Which brings me to another question. What’s the item stack limit? I only know it’s over 3k
 but I’ve always wondered why people run out of materials at all, unless it’s an alternate account they never check on.

I would have preferred a price ceiling and floor, though. Meh.

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32k is the limit for items, something to do with programming i guess. My repair runs out super quickly even with that.


Sometimes, though, it’s not exactly the DEF loss that counts but the psychological satisfaction in “getting a better deal”. This is where the difference in prices comes in which gives people who charge less a slight advantage in sales (which is, incidentally, the principle behind advertisements, but I digress). My only worry was that should you fix prices, that advantage diminishes, disincentivising purcahses from underfunded sellers.

Although I must admit, way you said it gave me some pause. I personally am not quite finicky about the shop I buy from (unless they charge overblown rates like 10k on a barely there buff). Supposing players tend to not be so discriminating over all, the fixed prices might not be a problem. I had assumed that players will take note of the difference. In that case, we should wait first and observe the trend in Ktos before we come to conclusions. If players tend not to be discriminating in purchases then the difference may in fact be negligible. Still, the notion seems worrisome but the more I think on it, the more problematic it seems.

where i do agree that what ultimapi said is true as well, there is gonna be bitching about shops where to buy-use and so on.
the main stage of problems will come with shop holders arguing that some channel/place is their, here on silute at least i can already see multiple threads pop on the facebook page where someone complain about a newcomer putting the shop on “their spot”., hell in tree of savior facebook br page we have even a official group that was made with the sole purpose of “complaining/bitching” about something that someone did to you or to anyone for those matters, so i can already see multiples posts being made there about people complaining but the true is?
WHO CARES, let’s be real for a minute, people will complain about anything, the group created is a proof of it, so at least i must be one of the few who is a little happy with this change because at least now we would have a decrease with the numbers of “crap shops” that is the ones i call when a players does not want to play with the character anymore and with all those rank resets being given, simple reset the character for a shop and let it die there occupying space without investing anything on the shop besides the character that was reseted , and even more, the best of all will be the “NPC huggers” i can already see those ones dying out since i believe will be common sense to not buy things from them anymore, since everyone will be the same price at least, there is no reason to buy from the ones putting their shop inside the “npcs” and thus making talking with them far harder .

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