Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v4.0

I updated the wording to closer match IMC’s, which probably prevents this.

Done. I’ll try to bold from now on.

Its a good way to control the damage a tank does while make them focusing on defense. I only noticed it because I read everything and know most stuff off the top of my head, at least I notice when an attribute is new or changed.

Honestly, as I believe block doesn’t get reduced by multiple enemies like evasion does you now have two type of tanks, the evasion for bosses, thus they can make boss monster hit harder as the tank will dodge and the aoe tank for trash and challenge mode stuff that blocks a lot. I guess that is why evasion gets reduced and block basically reduces the damage you take by 50% if you focus on high block rate.
Also, if most skills don’t do a lot of aoe you probably need to “tab” through enemies to hold aggro now as they reduced threat. That could make a good tank worth it if the overall damage monsters do increases.

Guess we could see the same discussion as WoW had years ago where people talk about how a tank should migitate damage, what is fair, what is op and how good it should be.

@crevox :
My bad, maybe I read it wrong. Would be cool though even if maybe difficult to balance. Still a nice passive to have if they are focusing on the shield anyway and makes a good weapon less important. Shields generally aren’t used by many so you probably can get a good one relatively cheap, thus reducing the load over all in the item hunt and reducing “item waste”.

Also, as a tank you can now use fun weapons as your weapon isnt important anymore! =P

I just like how they incorporate aoe defense ratio on skills now.

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Is AOE defense ratio a PVP thing? Cause for PVE since mobs attack have 50 aoe atk ratio (according to tos neet), it’s like worthless.

Tos.neet is more than outdated,


I always found it funny that Ragnarok has a dark and deep story.
But since people only leveled on the Meta-game grinding maps and did not explore the quests either, they believed that it was a happy and colorful world.

Kill low level monsters

Do you have equip?
Kill seals or isis until 99
Kill High orcs until 99


Yes I know tos neet is outdated in general. But did they change mobs’ AOE atk ratio? And where can I check mobs’ aoe atk ratio at tos guru?

Ummm can you cite an link of any monster from tos neet, Im not seeing the aoe attack ratio stat on their infos.

Expand the Skills section.

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Maybe they change that now, as a tank you generally get some AOE Defense Ratio anyway, especially if they now add it to their skills.

Maybe the playstyle now gets more methodically in a few parts and cooldown management will matter more, sounds exciting to me. =)

Maybe you can make a heavy cc tank now that does little damage but combines lots of damage reduction and general CC in various forms. =O

Haven’t most tanky shield classes now this attribute that bases skill damage on their shield?!
Or maybe I am seeing this wrong. If yes, that changes a lot in my opinion. As said, also makes fun weapons interesting again, for example some skills do bonus damage if the enemy burns (ignition), is frozen or petrified.

Thanks. It does look useless after all.

Guardian duration is 15 sec?

Seems like it and I think it is fair, it removes the thing we currently have that all Swordsman take the class for 2 circle just to permanently reduce the damage they take. Now you use it as a tank when where is high damage as you can’t dodge aoe due to having to keep up Threat on the boss and monsters. Reduces both damage types so you can just stand in it and take the damage while reducing the load on your healer.
Its 40% reduction at max and 35s downtime isn’t that harsh in my opinion.

Take the 330 dungeon, Varle King jumps around, you use Pain Barrier, maybe Bear and Guardian so you can continue to build threat and stay glued to the boss while everybody else runs out of the aoe or gets knocked down.

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The peltasta shield offensive is cool because I feel like it makes the logical combo of Peltasta and Rodelero a bit stronger. I pretty much never see Rodels in game, and often forget the class exists. Hope this will make them a more fun class for people who want to destroy the world with a shield.

probably more than 40% since it has an attribute to increase it, maybe 60ish percent at max attri, will probably make pelt almost immune to damage when they use it lol

Makes the duration even more logical. You can’t have 100% uptime if it reduces the damage you take by 60%.
Well, you could do that with in WoW way back, Paladin could stack everything to 90% reduction for like 10s or something. Here its probably not as insane if there are no tank items that reduce damage in %. The damage gets reduced by 60% but you then have block or block and evasion but you never will take 0 damage as block only reduces what you take by 50%. It will reduce the amount you take during the 15s duration by a lot, but that is what a cooldown does. Also gives them the option to give boss monsters like “Tank killer” stuff that kills a tank without good armor and/or such defensive cooldowns.

As mentioned, I am sure all defensive shield classes get this passive that you can toggle. At least all 3 classes you combine for tank have the same attribute with skill names in it.
Though Murmillo might get the short end of the stick as it has also weapon based skills, which would still be based on the weapon. But you could just not take it and leave them for a more offensive oriented Murmillo in a gladiator style with Retarius (net) and stuff where you rely more on the weapon than the shield. Certainly makes the choices for Murmillo and the combinations interesting! =D

Most of the people here are old enough that when RO was popular and they were playing it, there wasn’t a single quest in the game outside a very few very non-descrip and very poorly translated quests to get some headgear.


When I started playing there was quests like Biolabs, friendship, cursed spirits and stuff like that. Quite interesting Quests. And you can still check the lore via books, messages and NPCs.

But you could only find people grinding on the mainstream maps unless they’re looking for a card.
It was easy to find 3 or 4 parties filled in pyramids, but very rarely did you find people in those huge and empty maps that Ragnarok had.

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Never played it but people in this very thread said that all maps were always full because even high level players would farm there (which seems odd without scaling mobs and possibly takes away mobs from actual leveling players).

Sidenote: If I am seeing this right then all Quarrel skills (outside stone shot =x) work with Cannons now. Which means they are seeing it as a defensive cannon alternative if you wish for it. Certainly interesting with the prospect of a new cannon class coming up in the next year. It got Kneeling Shot as well and the passive for cannon if I see this right.

On a side note, rode are now red class, don’t know what to expect of it, but rode pelta and murm have this shield defense as dmg atribute. It really is quite cool, and mantain their original combo claases idea, tough murmillo’s atrib only affect shield train and the other shield wacking skill. They could at least give it to headbut and emperors bane since neither of those actually use the swords in anyway :thinking: