Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v4.0

As he said Rune of protection will prevent CC, Surespell doesn’t. Surespell natural effect + Rune of protection = True Surespell.

did they remove hidding from shinobi skills?

You are correct. But it is close enough that it gives you the right amount of flair.

So if the Rune blocks hard CC then most wizards will probably take it for PvP if the meta contains a lot of hard CC. But the passive of not getting more cast time when hit is good, helps a lot of classes that simply need it or else are unplayable like Elementalist.

only if you get the attribute, and that is what i’m saying. Until you get that, it does nothing.

RoP still gives ‘Dmg Taken Reduction’ without that, but sounds pretty weak.

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Any new discovery on what scale with each level of Foretell?

Now that it is the only skill that can provide immunity, it has potential to bring oracle to life (if usage favor it)

Was there any explanation at all to why they removed heal tiles? :tired:

It was one of the best features to make healing less of a pain.

if they kept it as is it would’ve just been a 5 tile heal being capped at level 5 and would’ve been terrible either way.

Use the other class skills like restoration, tree of sephiroth and mass heal for your advanced healing needs.

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is not the same, to place heal tiles you had to at least put to brain cells together, but now it is so dumb down even a zombie can do it…

it should have been done for 1 tile skills only D:

or give option for both by making new mode an attribute for heal instead of it default…

TOS lost their own colour.
I was so inlove with their specific skills. Now all looks like it’s father - Ragnarok.


I disagree of u in 2 points.
First: The only thing in common with RO is the cute design for the avatars.
Ragnarok is not even close to the amount of diversity of gameplay, not even compared to now.
Second: What IMC is doing with this update is to reinforce their main vision: diversity in gameplay styles, not locked by meta builds, unhealthy mechanics (Full CON builds included here) or power creeps (Rank 8 is too powerful to not pick, for instance). U will play as u want, according to your will.

Just to be clear: I’m disappointed with them for taking so long to talk with not-kToS/kTEST players. And there are many things they need to fix besides the gameplay, like the troublesome engine and the huge amount of bugs that sprout from every patch now and then.

But, at least, this is their first step. And I like the audacity.
And, for all those who are crying “They destroyed my character, I can’t play this game anymore!” and relatives, at least give it a try.


Bigger lie of the day :expressionless:

Yes but what about those of us who want to heal BOMB?

That skill remind me of Chidori,

you actually want to 5 tile level 5 heal bomb? also I think they made cure do that

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Play any other flavor of magic/holy based DPS classes? I mean, there are several.

It’s the other way around. ToS cannot compare to the diversity or depth that RO had, not even close.

RO had a radial world design in which high lv players were constantly moving through low lv areas and interacting with new players. It had a living world where players used the entire map to farm and grind for items, not just move through areas and then have little reason to come back to them when they outleveled it.

RO had multiple major cities and towns, each surrounded by a radial level zones where players could hunt low lv mobs and gradually progress outwards to the higher lv areas in each zone. This allowed different groups to thrive all over the massive world map, not just in Prontera.

Most items in RO were useful for something, there were many more useful consumables, material drops and such. Each map had its own little ‘trick’ and characterization a savvy player could learn about. Greed merchant running through the caves of orc dungeon or magma dungeon for quick money for example, or homunculus egg farms in ant cave.

New players could farm items that were useful as regents for many high lv player characters, such as spores or strawberries, allowing them to have their own economy to help them through the early game. The shop system allowed for a fascinating and thriving market scene (helped by the fact that alchemists and merchants were actually really fun classes in their own right, and rewarded for competitively brewing potions and consumables for the guild war effort thanks to an ingame leaderboard allowing their potions to become stronger based on their ranking) that, while exploitable, was ultimately so much better than the ridiculously limited shop system we ended up with in ToS. And by comparison, ToS’s market economy is laughably simplistic. You never see any players selling to higher lv players. Instead you just ignore all items through the early game to around lv 313 and then start buying weapons. Nobody sells Dilgele or Uosys for a fair price and all the craft-able potions are identical, meaning the only way to stand out is to sell them cheaper than the last guy.

I could go on and on about why ToS isn’t coming close to scratching the ambition of RO in its final stages, but that’s because it was designed that way. ToS is less of an MMORPG and more if an online Diablo-style game with social elements. I only learned to love it when I stopped comparing it to RO and treated it more like Path of Exile. But would I have preferred it to have been more like RO with the current class system? Absolutely.


Maybe that’'s a good thing. The first time i came to ToS was just because people said it was like RO, but then i got disappointed because it had almost nothing in common. Now i’m very excited about the changes.

If we can refresh squire buff without suicide, then people that have many food will instantly gone because it’s abuse-able.

None of these are HEAL BOMBING though. Did you even understand my post? I don’t want to just deal damage, I want the amusement of being able to throw HEALING tiles under the enemies and watch the cascade of numbers explode upwards. That was something that was really unique to clerics in this game.

Yes other mmos have heal bombing too, but typically it’s only on undead monsters. ToS’s clerics being able to attack enemies with their heal was one of the coolest things that won me over when this game was first revealed.

While I’m excited for this update, this is one of my bigger gripes. I worry that they are taking away a lot of things that previously were ‘strange and interesting’ about the game in fear that these features might repel normies who are used to more conventional functions of certain spells in other games.