Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v4.0

Clerics aren’t support,though, they are hybrid Classes.
taking one Cleric Class that has support skills now is worth less than it was previously, especially in the case of Kabbalist.

I don’t understand why Ein Sof is so bad now. Fixed +30% HP is nothing, and the buff duration is still bad.
Might as well ignore the skill completely or delete it, it’s worth nothing.

Double Chance, which was the identity of Kabbalist as one of the few skills that is actually based on Kabbalistic practice, was removed, reducing the skills that actually have an interaction with Gematria and Notarikon to 2, Clone and Gevura.

Worst aspect is that due to these changes, you have way too many skill points. Every Kabbalist will now have the same build since Ein Sof no longer needs more than 10 points, Merkabah is 5 points, Gevura is 5 points, Clone is max 5 points now, Tree of Sephiroth is 5 points, Nahash is 10 points and Gematria & Notarikon are 1 point each.
If we add all together, we’re at 42 of 45 points, leaving us with 3 points to spend on Revenged Sevenfold.

That’s freakin stupid.
Double Chance would have brought so much variability in the build options, but now we have ± the same build that will just result in different skill levels of Revenged Sevenfold + x.

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assassin and outlaw somehow look the same to me. What is the identity of the outlaw?

The assassin is based on the old egyptian group I get it ( Assassin’s creed Origins ftw). But is the outlaw? A non-stealing corsair? Or a non-pistol user corsair?

I look foward to see how ( if ) they changed hunter.

Scout Rogue Shinobi Outlaw


an assasin will use his masterfull techniques to kill his target, while an outlaw will use every dirty trick he can come up with

Is Blood Curse gone?
I can say for sure now that FF is no more.

Also, seems like Rune of Protection is the new surespell, and Rune of Ice is a damage skill, not a buff.
Warlock’s Invocation limited to 5 spirits.

was it announced how long the test in Kr will last??

I wouldn’t start celebrating just yet. I still wouldn’t want to be tasked with the duty of trying to kill a Paladin with Restoration and Healing factor up sitting on grass.

Btw, Stone Skin is a Paladin skill now as well.

other than “kinda hard to kill” I don’t see much variety on clerics.

also, could it be that they are too hybrid? maybe 2 or 3 classes that get a more focused stat distribution would be good

What can we tell from this gameplay? I didn’t notice many of the new alche skills. If they did something to combustion, it’s not easy to notice with all the pyro skills going off.

Also, for those concerned about clerics feeling the same, it seems like the ‘offensive’ clerics are still much the same they were. Exorcist is still a dps caster. Zealot is still zealot, Inquisitor, Monk and Chaplain are very much focused DPS classes.

Furthermore, Oracle is the only cleric with Divine Might now, meaning lv 6 shops in towns will be somewhat more rare.

Looks like chinese mafia.

Yes, outlaw is based on Triad members or yakuza or other gangs.

@sabin most assassin-themed characters originate from the nizari group.

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Maybe ToS Assassin are besed on the Asasiyun?

Watching that alchemist gameplay again, seems like Combustion has a much larger AoE though it only hits once and still has a 30 sec cooldown.

Sprinkle SP and HP potion seem to be big fatty heals in an aoe around the caster. They have rather long cooldowns though for a healing ability.

I love the idea of the skill and with that said: I’m ok with the big CD on Alch’s heal.
He is not a cleric neither a healer so the focus shouldn’t be on heals…

Wait… I’m confused here. Is that really 1 second cooldown? and 20 second duration?


1 분 = 1 min


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wizard calss it dead i think lolz

Someone can test linker > thuama>enc
i won to know scot can use rod ?
becos i have wizard framer :frowning:

honestly, if that thrown SP pot can heal sp to party members, then it’ll be powerful in party play even with a 30 second CD.

Alchemist seems worth having as a serious part of a build with these changes. It’s the only wizard class that can replenish teammate’s resources, since Featherfoot is losing their ability to do this.

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why rod though? all scout base class now p.atk… so sword better ;p