Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v4.0

Please show me where I said that only crusaders have tabards? I’m not sure where you even got this.

I specifically said “crusader tabard” because by this point it’s a trope. I know plenty about the actual crusades and the various knight orders involved. Saying “demon horns” does not mean that only demons have horns. It is instead intended to evoke images of horns associated with demons.

The design is a staple of fantasy at this point. They’re not copying anything but drawing from a collective pool, as most fantasy does with paladins, goblins, etc. and the various iterations of their character designs. Even the colours are not copied, as it has become a trope. It’s a trope that even Diablo itself is drawing on.

huh Rangda and Barong makes me think this was what puppeteer was supposed to be :face_with_monocle:

wow crusader is awesome, think exo priest crusader would work? Spirit and Int but with so many heals might get the job done XD

Looks like one of the datamined Terramancer attribute icons went unused. Or at least, not shown in the preview.

My best guess is that it would have been something to make Terramancer skills cause petrification.


Scout is a support class itself, not the entire tree is support.

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6 heals or 6 damage skills that’s a lot and only 1 buff which decides your stance…I bet the SRF will be horrible.

Either way it depends on if they got OH or not and the CD.

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And people say IMC never listen to iToS players. Got to say i didn’t expect it to happen nor to be like this, don’t feel as fitting…


I’m just hoping the SFR on Crusader’s skills are good enough for solo play, questing or challenge modes. It has always been hard for full supports to solo to endgame, so if Crusader is a potent healer class with damage capabilities when needed, it’ll be a lot of fun to have Crusader as an option for full supports to have.

Crusader being a magic damage/healer class out of all possible Cleric classes though … :joy:

Don’t give them ideas, they might move FF to scout!

Jokes aside, Rangda really doesn’t look like a scout class. But I imagine it will be a good class, just not for all content. Holding chokepoints in gtw with the swamp skill, debuffing WB/Boruta, and removing enemy buffs in pvp seems pretty good.


I believe that Rangda was a cleric class that was put in a scout, the clothes are cleric style and the skills too


master yi + irelia = blossom blader
vayne + demon hunter = arbalest
Terramancer = gaara
Cruzade = this is original of knight of cruzades


People are forgetting the 3 big elephants in the Scout room when it comes down to people being mad confuse about Rangda being in the Scout category.

Imma leave what @4lkruzeth posted earlier and others will stop with this idea of Rangda being in the wrong tree and put it to bed.


Most of us accept Linker,Thaumaturge and Enchanter so why Randga would be any different???


I still think those three neither belongs to the scout tree. Still feels like wizards.


IMO you’re both right :smile: They genuinely are wizards (and I always felt like they were only moved out of the Wizard tree to balance out the class numbers), but since IMC decided to make the Scout classes a mix of rogues and support/utility magic users, Rangda works with that general theme.

EDIT: @Hillgarm Yeah, dunno wtf Squire is doing there. It’s such a weird choice xD


I’m fine with thaumaturge. The other two and squire, N O P E.


I’m quite interested on Crusader. May even remove Plague Doctor on my PVP build for it… Dunno… I like its mechanics.

I agree…but hey…here we are right lol?

I’m not saying it as nothing to do in the scout tree.

But, FeatherFoot for example, would benefit more from Rangda. Either on a thematic or skill level (all those wasted curse :’( ). And it’s also frustration because I love having thematic Character, and rangda would fit well around a curse based FF (which could also work with Bokor).

But Tbh, Linker will work well with it too, and I guess Rangda could also fit in the Cleric Tree.

What I hope for scout, is a sword user DPS, a kind of cossak for example would fit well (especially with something like outlaw or corsair).


Linker, Thauma and Enchanter are all buff classes that can be used with any other class or combination.

Rangda seems to be a gimmicky debuff class that doesn’t have much synergy with the other scout classes with the info revealed so far.

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In the end, it all comes down to IMC releasing the full details regarding Rangda skills. Who knows, it might work well with Linker just like the age old Linker-Featherfoot combo. Linker, Thaumaturge and Enchanter got the same impressions when it first came to the Scout class and the combination of IMC tweaking things and players playing around with the classes eventually made the fuss died down.

Once players get to try Rangda (controlling buffs and debuffs in PvP seems like a strong ability), I’m sure it’ll be fine.

honestly I want rangda to go to clerics buuuuuut
there is a slight but weak connection in thematics why Rangda is a scout

the weapon

Can’t imagine the class ever using maces, rods maybe, staves naah

Rangda the Leak (demon) queen is strongly suggested to have a Javanese influence a Javanese witch queen who wrought havoc. And as such Javanese and Balinese faith have a connection a DAGGER to be precise called a Kris, her origins go way back having a touch of Hindu but I won’t go there.

and there we have it a soul infused Kris Dagger and no other class tree save scouts quite focuses on the aforementioned weapon… still I want her to go to clerics because of the religion link but some scout variety is awesome too

In the Barong dance of Bali there is a segment in which the villain Rangda magically enchants Airlangga’s soldiers to commit suicide while another magician makes them invulnerable to sharp objects. In a trance state, the male dancers stab themselves in the chest with their own kris but remain unhurt.

then we have this wikipedia bit

im indo and I asked a friend from bali ;d

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