Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v4.0

Lel Sheriff, kinda close to Cowboy. Called it.

What the heck is Tiger Hunter and Arditi though.


Arditi = Italian Shock troopers
Tiger Hunter i would asume is a musket class while Matross is a cannon class

Is there a specific weapon used in Tiger Hunting?
I hope it’s a “no weapon restriction class” because the other seems like Cannon/Musk only user, Dagger only user and Pistol only user

Not really

It will probably use musket and/or bow and/or traps and/or mount

The korean name of Tiger Hunter, 산포, directly means “Mountain Gun”, which, according to Wikipedia, is a cannon-like weapon designed for mountain warfare.

So I guess Matross wields musket, and Tiger Hunter uses cannon.


Confirmed the leak myself.

When IMC deployed the KTEST patch to KLIVE today, they implemented a file to keep track of the jobs that had balance changes and skill/attribute reset items to provide them. All job names were listed out in this file… including the four new ones.


Now all i need is wait for the info about sheriff. :haha:

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But Hacka Rework, when???

Move Hacka to Scout
Squire to Swordman pls



The jobs that already had balance changes, the ones that they plan to make balance changes or both? I’m interested in that ideia, would be cool if we had an overall insight on their plans. :smirk:

But I like my mobile tank :sad:

The ones that had balance changes in my KTEST post, as this patch came to KLIVE today.


Centurion bros…


Well, at least we’re getting another italian class.


Tiger Hunter should be the Karstjägers/Gebirgsjägers
It sounds more exclusive and less confusing

im sorry for centurion, but do you really think they would implement any swordie, cleric or wiz class right now? The two trees lacking classes are archer and scout so…

EDIT: it would be nice if Matross were a hybrid cannon/musk class just like Corsair is dagger/pistol. We could build Musk - Cannoneer - Maltross :smiley: Some Maltros’s musket skills could even have a bonus while used in bazooka stance.

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Thanks! Nothing more? Maybe possible skills other than the ones @crevox already listed?


EXP tome was introduce in TP shop for ages, and this is nothing new
i dont think there is a set definition of P2W, some consider paying cash to skip certain content/progression p2w, other consider if it give certain advantages
i am all fine with this TP trancen thing, it help new player catch up and non paying player can still reach the same status by farming or investing time
especially when we have such small player base


Nice, Arditi is a new dagger class if it’s going to be historically accurate, so I can’t wait to see its moveset. I would be elated to main a class from my home country!

totally fine giving like more than 6 months of salus in one gear upgrade :tired: