Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v4.0

i myself believe the automatic stat increase, it will increase the theory crafting.
because mixing defensive and offensive classes in a build will result in mismatch status, one more thing for people to consider about the overall character,besides their overall skills, that by description would be the same for lower ranks and high ranks.
a extra flavor to consider, outside of gameplaystyle, and choice of skills.
and not what we have today, and had for most of the time, follow one set of same path, be with mostly con, or int if is pure pve, or SPR for supp, and so on.
also remember, we will still be able to use status given by quests, titles and so on.
depending of how the rework will function, those status can also have a significance boost in theory craft as well.


Interested on how much freedom we will have regarding class selection… :thinking:




I’m just taking the updates with a grain of salt, really. IMC isn’t the best at balancing things even now nor are they known to have enough personnel to fix things properly and fast enough, This change IMO is probably the most ambitious, if not one of the most ambitious things IMC is doing to the game. A part of me just thinks that at one point this will bring more problems than fixes and cause everything to snowball as usual (until a ToS 3.0 or something comes about etc to start afresh). I’ll be optimistic that IMC can solve it, but just that part of me that thinks otherwise and hopes IMC tread on carefully this time.

DP still got gutted either way (fulll DEX won’t be a thing anymore from what I’m reading), but I’m hoping for some possibilities to come about from this to make up for it.


waiting for netcode and performance overhaul…none of this matters when the foundation of the game is built on sand.


they have to deconstruct the game for changes that deep though, especially with netcode, some people were already asking for these kinda changes in beta lol

dont think they listened and kept building their jenga tower on a grain of sand
■■■■ will take ages and be expensive if they try…

Translation of the new dev blog.

[Re: Build] Overview

Hello, this is the Tree of Savior development team.

While we will provide more information on [Re: Build] soon, we would like to go over the most important changes, the rank system reform, with you.

This post is given prior to the exact specific details for the update, for everyone who loves Tree of Savior.

Limitations with the current rank system

Since the beginning of Tree of Savior, we wanted players to enjoy Tree of Savior by creating their own unique character built out of various classes, and have fun playing it through various different content.

In order to accomplish this, each choice for your class build needs to be meaningful and what it provides must be valuable to you.

The current [Vertical Rank Structure] causes the power of each skill (SFR) to be determined by the rank of the class. Because of this, lower ranked classes (subclasses) are fundamentally not capable of being competitive in performance to higher ranked classes. This means that lower ranked classes only have the choice of buffing/debuffing higher ranked classes, and several low ranked classes are not even capable of this and thus lose their usefulness regardless of the uniqueness/personality of the class.

As a result of this, only 23 different class builds currently demonstrate value through making multiple choices. The general build, outside of summon builds and some others, comprises of high rank classes 7-8+ and some low rank classes to support them.

Under these circumstances, having infinite class building is no longer an advantage to Tree of Savior. This is because it’s too easy to make class builds that are regretted except those specific 23.

As a result, [Rank Reset] becomes an inevitable choice to players. However, this only increased the speed at which all users chose powerful classes and these builds became the only builds played, and users did not get to play their desired class choice.

New Direction

The core of the restructure is to ensure that no matter which class you pick, you will not lose that classes’ unique personality and value. This is what occurs in the current system with lower ranked classes.

To this end, we want to eliminate choices that aren’t important within the current complex system of ranking, along with the uneven distribution of stats. The classification and placement of each class will be completely redesigned.

As a result, the new system will be simplified, more intuitive, and more convenient. The abandoned lower rank classes will be revived through this system, and more class builds with versatility and fun will appear.

Along with the restructure of the rank system, the main content of the overall game is a little lacking and more has been added and improved, so that users can have more fun playing these new builds.

Here is a summary.

  1. The existing rank system has been abolished and transformed into a new one, named "ex."
    -You can pick any class within your base class tree, regardless of its current rank.
    -There will be a new [Class Change] system to change your class choices more readily than existing rank resets, as an in game feature.
    -The new class level maximum is 45, allowing you to choose a total of 1 base class and 3 other classes within your base class tree. This creates the possibility for a large variety of combinations of classes. (For example, Swordsman has 560 different combinations)

  2. A new base class is being added, and this will alter some of the existing base classes as a result.
    -[Class Tree Changes] will be allowed for a limited time, allowing you to change your base class.

  3. Because the rank system is abolished, the power gap between low and high classes and their skill ranks will be removed, and all individual classes and their skills will be adjusted so they are all effective.
    -Magic attacks will be changed so that they can be a critical strike and they can be dodged or blocked.

  4. The attribute system is changed.
    -All attribute costs are being significantly reduced.
    -A new feature to extract attribute points from a character is being added.

  5. The stat system is being changed.
    -The stats you get from leveling up are being allocated automatically based on class choice, and the effects of each stat are being changed/adjusted.
    -Stat points you gain from quests, demons, or statues can still be invested however you like.

[Re: Build] is currently undergoing internal testing with the aim of updating in Mid-November.
More details will be posted through development team blogs soon.


Will we be able to mix class trees? o.o

Unlikely, that may be to allow players to switch between once some classes get redistributed (if thief branch does kick and Shinobi + Corsair got into it players that have it with other swordsman classes won’t get access to it). I wonder what will be of hidden classes now…


nah you can just pick what ever the hell subclass you want within that base class without requiring class levels
basically you can play as dragoon or reti as a level 16 swordman lol

just think of it as dunking all ranks down to rank 1

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not really, base class would be job lvl 45, then you can pick w/e if i understand it correctly

From what I could tell.

Base class for example is Swordsman, the “3 other classes” are Rank 2-3-4, but we are free to choose any of the existing classes.

So, it’s possible to be a Swordman then at " Rank 2 ", I can choose Murmillo, at “Rank 3”, Dragoon, and at “Rank 4” Shinobi.
( All existing C1-C3 skills are already included )
So four classes per toon.


This is correct. You will have your base class [Swordsman], but then once it’s time to choose a new class, you can pick any swordsman class. You will do this 2 more times for a total of 3 choices. An example build would be Wizard -> Onmyoji -> Sorcerer -> Necromancer.

There are no “circles”, and every class is going to be rebalanced. Every single skill will be updated, and some classes may even receive new skills.


There was no need to this.

No more rainbow builds?

I can see a lot of players getting pissed off by this

They could go with just raising SF of all lower ranks skills

THA hell, NO!

oh gosh. Goodbye to my build. No more transposing CON into crazy INT

It’s not even here yet and I already hate it xD


more rainbow builds
dont think you have to make anything C3
you can just have 15 C1’s in your build lol

scratch that didnt read hard enough yea rip rainbow
dont fully know wtf they are adding though so i would chill

It’s important to remember that these are only the basic details. A lot is going to change between all the classes, skills, and stats. This is, as they call it, a [Re: Build]. They have been working on it for quite some time and are trying to do what they think is best for the game.

We should try our best to be patient with them while they unveil the rest of the details and make final changes to everything before it hits the live servers. Our feedback is important, but let’s do our best to be constructive and result in an improved game for all of us.


yea this stat bullshit is terrible.

I get that change happens, I’m fully prepared for my builds to be destroyed by the movement of classes, I really don’t want Paladin Inquisitor or Monk Zealot to lose their healing ability by going into the Swordsman Tree. I can accept it though if it must happen though I really hope it doesn’t.

That said choosing my stats! I play a ■■■■■■■ Druid, what am I gonna get 60% INT 40% SPR? ■■■■ NO! I want HP, HP is the most important stat in PvP. INT is worthless, it’s just damage, of which the game is currently and always will be overloaded with. I don’t need to try to get good damage, I’ll always have it. So don’t force me to invest the tiny amount of durability this games actually allows into garbage damage.

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I hope you’re right.
Guess I need to enjoy my build while I can though. I will really miss my 1091 INT and 1 CON character

they probably want us to choose our stats through gear, healthier way of doing ■■■■ imo

dont know though, maybe some class choice provide nutty stat growths and get picked just for that over their actual skills


All those design breakdown threads.


Given the rework, my Cleric3-Priest2-Druid2-Zealot3 won’t be too different since it has 4 classes already. It might even get buffed since I have access to C3 skills from Priest and Druid-- if they won’t change the skills. So Awoo-Zealot is coming sooner than expected.

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