Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v4.0

What are kTos ppl changing their builds into from meta aa cleric (since the inqui attribute nerf)? I guess into Inqui c3, and adding Diev1 at least, leaving either chaplain or krivis behind…

I did not read about a rank reset (yet?), so it is impossible to change builds. Edit: just read something about possible reset items for 11 sep patch ktos live server.

ktos new announcement about market/warehouse limit in accordance to new star system

also this week’s ktos patch notes:

To hunt after the patch , the monster will drop silver will not be obtained .

There will be silver limits in inventory, teambank and spend-in-market. And no drop if you over it.
Limit Stages are based TeamLvL + HighestCharLvL + AccCreateDate + Revelations.
Old players should be like now.

Full/Better Translation please soon @greyhiem or @staff or others


I will keep it short, with images. I will call it ‘reputation levels’, but you may call it anything you wish. Just keep in mind you have to earn your reputation levels to remove silver limit.
If your silver exceeds the listed amounts, you cannot get more silver in any way, and mobs will stop dropping silvers.

Gain reputation levels (max 5):
+1 for team level ----> reach team level 10.
+1 for character level —> reach level 300.
+1 for account age —> reach over 30 days old.
+2 for account security verification —> use the NEXON User One Time Passport service through your linked social security number with your mobile phone (don’t think this is important for steam TOS)
+2 for finishing Revelation quests —> reach 8 completions of revelation quests.

Question & Answer
Question: What should I do if mobs stop dropping silver?
Option1: increase reputation levels
Option2: spend your silvers.

Question: where do I view my reputation level?

Question: how do I know which reputation achievements I have already completed?

Question: when will the daily market-transaction silver-limit reset?
Answer: 6 AM, every day.

Question: what is the market silver limit?
Answer: the market (transaction) silver limit includes: the silver you get from selling, and the silver you use when buying items. (Silver spending + Silver received = market silver limit)

Question: Nexon U-OTP verification??
(… I will leave this one out, don’t think it is important for steam server)

Please tell me if I got anything wrong, this was done quickly.


A very good explanation about another stupid IMC feature. I guess it´s another useless and non-working measure to prevent RMT. Thanks greyheim


Why don’t they just remove Token from the game? They already removed the difference in amount of instanced dungeon entries and the waiting time to learn attributes, so there’s just the team storage and restrictions on trading and use of market. They could use this system instead.
However, if they’re thinking that’s gonna stop RMT, they should’ve put stronger restrictions. Reputation lvl 2 is super easy to achieve and it’s pretty much enough for anyone’s needs.


Ktos August “Appeal to development team” event response from imc:

  1. In order to solve the problem of the swordsman classes whose performance is controlled by shinobi, the performance of each class itself is increased , synergy effect between swordsman classes other than shinobi is increased, and further considerable change is considered as necessary .
  2. pet buff / additional summon UI to see stats of summons
  3. scheduling to improve “no end-of-content” final content to TOS as soon as possible + new end game content/or new legend raid
  4. more game store for new/returning players + other stuffs for them
  5. possible quest reward change into giving attribute points, imc is thinking around this idea to see if its feasible
  6. additional inventory sort functions/simplifying UI, focusing on gem system to not overload inventory space and also gem abrasive drops on field

very rough google translations, someone might want to translate it properly as to have a more accurate one to see.

[edit] wrong link fixed


You linked to the wrong dev post. Here’s the actual one:

Thanks for the translation, though.

oops must have accidently deleted the 2 from =82. correct link fixed now

They will remove tokens from the game soon they slowly doing it.They don’t want to cut it off quick and so fast…lol.Kinda how you quit taking drugs,you can’t quit cold turkey just like that…it takes steps and time.

1 Like

Thx for the rough trans.

Can anyone properly translate this post?
I would like a more in-depth read of the pet/summoning portion.

In order with very bad translation :v

1.- Swordman overhaul so shinobi isnt a must have
2.- Kinda said already, but increase HP and def of summons, also a way to see the stats of summons, overall tweaks for summons
3.- ET will not share entrance with velcoffer, no new legend raid
4.- new and return savior “buffs” and normalization, also a special TP shop for those
5.- Quest rewards will improve
6.- Something with inventory space, increase weight??? dunno, translate too rough

The last part is something about a npc shop rework (scale of general GEMS??), and gem abrasive being a drop in fields…

All of that ETA Q4this year and Q1 next year…


I understand, @Mikumo already did a rough google trans of it. What I want is an actual good translation of the on pet/summon portion. Not a google translation. Google translations lose info/meaning.
Thx though.

If you go to the google translate you can roughly understand what the ideas are for the summons…

Mainly i rewrite it for the no new legend raid, only ET and velco runs separated…

So from my understanding, Bazooka mode was nerfed from 100% to just 50%.
Can someone confirm if it really no longer boost any skill damage?
Did they say anything about adding new skills or additional changes?
is my cannon truly dead?

Don’t get how it could solve the problem, we can still put Shinobi and get advantage of new sinergies at the same time :no_mouth:.


It’s only one level with 50%, then you have an attribute that increases it by extra 50% at c3.

Does it apply to basic attacks only or skills too?