Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v4.0

They will remove tokens from the game soon they slowly doing it.They don’t want to cut it off quick and so fast…lol.Kinda how you quit taking drugs,you can’t quit cold turkey just like that…it takes steps and time.

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Thx for the rough trans.

Can anyone properly translate this post?
I would like a more in-depth read of the pet/summoning portion.

In order with very bad translation :v

1.- Swordman overhaul so shinobi isnt a must have
2.- Kinda said already, but increase HP and def of summons, also a way to see the stats of summons, overall tweaks for summons
3.- ET will not share entrance with velcoffer, no new legend raid
4.- new and return savior “buffs” and normalization, also a special TP shop for those
5.- Quest rewards will improve
6.- Something with inventory space, increase weight??? dunno, translate too rough

The last part is something about a npc shop rework (scale of general GEMS??), and gem abrasive being a drop in fields…

All of that ETA Q4this year and Q1 next year…


I understand, @Mikumo already did a rough google trans of it. What I want is an actual good translation of the on pet/summon portion. Not a google translation. Google translations lose info/meaning.
Thx though.

If you go to the google translate you can roughly understand what the ideas are for the summons…

Mainly i rewrite it for the no new legend raid, only ET and velco runs separated…

So from my understanding, Bazooka mode was nerfed from 100% to just 50%.
Can someone confirm if it really no longer boost any skill damage?
Did they say anything about adding new skills or additional changes?
is my cannon truly dead?

Don’t get how it could solve the problem, we can still put Shinobi and get advantage of new sinergies at the same time :no_mouth:.


It’s only one level with 50%, then you have an attribute that increases it by extra 50% at c3.

Does it apply to basic attacks only or skills too?

You know now guys. Next time IMC says they’re gonna rework your class you have to be afraid, because a nerf is coming.

Through buffs, debuffs, attributes. Which Shinobi all ignores. So if you choose to summon your clones, you will get no synergy out of it.

Even so, I find all the restrictions imposed make building a character with Shinobi quite irritating when you thought of so many things but every single thing became “ah, that’s right, the clones will ignore it”. I wish they come up with new idea to revamp it, if not just completely do away with the idea of “clones copying attack”. It will solve so much headaches and there are still easily tons of concepts they can take out of ninjas.

The problem is actually in the case you do not want to use Shinobi, for whatever reason. They aim to have balanced build options as much as possible, so having Shinobi as a “too good to pass because your overall DPS will be lower” is pretty annoying. I myself hate Shinobi both in gameplay and thematics, so such thing is necessary to players that think like me.

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You will still get sinergy with your main body.

And so, the problem is Shinobi is a hidden class, so only one circle. People will have Shinobi + classes that have better sinergy between each other. If Shinobi was a circle 3, increasing sinergy between other classes could solve the problem. When it’s a one circle only, it’s not a problem to pick it.

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Judging from korean comments its 50% basic attack damage and 50% cannon attack damage, which is significantly worse than the current version which is +100% damage to everything, including non-cannon attacks.
Cannon change was undoubedtly a nerf


That’s right, cannon was not reworked but nerfed. Bazooka does not buff any other class-skill after patch. Just cannoneer skills (+half damage with attribute for cannon skills, and +half damage on basic attacks as a regular bazooka effect).

Compare - without bazooka broom trap damage:

With bazooka (no significant damage increase):


Someone knows if will exist a new unique set (380) ?

No news about it, and at least devs said that velco will be the end of gears (kinda doubt it will be the last end gear, but they said it…), also, i think that they are going to implement something to “upgrade” velco gear, but thats just me…

Welp, wugu cannon dead before it could even get off the ground. :sad:


Wat, really ?
More explanation please, feels like we’re close to an end content wise :thinking:

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In context it sounded more like that type of gear (ichor legendaries) will be the end game ones.

Not about being the definitive gear.

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