Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v4.0

I can see myself getting upset with vocals everytime I warp to Klaipeda and have to hear that “I can see it in your eyes~~~~” again and again.

Music looks fine, but vocals might be bad, honestly. But nice to see they doing it, bgm and art style are always amazing on this game


I don’t think a song with vocals fits into any game as a bgm… I mean if it is just humming or something like that without lyrics it can be cool… but listening to cringy lyrics that may not even fit to a place…is cringy XD

Well, imagine you playing Dark Souls till the end and instead of hearing the melancholic strings, flutes and choir from Sakuraba, you hear the high pitched lolis of Denpa songs.

However, I would say that this contrast actually remind me one characteristic of the artistic movement of Baroque, which the most common antithetic theme was life and death.

Maybe IMC created a new type of Baroque with happy/cute and death kek.

On the other hand, I don’t really find the song to be that unfitting by its lyrics, although they have a weak choice of words (like most pop songs nowadays) they seems to try to create an atmosphere of we are having pretty shitty days, but it is alright, we can make it.

I would even say that is what those village members would prefer to hear instead of something that would make them want to kill themselves.

The only thing that I think would be 100% better was to continue using Lithuanian lyrics. C’mon all songs had that and were wonderful until now, why change it?


OP Updated!

You can visit Rank 10 Discussion thread here.

Many thanks to @Pokart for heading that thread. :satisfaction:

(Also apologies for failing to update OP earlier.)

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Please post the other new BGMs. I need them.

Visit @tomgo32000’s channel


Damn, those new tracks are neat. I can’t even decide my favorite one, but it’s probably either Mayor Higher, End of World or Seven Cloudy Dive.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

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I feel like over reinforce would be underwhelming even if it gave +10, considering it costs 2k silver per minute on top of wasting time crafting enchant rounds. Meanwhile balance team be like “alright 83% uptime is bad, here’s 10 more seconds.”

Edit: added bad meme


I first heard Groove of the Sea in a video 3 years ago, before there were even any betas. Can’t believe it’s finally out.


What if Overreinforce will set a shop to buff your weapon to +6? :joy::joy:

maybe overreinforce is not that good in comparison with thaumaturge swell but it could be good for builds with sorcerer 1 or 2 since the damage for summons comes from your spr and weapon dmg

The material cost is irrelevant by the time you reach rank 10 even on a new account.

At least now it has 100% uptime.

2k silver per 60s? Not so bad but…

there was a million people crying rivers about pass/cat cost :haha:


I think because one it’s not supposed to replace the other, but accumulate lol

The 2 good things about overreinforce in comparison to swell lv 5:

  • It scales well with weapon lv and tier (much better values for velcoffer weapon)
  • No stat requirement, so you can afford some CON / DEX for AA as enchanter

Of course, just like Pass, I don’t really see the value of casting it in easy contents.

The meme was hyperbole as the two skills don’t directly compete with each other. This was not intended to be a direct comparision since I’m aware that you can have both. Swell was just used to showcase the (lack of)difference. There’s no real identity to the skill other than being able to buff other’s summons.

In endgame content, people would have around 8-12k attack, making the skill average a 4-6% attack boost. Why not add a shadowmancer to your party instead? The skill seems to work best in casual content where the boost would be more substantial but that would likely prefer a higher duration.

2k silver isn’t a lot and I wouldn’t mind if it had the effect to back it up but it’s current iteration leaves a lot to be desired. Can you imagine swell left arm lv5 with a 2k silver cost that lasts 1 minute? Because that’s literally what over-reinforce is with like 8x the sp cost. A dex based enchanter is going to be out of sp real fast. It does scales with higher lvl and rarity gear but I don’t see the boost going over 1k until the final level cap probably. Relatively, power levels would also increase so 1k then is not going to be the same as 1k now.

It’s not about the cost (sp+mats)
It’s not about the atk boost
It’s not about the duration
It’s about all of this combined on a c3 rank10 skill

If cost and duration stay the same, then attack needs a boost
If cost and atk stay the same, then duration needs a boost
If duration and atk stay the same, then cost needs a reduction

This skill is the epitome of buffs and what do we have? See meme

Either way, no point of complaining about a skill that isn’t released.

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Because the boost is way higher than you think, especially against high level bosses and with archer builds that have defense debuffs (like musk), that 500 attack might be 4-5% extra attack, but the effective damage it will provide will be over 10%.
Same thing for really weak players with low attack, estimating, the buff on a 5k attack players will deliver 15-20% extra damage for defense formula shenanigans.

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To me I also consider the balance of the class overall. Enchanter has some really good support skills already, in addition to being such a strong AAtker (not to mention its AA give +20% magic debuff). People are already willing to accept Thau3 into their party solely for Swell Arm without considering anything else. Imagine if overreinforce becomes significant as well.

I don’t see the boost going over 1k until the final level cap

The earliest that will happen is probably Lv 390 legend gear since current Lv 360 legend +16 to +21 give about 900+ boost.

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Ok, the skill is not good enough for a rank10 but it’s a supportive class, could better, i agree but it’s not that bad, on velcoffer one of my party i made a combo with 2 wizard supportive for a magic dps focus, the builds are Wiz2-Linker3-Thauma3-RC and Pyro3-Chrono3-Enchanter2 imagine a Thauma 3 with Enchanter 3 they are already a dream combo for a magic dps party with this new skills for more damage, i think it’s good. But… they could improve more too. ( Lithgning hands has a atributte that makes monster take 20% more magic damage for 10 seconds wit a 10% chance for auto attack ) xD !!