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KToS General Thread v4.0

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Question: Do the r10 maps have new BGM?

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I smell some lean, mean powercreep.

Working as intended! I kind of wish the new areas would kick our asses for a while, though. I liked how for a while story bosses were hard enough that many players had to party up.

Find it here
i don’t remember how many bgm currently

@Tankhime but popo weapon still better(?)

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higher base than 350 Primus/Masi
lower base than VC
higher base than Miki, but Miki are better color, so with enchants… Miki better

some look nice


There’s no new BGM yet.

Oh well, kinda expected, but the Shadowmancer c3 skills needs A LITTLE OF WORK


Hey, let’s give no hit limit Joint Penalty for the same base class that has Linker, NOTHING CAN GO WRONG

I’m more impressed that they didn’t reutilize the logic from MM+JP fix.

The skill would be amazing enough just by making bosses lose immunity to some debuffs,don’t need to be this broken.

Why haven’t the ktest players recorded a vid of Shadowmancer soloing Velcoffer yet?

It’s in ktest before hitting official servers for a reason. Highly likely they will nerf/fix the skill, calm down.

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The skill is multihit and the debuff applies as soon as a single hit registers, so it would boost its own damage, no?

Interesting …very

i wonder if anybody tried to spirit shock the shadow, on top of all that broken stuff.

looking at this video, I think to myself, “what’s the point in using a swordsman?”


From iTOS site dev post

NEW! [C3 Attribute] Yin Yang Harmony: Mediator
Temporarily increases your Dark and Holy property damage after using Yin Yang Harmony.

I cant play now but think you get the buff when you stop channeling the skill.


Yes, we can see that here

Seems like they are expecting the omn to have chrono3 or party with chrono3 for some reason. it has 40+ duration and the skills have 60 CD, 56 with Full Channel. with Pass it’s 31 CD, Enough for Full Channel of YinYang

Lol…I dunno but I am sure swordsman has their own purpose in other areas.

you’re just not supposed to have the buff 100% up all the time lol

The game has been broken for a long time from a similar skill, they just remade it ignoring all that happened in the past.

Actually, they’re also repeating some other bad practices with many classes,that’s more my main point here.