Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v3.0 LOL

I think the answer will probably be “no” for the first and “yes” for the last, but can BM’s AA hit multiple mobs? With aoe ratio, like enchanter hands? Or still only with fal3/linker and aoe ratio means ■■■■ for AA builds?

thank you!!


lol no int/spr 1 hand maces :smiley: rip

that dungeon change is really really great

Yeah… sad no more INT maces… all str/dex versions. We can get the random stat one though… have to pray for RNG.

Comparison of Enchanter lightning hands of Full Dex vs Full Int:

any news on potentially fixing the lightning aura bug? it even crits lmao

or is it gonna stay a physical attack

i still like solmiki set better ;/

New itos login BG


wow so fast :haha:

Wow, the girl in the skeleton-catsuit :jack_o_lantern:

They can’t released it on this 26 need more time to properly fixed and test so postpone to 02/11.

Most event end 02/11

ITOS probably postpone to next year at this rate.

when ktos has issues as well… feelsgoodman.

they clearly intend magical focused clerics to use rod this patch, 122 SPR scales with A LOT of cleric trees, along with the shield and the robe set you get yourself 303 SPR without investing a single point along with 114 INT

Now we wait till they release the Ktest update note to see what will change, buffs and nerfs…

Hmm they already changed practonium image

Oh new raid also drop practonium (it was there from beginning but without image).

ktest patch note

Holy ■■■■ those skill changed.


Sorry my english is not that good, new raid = new dg?

There is a new instance dungeon but they call it “Unique Raid”

it is a level 330 instance dungeon require 4 key per entry
no entry limit per day
you can find a key recipe from challenge mode boss cube (just ctrl+f then search challenge mode).

it is drop
all 350 recipe for new equipment need 2 practonium.

Ohhh, got it. Thanks for clarifying :slight_smile: